Results – North West Youth Tour


Stage by stage results for the North West Youth Tour for each of the Youth categories (that’s a lot of results people!)

RST Cycle Clothing & Trigon Bikes

Results – North West Youth Tour


1 Matthew Walls Velocity WD-40 2:56:50
2 Oliver Peckover Sherwood Pines Cycles SRAM RT 2:57:10
3 Sebastian Dickens Sports Traider Race Team 2:57:15
3 Robert Scott Pedalsport Cycling Club 2:57:15
5 Reece Wood Velocity WD-40 2:57:15
6 Thomas Pidcock Aire Valley Racing Team 2:57:16
7 Robert Gray Clifton CC 2:57:18
8 Daniel Tulett Specialized Racing 2:57:19
9 Marcus Burnett Sports Traider Race Team 2:57:20
10 Lewis Bulley Sports Traider Race Team 2:57:20
11 Etienne Georgi Giant Cycling Club – Halo Films 2:57:21
12 Matthew Draper Team RL360 Isle Of Man 2:57:22
13 Jamie Ridehalgh Kirklees Cycling Academy 2:57:23
14 Peter Kibble Sports Traider Race Team 2:57:25
15 Joshua Waters Sherwood Pines Cycles SRAM RT 2:57:27
16 Joseph Nally 2:57:27
17 Alex Littlewood RVO Racing 2:57:28
18 Timothy Jones Cycle Sport Pendle 2:57:30
19 Adam Hartley Velocity WD-40 2:57:30
20 David Barnes Sports Traider Race Team 2:57:30
21 Thomas Humphrey Kirklees Cycling Academy 2:57:31
22 Louis Killworth Welland Valley CC 2:57:34
23 William Turnbull Marton Race Team 2:57:34
24 Adam Hall Salt Ayre Cog Set 2:57:34
25 Cameron Orr Matlock CC 2:57:34
26 Georg Mew Jensen Lee Valley Youth Cycling Club 2:57:34
27 Jake Stewart Solihull CC 2:57:35
28 Louis Rose-Davies Hillingdon Slipstreamers 2:57:37
29 Tim James Bourne Whls CC 2:57:39
30 Calum Fernie Nottingham Clarion CC 2:57:42
31 Jake Beach Velocity WD-40 2:57:42
32 Cameron Biddle Solihull CC 2:57:45
33 Harry Hardcastle Kirklees Cycling Academy 2:57:48
34 Matthias Barnet Edinburgh RC 2:57:55
35 Joe Howard Marton Race Team 2:57:58
36 Ewan Grivell-Mellor Mid Shropshire Whls 2:58:08
37 Jake Dobson Newcastle Phoenix Cycling Club 2:58:13
38 Elliot Lassiter Cotswold Veldrijden 2:58:47
39 Chris Fallon Liverpool Mercury (Dolan) CC 2:59:22
40 Grant Martin Spokes Racing Team 2:59:33
41 Elliot Dudley Sherwood Pines Cycles SRAM RT 2:59:36
42 Dylan Thomas Palmer Park Velo RT 2:59:43
43 William Roberts County Cycles Racing Team 2:59:53
44 Robert Ward Bourne Whls CC 2:59:55
45 Brad Dransfield Kirklees Cycling Academy 3:00:46
46 Charlie Meredith Mid Devon CC 3:00:59
47 Patrick Merriman Liverpool Mercury (Dolan) CC 3:01:25
48 Michael Hall Furness Future Flyers 3:01:28
49 Patrick Manning Gt Yarmouth CC 3:01:36
50 Charlie Critchley High On Bikes 3:01:39
51 David Tudor Marsh Tracks Race Team 3:02:26
52 Matthew Cox Bristol Cycling Development Squad 3:02:30
53 Max Williamson Lincsquad (Quadrathlon Club) 3:02:37
54 Theo Hartley Bolton Hot Wheels CC 3:04:22
55 Ryan Coulton Mercury Performance Coaching RC 3:04:29
56 Elliot Redfern Bristol Cycling Development Squad 3:04:38
57 Will King East Bradford CC 3:04:56
58 William Lewis Wolverhampton Whls 3:05:12
59 James Farrington Eastlands Velo 3:05:32
60 Scott Pearce Bristol Cycling Development Squad 3:05:33
61 Danny Mulholland Johnstone Wheelers CC 3:05:41
62 Richie Allen Marton Race Team 3:06:12
63 Ethan Derrick Newport Olympic Cycling Club 3:08:36
64 Jordan Stanworth Bolton Hot Wheels CC 3:08:46
65 Charlie Cox Lichfield City CC 3:08:58
66 George Greenhalgh Sportcity Velo 3:10:18
67 Joseph Baldwin Salt Ayre Cog Set 3:10:39
68 Jonathan Wong Salt Ayre Cog Set 3:13:12
69 Joseph Armstrong Border City Wheelers CC 3:16:51
70 Brett Nethell NFTO Race Club
71 Bradley Steele Cyclesense
72 James Helsby Sportcity Velo
73 Morgan Hughes Marsh Tracks Race Team
74 Harry Yates Lichfield City CC
75 Thomas Clarke Red Rose Olympic CC
76 Tom Reid New Forest CC
77 Daniel Salcedo Southport CC
78 Sam Travis Kirklees Cycling Academy
1 Oliver Peckover Sherwood Pines Cycles SRAM RT 0:02:04
2 Robert Scott Pedalsport Cycling Club 0:02:06
3 Matthew Walls Velocity WD-40 0:02:06
4 Robert Gray Clifton CC 0:02:06
5 Sebastian Dickens Sports Traider Race Team 0:02:07
6 Reece Wood Velocity WD-40 0:02:07
7 Louis Killworth Welland Valley CC 0:02:10
8 Timothy Jones Cycle Sport Pendle 0:02:10
9 Etienne Georgi Giant Cycling Club – Halo Films 0:02:11
10 Marcus Burnett Sports Traider Race Team 0:02:11
11 Alex Littlewood RVO Racing 0:02:11
12 Elliot Dudley Sherwood Pines Cycles SRAM RT 0:02:11
13 Joshua Waters Sherwood Pines Cycles SRAM RT 0:02:11
14 Chris Fallon Liverpool Mercury (Dolan) CC 0:02:11
15 Grant Martin Spokes Racing Team 0:02:12
16 Harry Hardcastle Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:02:12
17 Theo Hartley Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:02:12
18 Thomas Pidcock Aire Valley Racing Team 0:02:12
19 Lewis Bulley Sports Traider Race Team 0:02:12
20 Adam Hall Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:02:12
21 Morgan Hughes Marsh Tracks Race Team 0:02:12
22 Matthew Draper Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:02:12
23 Peter Kibble Sports Traider Race Team 0:02:12
24 Matthew Cox Bristol Cycling Development Squad 0:02:13
25 Brad Dransfield Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:02:13
26 Joseph Nally 0:02:13
27 Harry Yates Lichfield City CC 0:02:13
28 Jamie Ridehalgh Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:02:14
29 Max Williamson Lincsquad (Quadrathlon Club) 0:02:14
30 William Turnbull Marton Race Team 0:02:14
31 Matthias Barnet Edinburgh RC 0:02:14
32 Brett Nethell NFTO Race Club 0:02:14
33 Charlie Cox Lichfield City CC 0:02:14
34 Dylan Thomas Palmer Park Velo RT 0:02:14
35 Patrick Merriman Liverpool Mercury (Dolan) CC 0:02:14
36 Richie Allen Marton Race Team 0:02:15
37 Louis Rose-Davies Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:02:15
38 Adam Hartley Velocity WD-40 0:02:15
39 Jake Dobson Newcastle Phoenix Cycling Club 0:02:15
40 Daniel Tulett Specialized Racing 0:02:15
41 James Farrington Eastlands Velo 0:02:15
42 Thomas Clarke Red Rose Olympic CC 0:02:16
43 Ryan Coulton Mercury Performance Coaching RC 0:02:16
44 Cameron Orr Matlock CC 0:02:16
45 Calum Fernie Nottingham Clarion CC 0:02:16
46 Jake Stewart Solihull CC 0:02:16
47 William Lewis Wolverhampton Whls 0:02:16
48 Charlie Meredith Mid Devon CC 0:02:16
49 Thomas Humphrey Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:02:16
50 Tim James Bourne Whls CC 0:02:16
51 Jordan Stanworth Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:02:17
52 Patrick Manning Gt Yarmouth CC 0:02:17
53 Elliot Lassiter Cotswold Veldrijden 0:02:17
54 Tom Reid New Forest CC 0:02:17
55 David Barnes Sports Traider Race Team 0:02:17
56 Georg Mew Jensen Lee Valley Youth Cycling Club 0:02:18
57 Jake Beach Velocity WD-40 0:02:18
58 William Roberts County Cycles Racing Team 0:02:18
59 Elliot Redfern Bristol Cycling Development Squad 0:02:19
60 Ethan Derrick Newport Olympic Cycling Club 0:02:19
61 Joe Howard Marton Race Team 0:02:19
62 David Tudor Marsh Tracks Race Team 0:02:19
63 Bradley Steele Cyclesense 0:02:19
64 Joseph Armstrong Border City Wheelers CC 0:02:19
65 George Greenhalgh Sportcity Velo 0:02:20
66 Danny Mulholland Johnstone Wheelers CC 0:02:20
67 Scott Pearce Bristol Cycling Development Squad 0:02:20
68 Robert Ward Bourne Whls CC 0:02:20
69 Cameron Biddle Solihull CC 0:02:20
70 Ewan Grivell-Mellor Mid Shropshire Whls 0:02:21
71 Will King East Bradford CC 0:02:21
72 Jonathan Wong Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:02:21
73 Joseph Baldwin Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:02:21
74 Daniel Salcedo Southport CC 0:02:22
75 Sam Travis Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:02:22
76 Michael Hall Furness Future Flyers 0:02:23
77 Charlie Critchley High On Bikes 0:02:25
78 James Helsby Sportcity Velo 0:02:28


