Result: Steve Jones Memorial

TLI Road Race, 20th May – Steve Fidler, Steve Hilton and Steve Horsey winners on the day

RST Cycle Clothing & Trigon Bikes


Sen Race
1st Steve Fidler Team Elite
2nd Paul Bethell Team Elite
3rd Darren Biggs Graham Weigh Racing
4th Adam Johnson Manx Viking Whs
5th Mike Garner BNECC
6th Sean Hughes Liverpool Century

1st Steve Hilton Warrington RC
2nd John Cosgrove Bioracer
3rd Paul Kirman Team Elite
4th Peter Price Liverpool Century
5th Ian Noons Stone Whs
6th Simon Bridge Manchester Whs

1st Steve Horsey Whitfield RT
2nd Mal Fraser Lusso
3rd Gordon Wallace Graham Weigh Racing
4th Phil Thomas Liverpool Mercury
5th Graham Weigh Graham Weigh Racing
6th Laura Wasley Manx Viking Whs

RST Cycle Clothing & Trigon Bikes

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