Result: A3CRG Tour of the Lod Valley

Sebastian Ader leads a3crg to team win while Julia Shaw is first female

Sunday 2nd October 2011 ~ (P875)

1. Sebastian Ader    …a3crg/SIS    00:56:45
2. Gabriel Martinez    VC Meudon    00:57:07
3.  Jeremy Ponting    VC St Raphael/Waites Contracts/ Paul Hewitt Cycles    00:57:31
4. Simon Berogna    VC St Raphael/Waites Contracts/ Paul Hewitt Cycles    00:58:32
5. Paul Jones    Bournemouth Jubilee Wheelers    00:28:41
6. Patrick Brennan    …a3crg/SIS    01:00:37
7. Julia Shaw 01:01:46
8. Stuart Martingale    Sotonia CC    01:02:12
9. Darryl Barr    …a3crg/SIS    01:02:28
10. Adam Roud    CC Basingstoke    01:02:56
11. Martin Beale    VC St Raphael/Waites Contracts/ Paul Hewitt Cycles    01:04:02
12. John Glaysher    …a3crg/SIS    01:04:06
13.  Warren Peters    …a3crg/SIS    01:04:53
14. Trevor Hillman    …a3crg/SIS    01:05:10
15. Mike Marchant    Southdown Velo– Geared Bikes – Huntersprings Consultancy    01:06:02
16. Matthew Cheyney    …a3crg/SIS    01:07:48
17. Bryn Reeves    Horsham CC    01:08:20
18. Roderick MacFayden    Reading CC – MAR Services, Hale Partnership    01:08:52
19. Ray Sullivan    Redhill CC    01:09:50
20. Allan Miller    Caesarian Cycling Club    01:12:29
21. Alastair Mallett    Southdown Velo    01:17:02
22. Simon Craig-McFeely    …a3crg/SIS    01:18:32

1st Team
Sebastian Ader    00:56:45    02:59:50
Patrick Brennan    01:00:37
Darryl Barr    01:02:28

2nd Team
VC St Raphael/Waite Contracts/Paul Hewitt Cycles
Jeremy Ponting    57:31    03:00:05
Simon Berogna    58:32
Martin Beale    01:04:02

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