1 Matthew Walls Velocity WD-40 0:45:07
2 William Turnbull Marton Race Team 0:45:10
3 Thomas Pidcock Aire Valley Racing Team 0:45:12
4 Daniel Tulett Specialized Racing 0:45:14
5 Jamie Ridehalgh Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:45:15
6 David Barnes Sports Traider Race Team 0:45:16
7 Chris Fallon Liverpool Mercury (Dolan) CC 0:45:17
8 Joseph Nally 0:45:17
9 Adam Hall Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:45:17
10 Etienne Georgi Giant Cycling Club – Halo Films 0:45:17
11 Oliver Peckover Sherwood Pines Cycles SRAM RT 0:45:17
12 Dylan Thomas Palmer Park Velo RT 0:45:17
13 Harry Hardcastle Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:45:17
14 Thomas Humphrey Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:45:17
15 Tim James Bourne Whls CC 0:45:17
16 Georg Mew Jensen Lee Valley Youth Cycling Club 0:45:17
17 Jake Beach Velocity WD-40 0:45:17
18 Adam Hartley Velocity WD-40 0:45:17
19 Reece Wood Velocity WD-40 0:45:17
20 Sebastian Dickens Sports Traider Race Team 0:45:17
21 Cameron Orr Matlock CC 0:45:17
22 Marcus Burnett Sports Traider Race Team 0:45:17
23 Elliot Dudley Sherwood Pines Cycles SRAM RT 0:45:17
24 Louis Rose-Davies Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:45:17
25 Lewis Bulley Sports Traider Race Team 0:45:17
26 Danny Mulholland Johnstone Wheelers CC 0:45:17
27 Jake Stewart Solihull CC 0:45:17
28 Cameron Biddle Solihull CC 0:45:17
29 Peter Kibble Sports Traider Race Team 0:45:17
30 Robert Gray Clifton CC 0:45:17
31 Ewan Grivell-Mellor Mid Shropshire Whls 0:45:17
32 Grant Martin Spokes Racing Team 0:45:17
33 Louis Killworth Welland Valley CC 0:45:17
34 Robert Ward Bourne Whls CC 0:45:17
35 Patrick Merriman Liverpool Mercury (Dolan) CC 0:45:17
36 Jake Dobson Newcastle Phoenix Cycling Club 0:45:17
37 Timothy Jones Cycle Sport Pendle 0:45:17
38 Joe Howard Marton Race Team 0:45:17
39 Charlie Critchley High On Bikes 0:45:17
40 Joshua Waters Sherwood Pines Cycles SRAM RT 0:45:17
41 Elliot Lassiter Cotswold Veldrijden 0:45:17
42 Michael Hall Furness Future Flyers 0:45:17
43 George Greenhalgh Sportcity Velo 0:45:17
44 David Tudor Marsh Tracks Race Team 0:45:17
45 Theo Hartley Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:45:17
46 Patrick Manning Gt Yarmouth CC 0:45:17
47 Joseph Baldwin Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:45:17
48 Alex Littlewood RVO Racing 0:45:17
49 Brett Nethell NFTO Race Club 0:45:30
50 William Lewis Wolverhampton Whls 0:45:30
51 Max Williamson Lincsquad (Quadrathlon Club) 0:45:30
52 Matthias Barnet Edinburgh RC 0:45:38
53 Matthew Cox Bristol Cycling Development Squad 0:46:23
54 Charlie Meredith Mid Devon CC 0:46:52
55 Will King East Bradford CC 0:46:52
56 James Farrington Eastlands Velo 0:47:27
57 Ethan Derrick Newport Olympic Cycling Club 0:47:27
58 Bradley Steele Cyclesense 0:47:27
59 Scott Pearce Bristol Cycling Development Squad 0:47:27
60 Ryan Coulton Mercury Performance Coaching RC 0:47:27
61 Robert Scott Pedalsport Cycling Club 0:45:17
62 Jordan Stanworth Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:47:27
63 Richie Allen Marton Race Team 0:47:30
64 Elliot Redfern Bristol Cycling Development Squad 0:47:30
65 Morgan Hughes Marsh Tracks Race Team 0:47:30
66 James Helsby Sportcity Velo 0:47:34
67 Jonathan Wong Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:48:07
68 Brad Dransfield Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:45:17
69 William Roberts County Cycles Racing Team 0:45:17
70 Matthew Draper Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:45:17
71 Charlie Cox Lichfield City CC 0:50:33
72 Calum Fernie Nottingham Clarion CC 0:45:17
73 Tom Reid New Forest CC 0:45:17
74 Joseph Armstrong Border City Wheelers CC 0:51:56
75 Daniel Salcedo Southport CC 0:52:14
DNF Sam Travis Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:54:14
DNF Harry Yates Lichfield City CC 0:54:14
DNF Thomas Clarke Red Rose Olympic CC 0:54:14
1 Matthew Walls Velocity WD-40 0:02:41
2 Oliver Peckover Sherwood Pines Cycles SRAM RT 0:02:43
3 Daniel Tulett Specialized Racing 0:02:44
4 Sebastian Dickens Sports Traider Race Team 0:02:45
5 Robert Gray Clifton CC 0:02:46
6 Robert Scott Pedalsport Cycling Club 0:02:46
7 Etienne Georgi Giant Cycling Club – Halo Films 0:02:47
8 Grant Martin Spokes Racing Team 0:02:48
9 Jamie Ridehalgh Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:02:49
10 Reece Wood Velocity WD-40 0:02:49
11 Marcus Burnett Sports Traider Race Team 0:02:49
12 Alex Littlewood RVO Racing 0:02:49
13 Lewis Bulley Sports Traider Race Team 0:02:50
14 Joshua Waters Sherwood Pines Cycles SRAM RT 0:02:50
15 Peter Kibble Sports Traider Race Team 0:02:50
16 Harry Hardcastle Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:02:50
17 Joseph Nally 0:02:51
18 Jake Dobson Newcastle Phoenix Cycling Club 0:02:51
19 Chris Fallon Liverpool Mercury (Dolan) CC 0:02:51
20 David Barnes Sports Traider Race Team 0:02:51
21 Elliot Dudley Sherwood Pines Cycles SRAM RT 0:02:52
22 Matthias Barnet Edinburgh RC 0:02:52
23 Adam Hartley Velocity WD-40 0:02:52
24 Matthew Draper Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:02:52
25 Thomas Humphrey Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:02:52
26 Theo Hartley Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:02:53
27 Matthew Cox Bristol Cycling Development Squad 0:02:53
28 William Turnbull Marton Race Team 0:02:53
29 Thomas Pidcock Aire Valley Racing Team 0:02:53
30 Morgan Hughes Marsh Tracks Race Team 0:02:53
31 Timothy Jones Cycle Sport Pendle 0:02:54
32 Elliot Redfern Bristol Cycling Development Squad 0:02:54
33 Cameron Orr Matlock CC 0:02:55
34 Brett Nethell NFTO Race Club 0:02:55
35 Georg Mew Jensen Lee Valley Youth Cycling Club 0:02:55
36 Calum Fernie Nottingham Clarion CC 0:02:55
37 James Farrington Eastlands Velo 0:02:55
38 Brad Dransfield Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:02:55
39 Ryan Coulton Mercury Performance Coaching RC 0:02:55
40 Patrick Merriman Liverpool Mercury (Dolan) CC 0:02:55
41 Jake Stewart Solihull CC 0:02:56
42 Louis Killworth Welland Valley CC 0:02:56
43 Jake Beach Velocity WD-40 0:02:56
44 Louis Rose-Davies Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:02:56
45 Adam Hall Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:02:56
46 Joseph Armstrong Border City Wheelers CC 0:02:56
47 Elliot Lassiter Cotswold Veldrijden 0:02:56
48 Patrick Manning Gt Yarmouth CC 0:02:56
49 Dylan Thomas Palmer Park Velo RT 0:02:56
50 Charlie Cox Lichfield City CC 0:02:57
51 Max Williamson Lincsquad (Quadrathlon Club) 0:02:57
52 Cameron Biddle Solihull CC 0:02:57
53 Joe Howard Marton Race Team 0:02:57
54 William Roberts County Cycles Racing Team 0:02:57
55 Danny Mulholland Johnstone Wheelers CC 0:02:58
56 George Greenhalgh Sportcity Velo 0:02:58
57 William Lewis Wolverhampton Whls 0:02:58
58 Charlie Meredith Mid Devon CC 0:02:58
59 Ethan Derrick Newport Olympic Cycling Club 0:02:58
60 Bradley Steele Cyclesense 0:02:59
61 Tim James Bourne Whls CC 0:03:00
62 Scott Pearce Bristol Cycling Development Squad 0:03:01
63 Will King East Bradford CC 0:03:02
64 Robert Ward Bourne Whls CC 0:03:02
65 Charlie Critchley High On Bikes 0:03:02
66 Jordan Stanworth Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:03:03
67 Ewan Grivell-Mellor Mid Shropshire Whls 0:03:03
68 David Tudor Marsh Tracks Race Team 0:03:04
69 Jonathan Wong Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:03:05
70 Richie Allen Marton Race Team 0:03:05
71 Michael Hall Furness Future Flyers 0:03:05
72 Joseph Baldwin Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:03:06
73 James Helsby Sportcity Velo 0:03:08
1 Matthew Walls Velocity WD-40 0:47:46
2 Harry Hardcastle Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:47:49
3 Lewis Bulley Sports Traider Race Team 0:47:51
4 Reece Wood Velocity WD-40 0:47:53
5 Thomas Pidcock Aire Valley Racing Team 0:47:54
6 Jamie Ridehalgh Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:47:55
7 Jake Stewart Solihull CC 0:47:56
8 Oliver Peckover Sherwood Pines Cycles SRAM RT 0:47:56
9 Daniel Tulett Specialized Racing 0:47:56
10 Georg Mew Jensen Lee Valley Youth Cycling Club 0:47:56
11 David Barnes Sports Traider Race Team 0:47:56
12 Marcus Burnett Sports Traider Race Team 0:47:56
13 Joseph Nally 0:47:56
14 Peter Kibble Sports Traider Race Team 0:47:56
15 Etienne Georgi Giant Cycling Club – Halo Films 0:47:56
16 Sebastian Dickens Sports Traider Race Team 0:47:56
17 Thomas Humphrey Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:47:56
18 Cameron Orr Matlock CC 0:47:56
19 Adam Hartley Velocity WD-40 0:47:56
20 Robert Scott Pedalsport Cycling Club 0:47:56
21 Tim James Bourne Whls CC 0:47:56
22 Adam Hall Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:47:59
23 Joshua Waters Sherwood Pines Cycles SRAM RT 0:47:59
24 Robert Gray Clifton CC 0:47:59
25 Timothy Jones Cycle Sport Pendle 0:47:59
26 Louis Rose-Davies Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:47:59
27 Matthew Draper Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:48:01
28 Matthias Barnet Edinburgh RC 0:48:01
29 Jake Beach Velocity WD-40 0:48:01
30 Cameron Biddle Solihull CC 0:48:01
31 Alex Littlewood RVO Racing 0:48:01
32 Louis Killworth Welland Valley CC 0:48:01
33 Calum Fernie Nottingham Clarion CC 0:48:04
34 William Turnbull Marton Race Team 0:48:07
35 Joe Howard Marton Race Team 0:48:15
36 Ewan Grivell-Mellor Mid Shropshire Whls 0:48:17
37 William Lewis Wolverhampton Whls 0:48:27
38 Jake Dobson Newcastle Phoenix Cycling Club 0:48:40
39 Elliot Lassiter Cotswold Veldrijden 0:49:07
40 Charlie Meredith Mid Devon CC 0:49:43
41 Chris Fallon Liverpool Mercury (Dolan) CC 0:49:53
42 Grant Martin Spokes Racing Team 0:50:06
43 Dylan Thomas Palmer Park Velo RT 0:50:06
44 Elliot Dudley Sherwood Pines Cycles SRAM RT 0:50:06
45 Robert Ward Bourne Whls CC 0:50:06
46 William Roberts County Cycles Racing Team 0:50:11
47 Brad Dransfield Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:51:11
48 Michael Hall Furness Future Flyers 0:51:33
49 Charlie Critchley High On Bikes 0:51:45
50 Patrick Merriman Liverpool Mercury (Dolan) CC 0:51:49
51 Matthew Cox Bristol Cycling Development Squad 0:51:51
52 Ethan Derrick Newport Olympic Cycling Club 0:51:51
53 Brett Nethell NFTO Race Club 0:51:51
54 Patrick Manning Gt Yarmouth CC 0:51:56
55 David Tudor Marsh Tracks Race Team 0:52:36
56 Ryan Coulton Mercury Performance Coaching RC 0:52:41
57 Elliot Redfern Bristol Cycling Development Squad 0:52:45
58 Max Williamson Lincsquad (Quadrathlon Club) 0:52:46
59 Will King East Bradford CC 0:53:31
60 Scott Pearce Bristol Cycling Development Squad 0:53:35
61 Jonathan Wong Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:53:38
62 Joseph Armstrong Border City Wheelers CC 0:53:39
63 George Greenhalgh Sportcity Velo 0:53:42
64 James Farrington Eastlands Velo 0:53:45
65 Joseph Baldwin Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:53:54
66 Bradley Steele Cyclesense 0:54:00
67 Charlie Cox Lichfield City CC 0:54:04
68 Richie Allen Marton Race Team 0:54:12
69 Theo Hartley Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:54:57
70 Danny Mulholland Johnstone Wheelers CC 0:55:56
71 Jordan Stanworth Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:56:49
72 James Helsby Sportcity Velo 1:00:35

