Photo Album: Women’s Cheshire Classic

Almost 200 photos of the popular Cheshire Classic which was not only over subscribed but was also won by a rider who has won World Track Cups, Paralympic Gold Medals and lots more; Sarah Storey.

RST Cycle Clothing & Trigon Bikes

Links: Report, Photos, Winners Report and Results | Adela Carter’s Rider Report

I have a Cheshire postcode so I had no excuses for not going to the first round of the Jo Bruton National Road Series for women which was being held in… Cheshire. The race, the Cheshire Classic, has been held for many years, longer than I have lived in the UK and for as long as I have remembered, has been held on the same testing course near Weaverham.

The BIG Album — 187 Photos from the race day

This year, the race has been promoted better than any women’s race I have known with the organising team using social media to connect with the teams and riders and that perhaps is one reason why the race was so successful in having a full field and turning riders away. Other organisers may complain about a lack of support for their races but they need to look no further than what the Cheshire Classic did to promote their event and ask themselves, could we have done more?

I don’t get to see a lot of Women’s racing, due to clashes in my event programme. My decisions on which races I go to are purely mercenary as this is my living and so I choose races not just on whether they are the best events, or most popular ones, but ones where those funding me have riders entered. So I was pleased that there was no clash with other events like Premier Calendar races and I could again visit the race.

In the car park were lots of new faces but equally, lots of faces I have got to know over the years; some from when they weren’t even teenagers and others who we can now class as very experienced riders! I have seen a lot of champions race the circuit and Sunday was no exception with Sarah Storey not a surprising winner with her track record in both British and World Class events.

With the race being held on a shortish circuit to be covered 10 times, opportunities for pictures were plentiful and hence why you will see almost 200 photos in the album. Just a shame the daffs on the side of the road were a little ropey!

… thought for the day. At the event, someone pointed out just how many of the girls (they’re all girls to me at my age!) were warming up on turbos or rollers. At a men’s race, you don’t see this anywhere near as much, certainly not for a road race, and it begs the question, why do girls warmup in the car park more than the men do?

 No chances …  Matrix Fitness/Prendas riders, Penny Rowson who has raced for many many years, and Hannah Walker, take no chances as they carry their bikes across the gravel car park to the road…

Next Race… the Rutland-Melton CiCLE Classic.


RST Cycle Clothing & Trigon Bikes

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