Equipment: Turbo trainers – An essential training tool

When the bad weather prevails or you are short of time, the turbo trainer is a likely option for most racing cylists wanting to maintain their fitness or work on a specific area of their racing arsenal.

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Once dreaded, the turbo trainer has evolved into a more dynamic and interesting method of training. Furthermore, turbo trainers are becoming more interactive and giving riders a more realistic approach to static training.

The Kurt Kinetic Rock & Roll and Road Machine models offer this realistic riding experience. The Road Machine is the perfect workout partner. Thanks to its power calibration system, the resistance increases with your speed to create a simulation like no other trainer. Whether you’re interval training or all day cruising, the Road Machine provides a natural and road like feel of realism.

Matt Cronshaw from Team Raleigh  — “Half way through my season, I broke my wrist and had to train on a static trainer, something I hate doing. The Kurt Kinetic Road Machine is different though, it gave a more realistic feel compared to other trainers I have used. It made the three hours a day more enjoyable and I was more motivated to train and I was able to go straight back into racing! Following my training on the Kurt
Kinetic trainer I achieved three podiums in my first three races back!”

Rock and Roll
The Kurt Kinetic Rock and Roll is a breakthrough in static training. The rock and roll takes training to a whole new level of realism with its natural side to side motion . During out of the saddle workouts this is even better with the ability to still give yourself a core workout from the rocking motion. Give your expectiations a work out and get on the most realistic trainer available anywhere.


Turbo trainers – An essential training tool

When the weather prevails or you are short of time, the turbo trainer is a likely option.

Once dreaded, the turbo trainer has evolved into a more dynamic and interesting method of training. Furthermore, turbo trainers are becoming more interactive and giving riders a more realistic approach to static training.

The Kurt Kinetic Rock & Roll and Road Machine models offer this realistic riding experience.

The Road Machine is the perfect workout partner. Thanks to its power calibration system, the resistance increases with your speed to create a simulation like no other trainer. Whether you’re interval training or all day cruising, the Road Machine provides a natural and road like feel of realism.


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Matt Cronshaw from Team Raleigh

“Half way through my season, I broke my wrist and had to train on a static trainer, something I hate doing. The kurt kinetic Road Machine is different tho, it gave a more realistic feel compared to other trainers I have used. It made the 3 hours a day more enjoyable and I was more motivated to train and I was able to go straight back into racing! Following my training on the Kurt

Kinetic trainer I achieved 3 podiums in my first 3 races back!”

Rock and Roll

Macintosh HD:Users:jcpullar:Desktop:untitled folder:Kinetic5.jpgThe Kurt Kinetic Rock and Roll is a breakthrough in static training. The rock and roll takes training to a whole new level of realism with its natural side to side motion . During out of the saddle workouts this is even better with the ability to still give yourself a core workout from the rocking motion. Give your expectiations a work out and get on the most realistic trainer available anywhere.

Macintosh HD:Users:jcpullar:Desktop:untitled folder:Kurt-Kinetic-Rock-and-Roll-1.jpg

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