1 Matthew Draper Team RL360 Isle Of Man 1:19:00
2 Theo Hartley Bolton Hot Wheels CC 1:19:03
3 Thomas Pidcock Aire Valley Racing Team 1:19:05
4 Marcus Burnett Sports Traider Race Team 1:19:07
5 Georg Mew Jensen Lee Valley Youth Cycling Club 1:19:08
6 Reece Wood Velocity WD-40 1:19:09
7 Daniel Tulett Specialized Racing 1:19:10
8 Oliver Peckover Sherwood Pines Cycles SRAM RT 1:19:10
9 Lewis Bulley Sports Traider Race Team 1:19:10
10 Jamie Ridehalgh Kirklees Cycling Academy 1:19:10
11 Adam Hall Salt Ayre Cog Set 1:19:10
12 Etienne Georgi Giant Cycling Club – Halo Films 1:19:10
13 Brad Dransfield Kirklees Cycling Academy 1:19:10
14 David Barnes Sports Traider Race Team 1:19:10
15 Jake Stewart Solihull CC 1:19:10
16 Joe Howard Marton Race Team 1:19:10
17 Louis Rose-Davies Hillingdon Slipstreamers 1:19:10
18 Sebastian Dickens Sports Traider Race Team 1:19:10
19 Robert Gray Clifton CC 1:19:10
20 Tim James Bourne Whls CC 1:19:10
21 Dylan Thomas Palmer Park Velo RT 1:19:10
22 Calum Fernie Nottingham Clarion CC 1:19:10
23 Joseph Nally 1:19:10
24 Thomas Humphrey Kirklees Cycling Academy 1:19:10
25 Adam Hartley Velocity WD-40 1:19:10
26 Jake Dobson Newcastle Phoenix Cycling Club 1:19:10
27 Matthew Walls Velocity WD-40 1:19:10
28 William Roberts County Cycles Racing Team 1:19:10
29 Chris Fallon Liverpool Mercury (Dolan) CC 1:19:10
30 Cameron Biddle Solihull CC 1:19:10
31 Max Williamson Lincsquad (Quadrathlon Club) 1:19:10
32 Joshua Waters Sherwood Pines Cycles SRAM RT 1:19:10
33 Elliot Dudley Sherwood Pines Cycles SRAM RT 1:19:10
34 Grant Martin Spokes Racing Team 1:19:10
35 Scott Pearce Bristol Cycling Development Squad 1:19:10
36 Michael Hall Furness Future Flyers 1:19:10
37 Cameron Orr Matlock CC 1:19:10
38 Patrick Manning Gt Yarmouth CC 1:19:10
39 Richie Allen Marton Race Team 1:19:10
40 Patrick Merriman Liverpool Mercury (Dolan) CC 1:19:10
41 Robert Scott Pedalsport Cycling Club 1:19:10
42 Jake Beach Velocity WD-40 1:19:10
43 Ewan Grivell-Mellor Mid Shropshire Whls 1:19:10
44 Robert Ward Bourne Whls CC 1:19:10
45 David Tudor Marsh Tracks Race Team 1:19:10
46 Charlie Critchley High On Bikes 1:19:10
47 Peter Kibble Sports Traider Race Team 1:19:10
48 Alex Littlewood RVO Racing 1:19:10
49 Elliot Lassiter Cotswold Veldrijden 1:19:10
50 Charlie Cox Lichfield City CC 1:19:10
51 James Farrington Eastlands Velo 1:19:10
52 Will King East Bradford CC 1:19:10
53 Timothy Jones Cycle Sport Pendle 1:19:10
54 Jordan Stanworth Bolton Hot Wheels CC 1:19:10
55 Louis Killworth Welland Valley CC 1:19:10
56 Matthias Barnet Edinburgh RC 1:19:10
57 Matthew Cox Bristol Cycling Development Squad 1:19:10
58 Charlie Meredith Mid Devon CC 1:19:10
59 Elliot Redfern Bristol Cycling Development Squad 1:19:10
60 Danny Mulholland Johnstone Wheelers CC 1:19:10
61 William Turnbull Marton Race Team 1:19:10
62 Ryan Coulton Mercury Performance Coaching RC 1:19:10
63 Ethan Derrick Newport Olympic Cycling Club 1:24:01
64 Harry Hardcastle Kirklees Cycling Academy 1:19:40
DNF George Greenhalgh Sportcity Velo 1:26:01
DNF Jonathan Wong Salt Ayre Cog Set 1:26:01
DNF William Lewis Wolverhampton Whls 1:26:01
DNF Joseph Baldwin Salt Ayre Cog Set 1:26:01
DNF Joseph Armstrong Border City Wheelers CC 1:26:01



1 Jessica Roberts RST Racing Team 2:28:17
2 Eleanor Dickinson RST Racing Team 2:28:19
3 Charlotte Broughton MG Decor 2:28:28
4 Rhona Callander Stirling Bike Club 2:28:41
5 Henrietta Colborne Beacon Wheelers 2:28:58
6 Rosa Martin Ribble Valley Juniors 2:28:58
7 Elizabeth Bennett Cardiff JIF 2:28:58
8 Ciara Doogan Errigal C.C. 2:28:59
9 Sophie Williams Cardiff JIF 2:29:02
10 Lowri Thomas M & D Cycles/Scimitar Sports 2:29:06
11 Megan Chard M & D Cycles/Scimitar Sports 2:29:09
12 Jenny Holl Stirling Bike Club 2:29:13
13 Sophie Capewell Lichfield City CC 2:29:15
14 Rebecca Raybould Poole Whls CC 2:29:18
15 Kirsty Boak Marton Race Team 2:29:18
16 Madeleine Gammons Bourne Whls CC 2:29:20
17 Monica Dew Sportcity Velo 2:29:25
18 Jayati Hine RST Racing Team 2:29:27
19 Phoebe Martin Lichfield City CC 2:29:30
20 Sophie Taylor M & D Cycles/Scimitar Sports 2:29:32
21 Louise Surridge VC Londres 2:29:35
22 Amy Smith VC Jubilee 2:29:36
23 Lauren Dolan Private Member 2:29:37
24 Emma Borthwick Edinburgh RC 2:29:37
25 Alice Law Wolverhampton Whls 2:29:41
26 Amy Garner Welland Valley CC 2:29:47
27 Sarah Bradford Johnstone Wheelers CC 2:29:48
28 Sophie Thackray Paul Milnes Cycles/Bradford Olympic RC 2:29:51
29 Connie Hudson Wolverhampton Whls 2:29:54
30 Harriet Mellor Hillingdon Slipstreamers 2:30:01
31 Amber King Discovery Junior Cycling Club 2:30:04
32 Samantha Verrill Marton Race Team 2:30:11
33 Hetty Niblett Mid Shropshire Wheelers 2:30:24
34 Jessica Willett Squadra Donne 2:30:27
35 Emily Wadsworth Beeline Bicycles RT 2:31:49
36 Rosie Walsh Southport CC 2:31:59
37 Emily Attfield 1st Chard Whls 2:32:06
38 Sophie Enever Tyneside Vagabonds CC 2:32:23
39 Elizabeth Denby Paul Milnes Cycles/Bradford Olympic RC 2:32:32
40 Joni Wildman Nottingham Clarion CC 2:33:20
41 Ruby Bond Bristol Cycling Development Squad 2:33:28
42 Jess Millar Johnstone Wheelers CC 2:34:25
43 Gwenno Hughes Marsh Tracks Race Team 2:35:41
44 Savannah Morgan Liverpool Century RC 2:35:51
45 Rebecca Simmons Wolverhampton Whls 2:36:52
46 Jasmine Gray Rutrainingtoday CC 2:37:24
47 Caitlin Shaw M & D Cycles/Scimitar Sports 2:37:36
48 Elain Davies Marsh Tracks Race Team 2:38:43
49 Isla Rush WyndyMilla – Reynolds 2:39:28
50 Tara Ferguson Team RL360 Isle Of Man 2:39:45
51 Emma Clarke Palmer Park Velo RT 2:40:10
52 Georgie Hopkins VC Londres 2:40:14
53 Eleanor Strathdee Edinburgh RC 2:42:59
54 Georgia Hilleard Wolverhampton Whls
55 Jessica Watts Marton Race Team
56 Lauren Murphy Team Milton Keynes
57 Lucy Lee Marsh Tracks Race Team
58 Alice Lodge Solihull CC
59 Katie Clements Solihull CC

1 Eleanor Dickinson RST Racing Team 0:02:17
2 Jessica Roberts RST Racing Team 0:02:17
3 Charlotte Broughton MG Decor 0:02:21
4 Henrietta Colborne Beacon Wheelers 0:02:22
5 Megan Chard M & D Cycles/Scimitar Sports 0:02:22
6 Rhona Callander Stirling Bike Club 0:02:23
7 Sarah Bradford Johnstone Wheelers CC 0:02:24
8 Amber King Discovery Junior Cycling Club 0:02:24
9 Hetty Niblett Mid Shropshire Wheelers 0:02:25
10 Sophie Williams Cardiff JIF 0:02:26
11 Rosa Martin Ribble Valley Juniors 0:02:26
12 Ciara Doogan Errigal C.C. 0:02:26
13 Elizabeth Bennett Cardiff JIF 0:02:27
14 Phoebe Martin Lichfield City CC 0:02:28
15 Sophie Capewell Lichfield City CC 0:02:28
16 Lauren Dolan Private Member 0:02:30
17 Monica Dew Sportcity Velo 0:02:30
18 Jenny Holl Stirling Bike Club 0:02:30
19 Tara Ferguson Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:02:30
20 Madeleine Gammons Bourne Whls CC 0:02:30
21 Amy Smith VC Jubilee 0:02:30
22 Lauren Murphy Team Milton Keynes 0:02:31
23 Rebecca Raybould Poole Whls CC 0:02:31
24 Lowri Thomas M & D Cycles/Scimitar Sports 0:02:31
25 Kirsty Boak Marton Race Team 0:02:32
26 Jayati Hine RST Racing Team 0:02:32
27 Emily Attfield 1st Chard Whls 0:02:32
28 Rosie Walsh Southport CC 0:02:32
29 Savannah Morgan Liverpool Century RC 0:02:33
30 Emily Wadsworth Beeline Bicycles RT 0:02:33
31 Ruby Bond Bristol Cycling Development Squad 0:02:33
32 Emma Borthwick Edinburgh RC 0:02:33
33 Alice Law Wolverhampton Whls 0:02:34
34 Amy Garner Welland Valley CC 0:02:34
35 Sophie Enever Tyneside Vagabonds CC 0:02:35
36 Louise Surridge VC Londres 0:02:35
37 Gwenno Hughes Marsh Tracks Race Team 0:02:35
38 Lucy Lee Marsh Tracks Race Team 0:02:36
39 Joni Wildman Nottingham Clarion CC 0:02:36
40 Jess Millar Johnstone Wheelers CC 0:02:36
41 Jessica Watts Marton Race Team 0:02:36
42 Harriet Mellor Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:02:37
43 Georgie Hopkins VC Londres 0:02:37
44 Samantha Verrill Marton Race Team 0:02:37
45 Sophie Thackray Paul Milnes Cycles/Bradford Olympic RC 0:02:37
46 Elizabeth Denby Paul Milnes Cycles/Bradford Olympic RC 0:02:38
47 Elain Davies Marsh Tracks Race Team 0:02:38
48 Alice Lodge Solihull CC 0:02:38
49 Georgia Hilleard Wolverhampton Whls 0:02:39
50 Caitlin Shaw M & D Cycles/Scimitar Sports 0:02:39
51 Connie Hudson Wolverhampton Whls 0:02:40
52 Isla Rush WyndyMilla – Reynolds 0:02:40
53 Emma Clarke Palmer Park Velo RT 0:02:41
54 Rebecca Simmons Wolverhampton Whls 0:02:41
55 Sophie Taylor M & D Cycles/Scimitar Sports 0:02:41
56 Jessica Willett Squadra Donne 0:02:41
57 Eleanor Strathdee Edinburgh RC 0:02:45
58 Jasmine Gray Rutrainingtoday CC 0:02:46
59 Katie Clements Solihull CC 0:02:50


