Results: Team Corley Cycles Circuit Races

Nick Baker and William Tew made it a double for Zappi CC in the circuit races at the Milton Keynes Bowl on Saturday

RST Cycle Clothing & Trigon Bikes


1 Nick Baker Zappi’s CC
2 Mark Baines Spirit RT
3 Chris Dredge Team Corley Cycles
4 Ben Chapman Team Corley Cycles
5 Peter Hargreaves Strada Sport
6 Aaron McCaffrey Virgin Active
7 Sam Price Team Synergy
8 Daniel Crawley PCH
9 Martin Ruepp York Cycleworks
10 Cameron Foster Zappi’s CC
11 Steve Hurrell Strada Sport
12 Paul Bird Virgin Active
13 Ed Watkiss iCycle
14 Jon Munns North Road CC
15 Cameron Smalley North Cotswold
16 Will Jenkins Spirit RT
17 Matt Ulla Team Troueller
18 Patrick Martin Wyndymilla
19 Adam Fisher PM
20 Gavin Spears Vivelo Bikes/Inverse RT
21 Simon Moss Spirit RT
22 Greg Payne Arbis LLB
23 Steven Goodman Twenty3C
24 Simon Henley Team Corley Cycles
25 Linz Barral Twenty3C
26 John Peters CC Luton
27 Sam Lawson Spirit RT
28 Niel Wass Anders
29 Mark Westrup Strada Sport
30 Jonathan Marchini Beeline RT
31 Wayne Maguire PCH

4th Cat:
1 William Tew Zappi’s CC
2 Peter Humphreys PM
3 Matthew Hicks Strada Sport
4 Preece Mark RAF
5 Lewis Grey Evesham Whrs
6 Steve Lovell iCycle
7 Nick Adkins Aylesbury CC
8 Dan Hazelwood iCycle
9 James Kingston-Rayes Team Synergy
10 Matthew Burton Rutland Velo
11 Leo Bonito iCycle
12 Simon Stockley Team MK
13 Jordon Mackie Team MK
14 Jared Warbridge Cambridge CC
15 Andrew Lowe Team MK
16 Jamie Hawthorn Club Corley Cycles
17 Wayne Buttrick Arbis LLP
18 Stuart Short iCycle
19 Aleck Hornshaw Club Corley Cycles
20 Tim Hiscocks Banbury Star
21 Graham Mackie Team MK
22 Ron Crighton Club Corley Cycles
23 Sam Tyland Team Synergy
24 Jered Allcock Banbury Star
25 Philip Curtis Cambridge Tri
26 Dave Anson Banbury Star
RST Cycle Clothing & Trigon Bikes

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