1 Charlotte Broughton MG Decor 0:40:15
2 Jessica Roberts RST Racing Team 0:40:18
3 Eleanor Dickinson RST Racing Team 0:40:20
4 Rhona Callander Stirling Bike Club 0:40:22
5 Sophie Williams Cardiff JIF 0:40:23
6 Henrietta Colborne Beacon Wheelers 0:40:24
7 Elizabeth Bennett Cardiff JIF 0:40:25
8 Emily Wadsworth Beeline Bicycles RT 0:40:25
9 Lowri Thomas M & D Cycles/Scimitar Sports 0:40:25
10 Rebecca Raybould Poole Whls CC 0:40:25
11 Jayati Hine RST Racing Team 0:40:25
12 Alice Law Wolverhampton Whls 0:40:25
13 Harriet Mellor Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:40:25
14 Jenny Holl Stirling Bike Club 0:40:25
15 Megan Chard M & D Cycles/Scimitar Sports 0:40:25
16 Rosa Martin Ribble Valley Juniors 0:40:25
17 Sophie Taylor M & D Cycles/Scimitar Sports 0:40:25
18 Kirsty Boak Marton Race Team 0:40:25
19 Jessica Willett Squadra Donne 0:40:25
20 Louise Surridge VC Londres 0:40:25
21 Sophie Thackray Paul Milnes Cycles/Bradford Olympic RC 0:40:25
22 Madeleine Gammons Bourne Whls CC 0:40:25
23 Monica Dew Sportcity Velo 0:40:25
24 Sophie Capewell Lichfield City CC 0:40:31
25 Savannah Morgan Liverpool Century RC 0:40:31
26 Emily Attfield 1st Chard Whls 0:40:31
27 Lauren Dolan Private Member 0:40:31
28 Lauren Murphy Team Milton Keynes 0:40:31
29 Amy Smith VC Jubilee 0:40:31
30 Isla Rush WyndyMilla – Reynolds 0:40:31
31 Sarah Bradford Johnstone Wheelers CC 0:40:31
32 Emma Borthwick Edinburgh RC 0:40:31
33 Rosie Walsh Southport CC 0:40:31
34 Joni Wildman Nottingham Clarion CC 0:40:33
35 Phoebe Martin Lichfield City CC 0:40:39
36 Connie Hudson Wolverhampton Whls 0:40:39
37 Tara Ferguson Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:40:39
38 Rebecca Simmons Wolverhampton Whls 0:40:39
39 Hetty Niblett Mid Shropshire Wheelers 0:40:39
40 Amy Garner Welland Valley CC 0:40:42
41 Ruby Bond Bristol Cycling Development Squad 0:40:42
42 Sophie Enever Tyneside Vagabonds CC 0:40:44
43 Amber King Discovery Junior Cycling Club 0:40:50
44 Jess Millar Johnstone Wheelers CC 0:40:52
45 Ciara Doogan Errigal C.C. 0:40:25
46 Elizabeth Denby Paul Milnes Cycles/Bradford Olympic RC 0:40:52
47 Elain Davies Marsh Tracks Race Team 0:40:52
48 Jessica Watts Marton Race Team 0:41:01
49 Emma Clarke Palmer Park Velo RT 0:41:02
50 Caitlin Shaw M & D Cycles/Scimitar Sports 0:41:02
51 Samantha Verrill Marton Race Team 0:40:31
52 Gwenno Hughes Marsh Tracks Race Team 0:42:49
53 Jasmine Gray Rutrainingtoday CC 0:42:49
54 Alice Lodge Solihull CC 0:43:54
55 Eleanor Strathdee Edinburgh RC 0:45:53
DNF Georgie Hopkins VC Londres 0:47:53
DNF Lucy Lee Marsh Tracks Race Team 0:47:53
DNF Katie Clements Solihull CC 0:47:53
DNF Georgia Hilleard Wolverhampton Whls 0:47:53
1 Jessica Roberts RST Racing Team 0:02:56
2 Eleanor Dickinson RST Racing Team 0:03:01
3 Charlotte Broughton MG Decor 0:03:02
4 Rhona Callander Stirling Bike Club 0:03:02
5 Ciara Doogan Errigal C.C. 0:03:04
6 Rebecca Raybould Poole Whls CC 0:03:09
7 Rosa Martin Ribble Valley Juniors 0:03:10
8 Megan Chard M & D Cycles/Scimitar Sports 0:03:10
9 Sarah Bradford Johnstone Wheelers CC 0:03:10
10 Sophie Capewell Lichfield City CC 0:03:11
11 Henrietta Colborne Beacon Wheelers 0:03:11
12 Sophie Williams Cardiff JIF 0:03:12
13 Lowri Thomas M & D Cycles/Scimitar Sports 0:03:12
14 Madeleine Gammons Bourne Whls CC 0:03:12
15 Elizabeth Bennett Cardiff JIF 0:03:12
16 Amber King Discovery Junior Cycling Club 0:03:13
17 Lauren Dolan Private Member 0:03:13
18 Emily Attfield 1st Chard Whls 0:03:13
19 Phoebe Martin Lichfield City CC 0:03:13
20 Jenny Holl Stirling Bike Club 0:03:14
21 Amy Garner Welland Valley CC 0:03:15
22 Hetty Niblett Mid Shropshire Wheelers 0:03:15
23 Emily Wadsworth Beeline Bicycles RT 0:03:15
24 Tara Ferguson Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:03:16
25 Ruby Bond Bristol Cycling Development Squad 0:03:16
26 Kirsty Boak Marton Race Team 0:03:17
27 Monica Dew Sportcity Velo 0:03:17
28 Jayati Hine RST Racing Team 0:03:17
29 Georgia Hilleard Wolverhampton Whls 0:03:19
30 Alice Law Wolverhampton Whls 0:03:19
31 Connie Hudson Wolverhampton Whls 0:03:19
32 Louise Surridge VC Londres 0:03:19
33 Amy Smith VC Jubilee 0:03:19
34 Rosie Walsh Southport CC 0:03:20
35 Emma Borthwick Edinburgh RC 0:03:20
36 Sophie Taylor M & D Cycles/Scimitar Sports 0:03:22
37 Joni Wildman Nottingham Clarion CC 0:03:22
38 Sophie Thackray Paul Milnes Cycles/Bradford Olympic RC 0:03:22
39 Jess Millar Johnstone Wheelers CC 0:03:22
40 Savannah Morgan Liverpool Century RC 0:03:23
41 Georgie Hopkins VC Londres 0:03:24
42 Samantha Verrill Marton Race Team 0:03:24
43 Elain Davies Marsh Tracks Race Team 0:03:24
44 Harriet Mellor Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:03:24
45 Jessica Willett Squadra Donne 0:03:24
46 Emma Clarke Palmer Park Velo RT 0:03:24
47 Rebecca Simmons Wolverhampton Whls 0:03:24
48 Elizabeth Denby Paul Milnes Cycles/Bradford Olympic RC 0:03:25
49 Gwenno Hughes Marsh Tracks Race Team 0:03:25
50 Jasmine Gray Rutrainingtoday CC 0:03:26
51 Jessica Watts Marton Race Team 0:03:27
52 Sophie Enever Tyneside Vagabonds CC 0:03:29
53 Isla Rush WyndyMilla – Reynolds 0:03:29
54 Caitlin Shaw M & D Cycles/Scimitar Sports 0:03:30
55 Eleanor Strathdee Edinburgh RC 0:03:36

1 Eleanor Dickinson RST Racing Team 0:37:15
2 Jessica Roberts RST Racing Team 0:37:18
3 Charlotte Broughton MG Decor 0:37:20
4 Rhona Callander Stirling Bike Club 0:37:22
5 Elizabeth Bennett Cardiff JIF 0:37:23
6 Rosa Martin Ribble Valley Juniors 0:37:24
7 Lowri Thomas M & D Cycles/Scimitar Sports 0:37:25
8 Sophie Williams Cardiff JIF 0:37:28
9 Henrietta Colborne Beacon Wheelers 0:37:28
10 Emily Attfield 1st Chard Whls 0:37:31
11 Jenny Holl Stirling Bike Club 0:37:31
12 Ciara Doogan Errigal C.C. 0:37:31
13 Amber King Discovery Junior Cycling Club 0:37:31
14 Kirsty Boak Marton Race Team 0:37:31
15 Sophie Taylor M & D Cycles/Scimitar Sports 0:37:31
16 Phoebe Martin Lichfield City CC 0:37:37
17 Megan Chard M & D Cycles/Scimitar Sports 0:37:39
18 Madeleine Gammons Bourne Whls CC 0:37:40
19 Harriet Mellor Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:37:40
20 Jayati Hine RST Racing Team 0:37:40
21 Emma Borthwick Edinburgh RC 0:37:40
22 Rebecca Raybould Poole Whls CC 0:37:40
23 Monica Dew Sportcity Velo 0:37:40
24 Hetty Niblett Mid Shropshire Wheelers 0:37:42
25 Sophie Capewell Lichfield City CC 0:37:42
26 Louise Surridge VC Londres 0:37:43
27 Amy Garner Welland Valley CC 0:37:43
28 Amy Smith VC Jubilee 0:37:43
29 Connie Hudson Wolverhampton Whls 0:37:43
30 Samantha Verrill Marton Race Team 0:37:43
31 Alice Law Wolverhampton Whls 0:37:50
32 Lauren Dolan Private Member 0:37:50
33 Rebecca Simmons Wolverhampton Whls 0:37:50
34 Sophie Thackray Paul Milnes Cycles/Bradford Olympic RC 0:37:54
35 Sarah Bradford Johnstone Wheelers CC 0:38:10
36 Jessica Willett Squadra Donne 0:38:24
37 Sophie Enever Tyneside Vagabonds CC 0:39:22
38 Emily Wadsworth Beeline Bicycles RT 0:40:03
39 Rosie Walsh Southport CC 0:40:03
40 Elizabeth Denby Paul Milnes Cycles/Bradford Olympic RC 0:40:04
41 Georgie Hopkins VC Londres 0:40:34
42 Tara Ferguson Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:41:02
43 Jess Millar Johnstone Wheelers CC 0:41:15
44 Ruby Bond Bristol Cycling Development Squad 0:41:15
45 Joni Wildman Nottingham Clarion CC 0:41:16
46 Gwenno Hughes Marsh Tracks Race Team 0:41:19
47 Georgia Hilleard Wolverhampton Whls 0:42:22
48 Jessica Watts Marton Race Team 0:42:33
49 Emma Clarke Palmer Park Velo RT 0:42:45
50 Jasmine Gray Rutrainingtoday CC 0:42:50
51 Eleanor Strathdee Edinburgh RC 0:43:13
52 Savannah Morgan Liverpool Century RC 0:43:51
53 Elain Davies Marsh Tracks Race Team 0:44:14
54 Caitlin Shaw M & D Cycles/Scimitar Sports 0:44:52
DNF Isla Rush WyndyMilla – Reynolds 0:46:52
1 Sophie Capewell Lichfield City CC 1:05:23
2 Eleanor Dickinson RST Racing Team 1:05:26
3 Jessica Roberts RST Racing Team 1:05:28
4 Charlotte Broughton MG Decor 1:05:30
5 Elizabeth Bennett Cardiff JIF 1:05:31
6 Rhona Callander Stirling Bike Club 1:05:32
7 Henrietta Colborne Beacon Wheelers 1:05:33
8 Lowri Thomas M & D Cycles/Scimitar Sports 1:05:33
9 Sophie Williams Cardiff JIF 1:05:33
10 Rosa Martin Ribble Valley Juniors 1:05:33
11 Megan Chard M & D Cycles/Scimitar Sports 1:05:33
12 Kirsty Boak Marton Race Team 1:05:33
13 Emily Wadsworth Beeline Bicycles RT 1:05:33
14 Louise Surridge VC Londres 1:05:33
15 Sophie Thackray Paul Milnes Cycles/Bradford Olympic RC 1:05:33
16 Sophie Taylor M & D Cycles/Scimitar Sports 1:05:33
17 Jayati Hine RST Racing Team 1:05:33
18 Madeleine Gammons Bourne Whls CC 1:05:33
19 Alice Law Wolverhampton Whls 1:05:33
20 Connie Hudson Wolverhampton Whls 1:05:33
21 Elizabeth Denby Paul Milnes Cycles/Bradford Olympic RC 1:05:33
22 Sarah Bradford Johnstone Wheelers CC 1:05:33
23 Ciara Doogan Errigal C.C. 1:05:33
24 Emma Borthwick Edinburgh RC 1:05:33
25 Rebecca Raybould Poole Whls CC 1:05:33
26 Ruby Bond Bristol Cycling Development Squad 1:05:42
27 Georgie Hopkins VC Londres 1:05:46
28 Harriet Mellor Hillingdon Slipstreamers 1:05:55
29 Samantha Verrill Marton Race Team 1:05:56
30 Isla Rush WyndyMilla – Reynolds 1:05:56
31 Amber King Discovery Junior Cycling Club 1:06:06
32 Sophie Enever Tyneside Vagabonds CC 1:06:13
33 Joni Wildman Nottingham Clarion CC 1:05:33
34 Jess Millar Johnstone Wheelers CC 1:06:20
35 Hetty Niblett Mid Shropshire Wheelers 1:06:23
36 Amy Garner Welland Valley CC 1:05:33
37 Rosie Walsh Southport CC 1:05:33
38 Lauren Dolan Private Member 1:05:33
39 Gwenno Hughes Marsh Tracks Race Team 1:05:33
40 Eleanor Strathdee Edinburgh RC 1:07:32
41 Elain Davies Marsh Tracks Race Team 1:07:35
42 Monica Dew Sportcity Velo 1:05:33
43 Savannah Morgan Liverpool Century RC 1:05:33
44 Jenny Holl Stirling Bike Club 1:05:33
45 Phoebe Martin Lichfield City CC 1:05:33
46 Caitlin Shaw M & D Cycles/Scimitar Sports 1:05:33
47 Jasmine Gray Rutrainingtoday CC 1:05:33
48 Amy Smith VC Jubilee 1:05:33
49 Emily Attfield 1st Chard Whls 1:08:19
50 Emma Clarke Palmer Park Velo RT 1:10:18
51 Jessica Willett Squadra Donne 1:05:33
DNF Tara Ferguson Team RL360 Isle Of Man 1:12:18
DNF Rebecca Simmons Wolverhampton Whls 1:12:18



1 Matthew Burke Newport Olympic Cycling Club 2:18:31
2 Alistair Leivers Blackpool Youth Cycle Association 2:18:39
3 Matthew Shaw Solihull CC 2:18:45
4 William Draper Team Royal London 360 Isle Of Man 2:18:49
5 Lewis Askey Lichfield City CC 2:18:56
6 Alex Ridehalgh Kirklees Cycling Academy 2:18:57
7 Jack Ford Wakefield Junior Triathlon Club 2:18:57
8 Ben Healy Halesowen A & CC 2:18:58
9 Nathan Hawthorn Cycle Sport Pendle 2:18:59
10 Jim Brown Holmfirth Cycling Club 2:18:59
11 Daniel Gibson Liverpool Century RC 2:19:00
12 Euan Cameron East Bradford CC 2:19:01
13 Sean Flynn Edinburgh RC 2:19:03
14 Craig Rogers Birkenhead North End CC 2:19:04
15 Oscar Mingay Cardiff JIF 2:19:05
16 Tom Dussek Nottingham Clarion CC 2:19:05
17 Alfred George Discovery Junior Cycling Club 2:19:07
18 Jack Cruden Glasgow Riderz 2:19:09
19 Aaron Preston Cleveland Wheelers CC 2:19:13
20 Matthew Lewis Wolverhampton Whls 2:19:14
21 William Manfield-Yorke Wolverhampton Whls 2:19:18
22 Adam Kelly Team RL360 Isle Of Man 2:19:19
23 Patrick J. Doogan Errigal C.C. 2:19:22
23 Cory Edmondson Cycle Sport Pendle 2:19:22
25 Lewis Hartley Velocity WD-40 2:19:22
26 Dylan Westley Albarosa Cycling Club 2:19:23
27 Halley Woods Eastlands Velo 2:19:30
28 Owain Roberts Towy Riders 2:19:37
29 Struan Pryde Deeside Thistle CC 2:19:44
30 Cavan Walker Clifton CC 2:20:24
31 Callum Bulley Lee Valley Youth Cycling Club 2:20:44
32 Max Cheatle VC Londres 2:21:05
33 Matthew Ellis Sherwood Pines Cycles SRAM RT 2:21:20
34 Ieuan Woods Charlotteville CC 2:22:57
35 Jacob Knight Solihull CC 2:22:59
36 Max Walker Team RL360 Isle Of Man 2:23:10
37 Oliver Snodden Sherwood Pines Cycles SRAM RT 2:23:25
38 Matthew Running Glasgow Riderz 2:23:25
39 Jack Barton Furness Future Flyers 2:23:47
40 Kieran Morris Mid Shropshire Wheelers 2:23:55
41 Mason Hollyman Kirklees Cycling Academy 2:24:01
42 Harrison Knight Solihull CC 2:24:07
43 Benjamin Barlow Salt Ayre Cog Set 2:24:11
44 Zach Bridges Cardiff JIF 2:24:28
45 Dom Whitfield Eastlands Velo 2:24:40
46 James Alexander Solihull CC 2:25:09
47 Simon Bird Lee Valley Youth Cycling Club 2:25:29
48 Adam Scarffe Team RL360 Isle Of Man 2:25:31
49 Tosh Teare Team RL360 Isle Of Man 2:26:11
50 Benjamin Lewis Marsh Tracks Race Team 2:26:22
51 Toby Barnes Lichfield City CC 2:26:37
52 Kareem Akinnibi VC Londres 2:27:08
53 Angus Hawkins Palmer Park Velo RT 2:27:21
54 Thomas Gloag VC Londres 2:27:38
55 George Sloan VC Jubilee 2:27:56
56 Joe Wilson Stockton Wheelers CC 2:30:03
57 Twm Bryn Marsh Tracks Race Team 2:30:03
58 Thomas Zygo Team Milton Keynes 2:30:52
59 Alexander Stewart Weaver Valley CC 2:33:15
60 Ben Tulett Hargroves Cycles RT-Specialized-Trant-Next-Elliott’s 2:33:20
61 Jonathon Hilbourne Glasgow Riderz 2:36:59
62 William Duggins Lichfield City CC 2:38:11
63 Luke O’Connell East Bradford CC 2:41:19
64 Thomas Clarke Palmer Park Velo RT 2:43:39
65 Solomon Kerfoot-Robson Marsh Tracks Race Team
66 Owen Williams Lee Valley Youth Cycling Club
67 Benjamin Moody Achieve-Skinnergate Racing
68 Dennis Murphy O’Leary Stone Kanturk
69 Tom Dore O’Leary Stone Kanturk
70 Max Szeles Derby Mercury RC
71 Will Ryan O’Leary Stone Kanturk
72 Archie Ryan O’Leary Stone Kanturk
1 Matthew Burke Newport Olympic Cycling Club 0:02:14
2 Lewis Askey Lichfield City CC 0:02:17
3 Alistair Leivers Blackpool Youth Cycle Association 0:02:17
4 Solomon Kerfoot-Robson Marsh Tracks Race Team 0:02:17
5 Zach Bridges Cardiff JIF 0:02:18
6 Sean Flynn Edinburgh RC 0:02:18
7 Halley Woods Eastlands Velo 0:02:18
8 Daniel Gibson Liverpool Century RC 0:02:18
9 Benjamin Moody Achieve-Skinnergate Racing 0:02:18
10 Matthew Shaw Solihull CC 0:02:18
11 Jack Ford Wakefield Junior Triathlon Club 0:02:19
12 Oscar Mingay Cardiff JIF 0:02:19
13 Alex Ridehalgh Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:02:20
14 Nathan Hawthorn Cycle Sport Pendle 0:02:20
15 William Draper Team Royal London 360 Isle Of Man 0:02:20
16 Ben Healy Halesowen A & CC 0:02:20
17 Jack Barton Furness Future Flyers 0:02:21
18 Euan Cameron East Bradford CC 0:02:21
19 Max Cheatle VC Londres 0:02:21
20 Craig Rogers Birkenhead North End CC 0:02:21
21 Callum Bulley Lee Valley Youth Cycling Club 0:02:22
22 William Manfield-Yorke Wolverhampton Whls 0:02:22
23 Tom Dussek Nottingham Clarion CC 0:02:23
24 Alfred George Discovery Junior Cycling Club 0:02:23
25 Jack Cruden Glasgow Riderz 0:02:23
26 Toby Barnes Lichfield City CC 0:02:24
27 Cavan Walker Clifton CC 0:02:24
28 Aaron Preston Cleveland Wheelers CC 0:02:24
29 Dom Whitfield Eastlands Velo 0:02:24
30 Simon Bird Lee Valley Youth Cycling Club 0:02:24
31 Kieran Morris Mid Shropshire Wheelers 0:02:24
32 Matthew Ellis Sherwood Pines Cycles SRAM RT 0:02:25
33 Jim Brown Holmfirth Cycling Club 0:02:25
34 Benjamin Barlow Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:02:26
35 Ieuan Woods Charlotteville CC 0:02:26
36 Struan Pryde Deeside Thistle CC 0:02:26
37 Matthew Lewis Wolverhampton Whls 0:02:27
38 Jonathon Hilbourne Glasgow Riderz 0:02:28
39 Patrick J. Doogan Errigal C.C. 0:02:28
40 Adam Kelly Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:02:28
41 Ben Tulett Hargroves Cycles RT-Specialized-Trant-Next-Elliott’s 0:02:29
42 Jacob Knight Solihull CC 0:02:29
43 Cory Edmondson Cycle Sport Pendle 0:02:29
44 Lewis Hartley Velocity WD-40 0:02:29
45 Max Walker Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:02:30
46 George Sloan VC Jubilee 0:02:30
47 Tosh Teare Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:02:31
48 Joe Wilson Stockton Wheelers CC 0:02:31
49 Harrison Knight Solihull CC 0:02:32
50 Benjamin Lewis Marsh Tracks Race Team 0:02:32
51 Dennis Murphy O’Leary Stone Kanturk 0:02:32
52 Oliver Snodden Sherwood Pines Cycles SRAM RT 0:02:32
53 Dylan Westley Albarosa Cycling Club 0:02:33
54 Owain Roberts Towy Riders 0:02:35
55 Thomas Gloag VC Londres 0:02:35
56 Mason Hollyman Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:02:35
57 Will Ryan O’Leary Stone Kanturk 0:02:35
58 Max Szeles Derby Mercury RC 0:02:36
59 Adam Scarffe Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:02:36
60 Kareem Akinnibi VC Londres 0:02:37
61 Angus Hawkins Palmer Park Velo RT 0:02:37
62 Twm Bryn Marsh Tracks Race Team 0:02:37
63 Alexander Stewart Weaver Valley CC 0:02:37
64 Luke O’Connell East Bradford CC 0:02:37
65 Tom Dore O’Leary Stone Kanturk 0:02:38
66 Thomas Zygo Team Milton Keynes 0:02:38
67 James Alexander Solihull CC 0:02:38
68 Owen Williams Lee Valley Youth Cycling Club 0:02:41
69 William Duggins Lichfield City CC 0:02:42
70 Matthew Running Glasgow Riderz 0:02:44
71 Archie Ryan O’Leary Stone Kanturk 0:02:44
72 Thomas Clarke Palmer Park Velo RT 0:02:45

1 Alistair Leivers Blackpool Youth Cycle Association 0:37:21
2 Matthew Burke Newport Olympic Cycling Club 0:37:24
3 William Draper Team Royal London 360 Isle Of Man 0:37:26
4 Jack Ford Wakefield Junior Triathlon Club 0:37:28
5 Benjamin Moody Achieve-Skinnergate Racing 0:37:29
6 Jim Brown Holmfirth Cycling Club 0:37:30
7 Matthew Shaw Solihull CC 0:37:31
8 Alex Ridehalgh Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:37:31
9 Euan Cameron East Bradford CC 0:37:31
10 Lewis Askey Lichfield City CC 0:37:31
11 Tom Dussek Nottingham Clarion CC 0:37:31
12 Nathan Hawthorn Cycle Sport Pendle 0:37:31
13 Jack Barton Furness Future Flyers 0:37:31
14 Matthew Lewis Wolverhampton Whls 0:37:31
15 Adam Kelly Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:37:31
16 Dylan Westley Albarosa Cycling Club 0:37:31
17 Ben Healy Halesowen A & CC 0:37:31
18 Harrison Knight Solihull CC 0:37:31
19 Lewis Hartley Velocity WD-40 0:37:31
20 Craig Rogers Birkenhead North End CC 0:37:31
21 Solomon Kerfoot-Robson Marsh Tracks Race Team 0:37:31
22 Jack Cruden Glasgow Riderz 0:37:31
23 Daniel Gibson Liverpool Century RC 0:37:31
24 Sean Flynn Edinburgh RC 0:37:36
25 Oscar Mingay Cardiff JIF 0:37:36
26 Alfred George Discovery Junior Cycling Club 0:37:36
27 Kieran Morris Mid Shropshire Wheelers 0:37:36
28 Cavan Walker Clifton CC 0:37:36
29 Patrick J. Doogan Errigal C.C. 0:37:36
30 Owain Roberts Towy Riders 0:37:36
31 Cory Edmondson Cycle Sport Pendle 0:37:36
32 William Manfield-Yorke Wolverhampton Whls 0:37:36
33 Callum Bulley Lee Valley Youth Cycling Club 0:37:36
34 Mason Hollyman Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:37:36
35 Aaron Preston Cleveland Wheelers CC 0:37:31
36 Max Cheatle VC Londres 0:38:01
37 Zach Bridges Cardiff JIF 0:38:01
38 Struan Pryde Deeside Thistle CC 0:38:01
39 Halley Woods Eastlands Velo 0:38:08
40 Dom Whitfield Eastlands Velo 0:39:36
41 Toby Barnes Lichfield City CC 0:39:36
42 Twm Bryn Marsh Tracks Race Team 0:39:36
43 Ieuan Woods Charlotteville CC 0:39:36
44 Simon Bird Lee Valley Youth Cycling Club 0:39:36
45 Oliver Snodden Sherwood Pines Cycles SRAM RT 0:39:36
46 James Alexander Solihull CC 0:39:36
47 Jacob Knight Solihull CC 0:39:36
48 Benjamin Lewis Marsh Tracks Race Team 0:39:36
49 Kareem Akinnibi VC Londres 0:39:36
50 Matthew Running Glasgow Riderz 0:39:36
51 Matthew Ellis Sherwood Pines Cycles SRAM RT 0:39:36
52 Thomas Gloag VC Londres 0:39:36
53 Owen Williams Lee Valley Youth Cycling Club 0:39:36
54 Max Walker Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:39:39
55 Tom Dore O’Leary Stone Kanturk 0:39:44
56 Angus Hawkins Palmer Park Velo RT 0:40:49
57 Benjamin Barlow Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:40:52
58 George Sloan VC Jubilee 0:41:08
59 Adam Scarffe Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:41:46
60 Joe Wilson Stockton Wheelers CC 0:42:06
61 Tosh Teare Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:42:36
62 Archie Ryan O’Leary Stone Kanturk 0:42:47
63 Will Ryan O’Leary Stone Kanturk 0:42:47
64 Thomas Zygo Team Milton Keynes 0:44:32
65 Dennis Murphy O’Leary Stone Kanturk 0:45:04
66 Alexander Stewart Weaver Valley CC 0:46:21
67 Thomas Clarke Palmer Park Velo RT 0:48:43
68 William Duggins Lichfield City CC 0:49:20
69 Ben Tulett Hargroves Cycles RT-Specialized-Trant-Next-Elliott’s 0:51:30
DNF Luke O’Connell East Bradford CC 0:53:30
DNF Max Szeles Derby Mercury RC 0:53:30
DNF Jonathon Hilbourne Glasgow Riderz 0:53:30
1 Matthew Burke Newport Olympic Cycling Club 0:02:55
2 Halley Woods Eastlands Velo 0:02:56
3 Alistair Leivers Blackpool Youth Cycle Association 0:03:00
4 William Draper Team Royal London 360 Isle Of Man 0:03:00
5 Nathan Hawthorn Cycle Sport Pendle 0:03:00
6 Alfred George Discovery Junior Cycling Club 0:03:00
7 Alex Ridehalgh Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:03:00
8 Ben Healy Halesowen A & CC 0:03:00
9 Benjamin Moody Achieve-Skinnergate Racing 0:03:01
10 Sean Flynn Edinburgh RC 0:03:01
11 Lewis Askey Lichfield City CC 0:03:01
12 Oscar Mingay Cardiff JIF 0:03:02
13 Zach Bridges Cardiff JIF 0:03:02
14 Jack Ford Wakefield Junior Triathlon Club 0:03:02
15 Daniel Gibson Liverpool Century RC 0:03:03
16 Tom Dussek Nottingham Clarion CC 0:03:03
17 Matthew Shaw Solihull CC 0:03:03
18 Euan Cameron East Bradford CC 0:03:04
19 Craig Rogers Birkenhead North End CC 0:03:04
20 Jack Barton Furness Future Flyers 0:03:06
21 Jim Brown Holmfirth Cycling Club 0:03:06
22 Solomon Kerfoot-Robson Marsh Tracks Race Team 0:03:06
23 Callum Bulley Lee Valley Youth Cycling Club 0:03:06
24 Jack Cruden Glasgow Riderz 0:03:07
25 Max Cheatle VC Londres 0:03:07
26 Cavan Walker Clifton CC 0:03:08
27 Toby Barnes Lichfield City CC 0:03:08
28 Cory Edmondson Cycle Sport Pendle 0:03:09
29 Struan Pryde Deeside Thistle CC 0:03:09
30 Patrick J. Doogan Errigal C.C. 0:03:10
31 Kieran Morris Mid Shropshire Wheelers 0:03:10
32 Matthew Lewis Wolverhampton Whls 0:03:10
33 Aaron Preston Cleveland Wheelers CC 0:03:10
34 Simon Bird Lee Valley Youth Cycling Club 0:03:11
35 Matthew Ellis Sherwood Pines Cycles SRAM RT 0:03:11
36 Dylan Westley Albarosa Cycling Club 0:03:11
37 Dom Whitfield Eastlands Velo 0:03:12
38 Adam Kelly Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:03:12
39 William Manfield-Yorke Wolverhampton Whls 0:03:12
40 Benjamin Barlow Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:03:13
41 Ben Tulett Hargroves Cycles RT-Specialized-Trant-Next-Elliott’s 0:03:13
42 Lewis Hartley Velocity WD-40 0:03:14
43 Jacob Knight Solihull CC 0:03:14
44 Harrison Knight Solihull CC 0:03:15
45 Ieuan Woods Charlotteville CC 0:03:15
46 Mason Hollyman Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:03:18
47 Owain Roberts Towy Riders 0:03:18
48 Oliver Snodden Sherwood Pines Cycles SRAM RT 0:03:19
49 Tom Dore O’Leary Stone Kanturk 0:03:19
50 Max Walker Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:03:21
51 Dennis Murphy O’Leary Stone Kanturk 0:03:22
52 Benjamin Lewis Marsh Tracks Race Team 0:03:23
53 Alexander Stewart Weaver Valley CC 0:03:24
54 Tosh Teare Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:03:24
55 Thomas Zygo Team Milton Keynes 0:03:24
56 Thomas Gloag VC Londres 0:03:24
57 James Alexander Solihull CC 0:03:24
58 Max Szeles Derby Mercury RC 0:03:25
59 Jonathon Hilbourne Glasgow Riderz 0:03:25
60 Angus Hawkins Palmer Park Velo RT 0:03:25
61 Luke O’Connell East Bradford CC 0:03:25
62 George Sloan VC Jubilee 0:03:26
63 Joe Wilson Stockton Wheelers CC 0:03:26
64 Matthew Running Glasgow Riderz 0:03:29
65 Adam Scarffe Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:03:29
66 Owen Williams Lee Valley Youth Cycling Club 0:03:30
67 Archie Ryan O’Leary Stone Kanturk 0:03:31
68 Twm Bryn Marsh Tracks Race Team 0:03:31
69 Will Ryan O’Leary Stone Kanturk 0:03:34
70 William Duggins Lichfield City CC 0:03:37
71 Kareem Akinnibi VC Londres 0:03:43
72 Thomas Clarke Palmer Park Velo RT 0:03:43

1 Matthew Shaw Solihull CC 0:33:47
2 Alistair Leivers Blackpool Youth Cycle Association 0:33:50
3 William Draper Team Royal London 360 Isle Of Man 0:33:52
4 Jim Brown Holmfirth Cycling Club 0:33:54
5 Alex Ridehalgh Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:33:55
6 Ben Healy Halesowen A & CC 0:33:56
7 Euan Cameron East Bradford CC 0:33:57
8 Lewis Askey Lichfield City CC 0:33:57
9 Patrick J. Doogan Errigal C.C. 0:33:57
10 Jack Barton Furness Future Flyers 0:33:57
11 Matthew Burke Newport Olympic Cycling Club 0:33:57
12 Jack Ford Wakefield Junior Triathlon Club 0:33:57
13 Lewis Hartley Velocity WD-40 0:33:57
14 Matthew Lewis Wolverhampton Whls 0:33:57
15 Jack Cruden Glasgow Riderz 0:33:57
16 Adam Kelly Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:33:57
17 Ben Tulett Hargroves Cycles RT-Specialized-Trant-Next-Elliott’s 0:33:57
18 Tom Dussek Nottingham Clarion CC 0:33:57
19 Aaron Preston Cleveland Wheelers CC 0:33:57
20 Cory Edmondson Cycle Sport Pendle 0:33:57
21 Sean Flynn Edinburgh RC 0:33:57
22 Oscar Mingay Cardiff JIF 0:33:57
23 Halley Woods Eastlands Velo 0:33:57
24 Alfred George Discovery Junior Cycling Club 0:33:57
25 Nathan Hawthorn Cycle Sport Pendle 0:33:57
26 Craig Rogers Birkenhead North End CC 0:33:57
27 Matthew Ellis Sherwood Pines Cycles SRAM RT 0:33:57
28 Daniel Gibson Liverpool Century RC 0:33:57
29 Harrison Knight Solihull CC 0:33:57
30 Owain Roberts Towy Riders 0:33:57
31 Dylan Westley Albarosa Cycling Club 0:33:57
32 William Manfield-Yorke Wolverhampton Whls 0:33:57
33 Struan Pryde Deeside Thistle CC 0:33:57
34 Zach Bridges Cardiff JIF 0:34:15
35 Toby Barnes Lichfield City CC 0:34:37
36 Cavan Walker Clifton CC 0:35:05
37 Max Cheatle VC Londres 0:35:25
38 Jonathon Hilbourne Glasgow Riderz 0:35:25
39 Matthew Running Glasgow Riderz 0:35:25
40 Callum Bulley Lee Valley Youth Cycling Club 0:35:29
41 Benjamin Barlow Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:35:29
42 Max Walker Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:35:29
43 Ieuan Woods Charlotteville CC 0:35:29
44 Jacob Knight Solihull CC 0:35:29
45 Adam Scarffe Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:35:29
46 Tosh Teare Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:35:29
47 Oliver Snodden Sherwood Pines Cycles SRAM RT 0:35:47
48 Dom Whitfield Eastlands Velo 0:37:17
49 James Alexander Solihull CC 0:37:20
50 Twm Bryn Marsh Tracks Race Team 0:37:27
51 Simon Bird Lee Valley Youth Cycling Club 0:38:07
52 Thomas Zygo Team Milton Keynes 0:38:07
53 Angus Hawkins Palmer Park Velo RT 0:38:19
54 Mason Hollyman Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:38:21
55 Alexander Stewart Weaver Valley CC 0:38:31
56 Kieran Morris Mid Shropshire Wheelers 0:38:34
57 Benjamin Lewis Marsh Tracks Race Team 0:38:40
58 George Sloan VC Jubilee 0:38:41
59 Kareem Akinnibi VC Londres 0:39:01
60 Luke O’Connell East Bradford CC 0:39:36
61 Joe Wilson Stockton Wheelers CC 0:39:49
62 Thomas Gloag VC Londres 0:39:52
63 William Duggins Lichfield City CC 0:40:21
64 Owen Williams Lee Valley Youth Cycling Club 0:40:23
65 Thomas Clarke Palmer Park Velo RT 0:43:36
DNF Solomon Kerfoot-Robson Marsh Tracks Race Team 0:45:36
1 Matthew Burke Newport Olympic Cycling Club 1:02:01
2 Jim Brown Holmfirth Cycling Club 1:02:04
3 Matthew Shaw Solihull CC 1:02:06
4 Euan Cameron East Bradford CC 1:02:08
5 Matthew Lewis Wolverhampton Whls 1:02:09
6 Lewis Askey Lichfield City CC 1:02:10
7 Jack Cruden Glasgow Riderz 1:02:11
8 Aaron Preston Cleveland Wheelers CC 1:02:11
9 Oscar Mingay Cardiff JIF 1:02:11
10 Alex Ridehalgh Kirklees Cycling Academy 1:02:11
11 Kieran Morris Mid Shropshire Wheelers 1:02:11
12 William Draper Team Royal London 360 Isle Of Man 1:02:11
13 Adam Kelly Team RL360 Isle Of Man 1:02:11
14 Nathan Hawthorn Cycle Sport Pendle 1:02:11
15 Oliver Snodden Sherwood Pines Cycles SRAM RT 1:02:11
16 Patrick J. Doogan Errigal C.C. 1:02:11
17 Lewis Hartley Velocity WD-40 1:02:11
18 Alistair Leivers Blackpool Youth Cycle Association 1:02:11
19 William Manfield-Yorke Wolverhampton Whls 1:02:11
20 Cory Edmondson Cycle Sport Pendle 1:02:11
21 Jack Ford Wakefield Junior Triathlon Club 1:02:11
22 James Alexander Solihull CC 1:02:11
23 Luke O’Connell East Bradford CC 1:02:11
24 Kareem Akinnibi VC Londres 1:02:11
25 Ben Tulett Hargroves Cycles RT-Specialized-Trant-Next-Elliott’s 1:02:11
26 Ben Healy Halesowen A & CC 1:02:11
27 Max Walker Team RL360 Isle Of Man 1:02:11
28 Max Cheatle VC Londres 1:02:11
29 Callum Bulley Lee Valley Youth Cycling Club 1:02:11
30 Matthew Ellis Sherwood Pines Cycles SRAM RT 1:02:11
31 Jonathon Hilbourne Glasgow Riderz 1:02:11
32 Ieuan Woods Charlotteville CC 1:02:11
33 Owain Roberts Towy Riders 1:02:11
34 Halley Woods Eastlands Velo 1:02:11
35 Tosh Teare Team RL360 Isle Of Man 1:02:11
36 Simon Bird Lee Valley Youth Cycling Club 1:02:11
37 Mason Hollyman Kirklees Cycling Academy 1:02:11
38 Thomas Gloag VC Londres 1:02:11
39 Craig Rogers Birkenhead North End CC 1:02:11
40 Sean Flynn Edinburgh RC 1:02:11
41 Benjamin Lewis Marsh Tracks Race Team 1:02:11
42 Matthew Running Glasgow Riderz 1:02:11
43 Cavan Walker Clifton CC 1:02:11
44 Dylan Westley Albarosa Cycling Club 1:02:11
45 Alfred George Discovery Junior Cycling Club 1:02:11
46 Tom Dussek Nottingham Clarion CC 1:02:11
47 Daniel Gibson Liverpool Century RC 1:02:11
48 Struan Pryde Deeside Thistle CC 1:02:11
49 Angus Hawkins Palmer Park Velo RT 1:02:11
50 Dom Whitfield Eastlands Velo 1:02:11
51 Adam Scarffe Team RL360 Isle Of Man 1:02:11
52 William Duggins Lichfield City CC 1:02:11
53 Thomas Zygo Team Milton Keynes 1:02:11
54 Benjamin Barlow Salt Ayre Cog Set 1:02:11
55 Joe Wilson Stockton Wheelers CC 1:02:11
56 Jacob Knight Solihull CC 1:02:11
57 George Sloan VC Jubilee 1:02:11
58 Alexander Stewart Weaver Valley CC 1:02:22
59 Thomas Clarke Palmer Park Velo RT 1:04:52
DNF Toby Barnes Lichfield City CC 1:06:52
DNF Jack Barton Furness Future Flyers 1:06:52
DNF Harrison Knight Solihull CC 1:06:52
DNF Twm Bryn Marsh Tracks Race Team 1:06:52
DNF Zach Bridges Cardiff JIF 1:06:52



1 Anna Docherty Clifton CC
2 Poppy Wildman Nottingham Clarion CC
3 Anna Armstrong Border City Wheelers CC
4 Lorna Bowler Hillingdon Slipstreamers
5 Megan James Abergavenny Road Club
6 Ellie Russell Sportcity Velo
7 Amelia Sharpe Team RL360 Isle Of Man
8 Katie Helsby Sportcity Velo
9 Corinne Side Bolton Hot Wheels CC
10 Rhiannon Gornall Cycle Sport Pendle
10 Gabriella Homer Wolverhampton Whls
10 Ella Barnwell Towy Riders
10 Elena Smith Matlock CC
14 Sophie Holmes Team Terminator
15 Niamh Jones Newport Olympic Cycling Club
16 Elena Shaw Maindy Flyers Youth CC
17 Emily Bridson Jersey Cycling Association
17 Georgia Ashworth Cycle Sport Pendle
19 Eva Barnet Edinburgh RC
20 Amy Monkhouse Salt Ayre Cog Set
21 Anna Shackley Glasgow Riderz
22 Lusia Steele Johnstone Wheelers CC
23 Xan Crees Derby Mercury RC
24 Felicity Gledhill Sportcity Velo
25 Eve Martin Ribble Valley Juniors
26 Isabel Darvill VC Lincoln
27 Chloe Crellin Team RL360 Isle Of Man
28 India Gloag VC Londres
29 Robyn Jones Stockton Wheelers CC
30 Ellie Park Glasgow Riderz
31 Nicole Clarke Birkenhead North End CC
32 Lucy Nelson Solihull CC
1 Isabel Darvill VC Lincoln
2 Ellie Park Glasgow Riderz
3 Poppy Wildman Nottingham Clarion CC
4 Anna Docherty Clifton CC
5 Ellie Russell Sportcity Velo
6 Lorna Bowler Hillingdon Slipstreamers
7 Anna Armstrong Border City Wheelers CC
8 Lucy Nelson Solihull CC
9 Corinne Side Bolton Hot Wheels CC
10 Megan James Abergavenny Road Club
11 Gabriella Homer Wolverhampton Whls
12 Sophie Holmes Team Terminator
13 Rhiannon Gornall Cycle Sport Pendle
14 Katie Helsby Sportcity Velo
15 Niamh Jones Newport Olympic Cycling Club
16 Ella Barnwell Towy Riders
17 Elena Smith Matlock CC
18 Elena Shaw Maindy Flyers Youth CC
19 Emily Bridson Jersey Cycling Association
20 Nicole Clarke Birkenhead North End CC
21 Felicity Gledhill Sportcity Velo
22 Amelia Sharpe Team RL360 Isle Of Man
23 Xan Crees Derby Mercury RC
24 Georgia Ashworth Cycle Sport Pendle
25 Eve Martin Ribble Valley Juniors
26 Lusia Steele Johnstone Wheelers CC
27 Eva Barnet Edinburgh RC
28 India Gloag VC Londres
29 Anna Shackley Glasgow Riderz
30 Amy Monkhouse Salt Ayre Cog Set
31 Robyn Jones Stockton Wheelers CC
32 Chloe Crellin Team RL360 Isle Of Man


1 Ellie Park Glasgow Riderz 0:27:07
2 Anna Docherty Clifton CC 0:27:10
3 Lusia Steele Johnstone Wheelers CC 0:27:12
4 Lorna Bowler Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:27:14
5 Anna Armstrong Border City Wheelers CC 0:27:15
6 Poppy Wildman Nottingham Clarion CC 0:27:16
7 Katie Helsby Sportcity Velo 0:27:17
8 Megan James Abergavenny Road Club 0:27:17
9 Isabel Darvill VC Lincoln 0:27:17
10 Gabriella Homer Wolverhampton Whls 0:27:17
11 Elena Smith Matlock CC 0:27:17
12 Elena Shaw Maindy Flyers Youth CC 0:27:17
13 Amelia Sharpe Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:27:17
14 Sophie Holmes Team Terminator 0:27:17
15 Rhiannon Gornall Cycle Sport Pendle 0:27:17
16 Ellie Russell Sportcity Velo 0:27:17
17 Georgia Ashworth Cycle Sport Pendle 0:27:17
18 Emily Bridson Jersey Cycling Association 0:27:17
19 Niamh Jones Newport Olympic Cycling Club 0:27:17
20 Corinne Side Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:27:17
21 Amy Monkhouse Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:27:17
22 Ella Barnwell Towy Riders 0:27:17
23 Eva Barnet Edinburgh RC 0:27:17
24 Robyn Jones Stockton Wheelers CC 0:27:17
25 Anna Shackley Glasgow Riderz 0:27:17
26 Felicity Gledhill Sportcity Velo 0:27:23
27 Nicole Clarke Birkenhead North End CC 0:28:40
28 Xan Crees Derby Mercury RC 0:29:17
29 Eve Martin Ribble Valley Juniors 0:29:54
30 Chloe Crellin Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:30:29
31 India Gloag VC Londres 0:30:54
DNF Lucy Nelson Solihull CC 0:32:54
1 Isabel Darvill VC Lincoln 0:03:11
2 Anna Docherty Clifton CC 0:03:13
3 Poppy Wildman Nottingham Clarion CC 0:03:13
4 Megan James Abergavenny Road Club 0:03:14
5 Ellie Park Glasgow Riderz 0:03:14
6 Ellie Russell Sportcity Velo 0:03:17
7 Anna Armstrong Border City Wheelers CC 0:03:19
8 Elena Smith Matlock CC 0:03:20
9 Ella Barnwell Towy Riders 0:03:21
10 Lorna Bowler Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:03:21
11 Gabriella Homer Wolverhampton Whls 0:03:22
12 Rhiannon Gornall Cycle Sport Pendle 0:03:22
13 Corinne Side Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:03:22
14 Sophie Holmes Team Terminator 0:03:23
15 Niamh Jones Newport Olympic Cycling Club 0:03:23
16 Elena Shaw Maindy Flyers Youth CC 0:03:25
17 Amelia Sharpe Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:03:27
18 Katie Helsby Sportcity Velo 0:03:27
19 Nicole Clarke Birkenhead North End CC 0:03:28
20 Georgia Ashworth Cycle Sport Pendle 0:03:28
21 Eve Martin Ribble Valley Juniors 0:03:29
22 Emily Bridson Jersey Cycling Association 0:03:31
23 Lusia Steele Johnstone Wheelers CC 0:03:33
24 Felicity Gledhill Sportcity Velo 0:03:33
25 Eva Barnet Edinburgh RC 0:03:33
26 India Gloag VC Londres 0:03:33
27 Amy Monkhouse Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:03:35
28 Anna Shackley Glasgow Riderz 0:03:35
29 Xan Crees Derby Mercury RC 0:03:35
30 Chloe Crellin Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:03:40
31 Robyn Jones Stockton Wheelers CC 0:05:44

1 Poppy Wildman Nottingham Clarion CC 0:49:52
2 Lorna Bowler Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:49:56
3 Anna Docherty Clifton CC 0:49:58
4 Anna Armstrong Border City Wheelers CC 0:50:00
5 Amelia Sharpe Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:50:04
6 Megan James Abergavenny Road Club 0:50:12
7 Katie Helsby Sportcity Velo 0:50:13
8 Ellie Park Glasgow Riderz 0:50:13
9 Elena Smith Matlock CC 0:50:38
10 Sophie Holmes Team Terminator 0:50:38
11 Rhiannon Gornall Cycle Sport Pendle 0:50:38
12 Ella Barnwell Towy Riders 0:50:38
13 Gabriella Homer Wolverhampton Whls 0:50:38
14 Elena Shaw Maindy Flyers Youth CC 0:50:38
15 Georgia Ashworth Cycle Sport Pendle 0:50:38
16 Emily Bridson Jersey Cycling Association 0:50:38
17 Corinne Side Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:50:38
18 Niamh Jones Newport Olympic Cycling Club 0:50:38
19 Amy Monkhouse Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:50:38
20 Eva Barnet Edinburgh RC 0:50:38
21 Anna Shackley Glasgow Riderz 0:50:46
22 Xan Crees Derby Mercury RC 0:52:34
23 Lusia Steele Johnstone Wheelers CC 0:52:35
24 Ellie Russell Sportcity Velo 0:50:13
25 Eve Martin Ribble Valley Juniors 0:55:12
26 Felicity Gledhill Sportcity Velo 0:56:43
27 Chloe Crellin Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:57:18
28 India Gloag VC Londres 0:57:19
DNF Isabel Darvill VC Lincoln 0:59:19
DNF Nicole Clarke Birkenhead North End CC 0:59:19
DNF Robyn Jones Stockton Wheelers CC 0:59:19
1 Anna Docherty Clifton CC 0:42:26
2 Megan James Abergavenny Road Club 0:42:29
3 Anna Armstrong Border City Wheelers CC 0:42:31
4 Lusia Steele Johnstone Wheelers CC 0:42:33
5 Amelia Sharpe Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:42:34
6 Elena Shaw Maindy Flyers Youth CC 0:42:35
7 Lorna Bowler Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:42:36
8 Poppy Wildman Nottingham Clarion CC 0:42:36
9 Katie Helsby Sportcity Velo 0:42:36
10 Ella Barnwell Towy Riders 0:42:36
11 Ellie Russell Sportcity Velo 0:42:36
12 Sophie Holmes Team Terminator 0:42:36
13 Isabel Darvill VC Lincoln 0:42:36
14 Gabriella Homer Wolverhampton Whls 0:42:36
15 Rhiannon Gornall Cycle Sport Pendle 0:42:36
16 Emily Bridson Jersey Cycling Association 0:42:36
17 Amy Monkhouse Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:42:36
18 Georgia Ashworth Cycle Sport Pendle 0:42:36
19 Niamh Jones Newport Olympic Cycling Club 0:42:36
20 Elena Smith Matlock CC 0:42:36
21 Corinne Side Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:42:36
22 Eve Martin Ribble Valley Juniors 0:42:36
23 Chloe Crellin Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:42:36
24 Xan Crees Derby Mercury RC 0:42:36
25 Eva Barnet Edinburgh RC 0:42:36
26 India Gloag VC Londres 0:42:36
27 Robyn Jones Stockton Wheelers CC 0:42:36
28 Anna Shackley Glasgow Riderz 0:42:36
29 Felicity Gledhill Sportcity Velo 0:42:36



1 Robert Donaldson Mossley CRT 1:39:24
2 Jamie Johnston Team Thomsons Cycles 1:39:38
3 Matti Egglestone Beacon Wheelers 1:39:49
4 Guto Dafydd Towy Riders 1:39:52
5 George Southby East Bradford CC 1:40:01
6 Rhys Thomas M & D Cycles/Scimitar Sports 1:40:02
7 Hamish Armitt Glasgow Riderz 1:40:05
8 Hugo Lutz-Atkinson Marton Race Team 1:40:09
9 Oliver Stockwell Welwyn Wheelers CC 1:40:09
10 Charlie Gibson Team RL360 Isle Of Man 1:40:10
11 Callum Reid Stirling Bike Club 1:40:14
12 Finlay Pickering Clifton CC 1:40:18
13 Benjamin Peatfield Bolton Hot Wheels CC 1:40:21
14 Max Poole Bike Box Alan/Whiston Velo 1:40:22
15 Matthew Kingston Lichfield City CC 1:40:28
16 Gabriel Banner Hillingdon Slipstreamers 1:40:33
17 Aidan Lawrence Eastlands Velo 1:40:39
18 Joshua Giddings Heanor Clarion CC 1:41:01
19 Aaron King Discovery Junior Cycling Club 1:41:15
20 Joseph Martin Preston Park Youth CC 1:41:18
21 Joe Kiely Welwyn Wheelers CC 1:41:19
22 Odhran Doogan Errigal C.C. 1:41:42
23 Adam Hodgson Salt Ayre Cog Set 1:41:43
24 Tyler Koch Bolton Hot Wheels CC 1:41:44
25 Euan Macleod Palmer Park Velo RT 1:41:48
26 Aaron Lund Team RL360 Isle Of Man 1:42:02
27 William Corkill Team RL360 Isle Of Man 1:42:09
28 Matthew Wells Tyneside Vagabonds CC 1:42:32
29 Mackenzie Stewart East Kilbride Road Club 1:42:39
30 Carter Howe Heanor Clarion CC 1:42:40
31 Daniel Barnes Lichfield City CC 1:42:54
32 Joseph Pidcock Aire Valley Racing Team 1:43:02
33 Oisin Murphy Hillingdon Slipstreamers 1:43:35
34 Connor Smith Lichfield City CC 1:43:35
35 Percy Hampton Team RL360 Isle Of Man 1:43:48
36 Samuel Hall Lyme RC 1:43:55
37 Jonty Bregazzi Team RL360 Isle Of Man 1:44:07
38 Bryn Davies Towy Riders 1:44:20
39 Junior Jackson Mossley CRT 1:44:53
40 Henry Demoily Stockton Wheelers CC 1:44:57
41 Ryan Phillips Maindy Flyers Youth CC 1:45:07
42 Murray Lawson Edinburgh RC 1:45:09
43 Alfie Savage Furness Future Flyers 1:45:15
44 Matthew Cooil Team RL360 Isle Of Man 1:45:17
45 Louis Moore Edinburgh RC 1:45:37
46 Taylor Carr Lichfield City CC 1:46:20
47 Henry Hollyman Kirklees Cycling Academy 1:46:51
48 Archie Sloan VC Jubilee 1:48:36
49 Ayrton Smith Maindy Flyers Youth CC 1:48:50
50 Duncan Pritchard Palmer Park Velo RT 1:49:16
51 John Roberts Salt Ayre Cog Set 1:49:39
52 Matthew Black Team RL360 Isle Of Man 1:51:12
53 George Bond 1st Chard Whls 1:51:31
54 Euan Taylor M and D Cycles/Scimitar Sports/ Fusion Sports RT 2:01:02
55 Thomas Skillicorn Team RL360 Isle Of Man 2:02:43
56 Tom Moriarty O’Leary Stone Kanturk
57 Jack Lupton O’Leary Stone Kanturk
58 Joe Nethell Maindy Flyers Youth CC
59 Max Lutz-Atkinson Marton Race Team
60 Bevan Smith Maindy Flyers Youth CC
1 Robert Donaldson Mossley CRT 0:02:25
2 Jamie Johnston Team Thomsons Cycles 0:02:26
3 Guto Dafydd Towy Riders 0:02:30
4 Rhys Thomas M & D Cycles/Scimitar Sports 0:02:31
5 George Southby East Bradford CC 0:02:32
6 Hugo Lutz-Atkinson Marton Race Team 0:02:32
7 Finlay Pickering Clifton CC 0:02:33
8 Charlie Gibson Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:02:33
9 Hamish Armitt Glasgow Riderz 0:02:34
10 Oliver Stockwell Welwyn Wheelers CC 0:02:34
11 Benjamin Peatfield Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:02:37
12 Aaron King Discovery Junior Cycling Club 0:02:37
13 Tom Moriarty O’Leary Stone Kanturk 0:02:38
14 Callum Reid Stirling Bike Club 0:02:38
15 Max Poole Bike Box Alan/Whiston Velo 0:02:38
16 Joseph Martin Preston Park Youth CC 0:02:38
17 Aaron Lund Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:02:39
18 Bryn Davies Towy Riders 0:02:40
19 Joshua Giddings Heanor Clarion CC 0:02:41
20 Matthew Kingston Lichfield City CC 0:02:41
21 Joe Kiely Welwyn Wheelers CC 0:02:41
22 Junior Jackson Mossley CRT 0:02:42
23 Matti Egglestone Beacon Wheelers 0:02:42
24 Jack Lupton O’Leary Stone Kanturk 0:02:42
25 Taylor Carr Lichfield City CC 0:02:43
26 Oisin Murphy Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:02:44
27 Daniel Barnes Lichfield City CC 0:02:44
28 Louis Moore Edinburgh RC 0:02:44
29 Percy Hampton Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:02:46
30 Connor Smith Lichfield City CC 0:02:46
31 Euan Macleod Palmer Park Velo RT 0:02:46
32 Matthew Wells Tyneside Vagabonds CC 0:02:47
33 Joseph Pidcock Aire Valley Racing Team 0:02:47
34 Gabriel Banner Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:02:47
35 Aidan Lawrence Eastlands Velo 0:02:47
36 Alfie Savage Furness Future Flyers 0:02:47
37 Odhran Doogan Errigal C.C. 0:02:48
38 Duncan Pritchard Palmer Park Velo RT 0:02:48
39 Adam Hodgson Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:02:48
40 Matthew Cooil Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:02:49
41 Henry Demoily Stockton Wheelers CC 0:02:49
42 Murray Lawson Edinburgh RC 0:02:49
43 Joe Nethell Maindy Flyers Youth CC 0:02:49
44 Carter Howe Heanor Clarion CC 0:02:50
45 Mackenzie Stewart East Kilbride Road Club 0:02:50
46 Bevan Smith Maindy Flyers Youth CC 0:02:51
47 Samuel Hall Lyme RC 0:02:51
48 Matthew Black Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:02:51
49 Max Lutz-Atkinson Marton Race Team 0:02:52
50 Henry Hollyman Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:02:52
51 Ryan Phillips Maindy Flyers Youth CC 0:02:52
52 Thomas Skillicorn Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:02:54
53 Ayrton Smith Maindy Flyers Youth CC 0:02:54
54 Archie Sloan VC Jubilee 0:02:56
55 Jonty Bregazzi Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:02:58
56 John Roberts Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:03:03
57 George Bond 1st Chard Whls 0:03:04
58 William Corkill Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:03:05
59 Tyler Koch Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:03:08
60 Euan Taylor M and D Cycles/Scimitar Sports/ Fusion Sports RT 0:03:09


1 Robert Donaldson Mossley CRT 0:26:25
2 Matti Egglestone Beacon Wheelers 0:26:28
3 Guto Dafydd Towy Riders 0:26:30
4 Jamie Johnston Team Thomsons Cycles 0:26:32
5 Callum Reid Stirling Bike Club 0:26:33
6 Max Poole Bike Box Alan/Whiston Velo 0:26:34
7 George Southby East Bradford CC 0:26:35
8 Oliver Stockwell Welwyn Wheelers CC 0:26:35
9 Benjamin Peatfield Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:26:35
10 Gabriel Banner Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:26:35
11 Matthew Kingston Lichfield City CC 0:26:35
12 Odhran Doogan Errigal C.C. 0:26:35
13 Hugo Lutz-Atkinson Marton Race Team 0:26:35
14 Tyler Koch Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:26:35
15 Connor Smith Lichfield City CC 0:26:35
16 Joe Nethell Maindy Flyers Youth CC 0:26:35
17 Charlie Gibson Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:26:35
18 Joshua Giddings Heanor Clarion CC 0:26:35
19 Junior Jackson Mossley CRT 0:26:35
20 Aidan Lawrence Eastlands Velo 0:26:35
21 Aaron Lund Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:26:35
22 Joe Kiely Welwyn Wheelers CC 0:26:35
23 Hamish Armitt Glasgow Riderz 0:26:35
24 Tom Moriarty O’Leary Stone Kanturk 0:26:35
25 Euan Macleod Palmer Park Velo RT 0:26:35
26 Rhys Thomas M & D Cycles/Scimitar Sports 0:26:35
27 Aaron King Discovery Junior Cycling Club 0:26:35
28 Finlay Pickering Clifton CC 0:26:45
29 Joseph Martin Preston Park Youth CC 0:26:50
30 Adam Hodgson Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:27:35
31 Ryan Phillips Maindy Flyers Youth CC 0:27:49
32 Carter Howe Heanor Clarion CC 0:27:52
33 Henry Demoily Stockton Wheelers CC 0:27:52
34 Percy Hampton Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:27:52
35 Joseph Pidcock Aire Valley Racing Team 0:27:52
36 Jonty Bregazzi Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:27:52
37 Daniel Barnes Lichfield City CC 0:27:52
38 William Corkill Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:27:52
39 Samuel Hall Lyme RC 0:27:52
40 Matthew Wells Tyneside Vagabonds CC 0:27:52
41 Mackenzie Stewart East Kilbride Road Club 0:27:52
42 Alfie Savage Furness Future Flyers 0:27:52
43 Oisin Murphy Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:27:52
44 Bevan Smith Maindy Flyers Youth CC 0:28:26
45 Thomas Skillicorn Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:29:12
46 Matthew Cooil Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:29:12
47 Murray Lawson Edinburgh RC 0:29:12
48 Bryn Davies Towy Riders 0:29:12
49 Louis Moore Edinburgh RC 0:29:38
50 Jack Lupton O’Leary Stone Kanturk 0:30:27
51 Duncan Pritchard Palmer Park Velo RT 0:30:32
52 John Roberts Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:30:35
53 Max Lutz-Atkinson Marton Race Team 0:30:36
54 Archie Sloan VC Jubilee 0:30:36
55 Henry Hollyman Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:30:36
56 Ayrton Smith Maindy Flyers Youth CC 0:31:11
57 Euan Taylor M and D Cycles/Scimitar Sports/ Fusion Sports RT 0:31:33
58 George Bond 1st Chard Whls 0:31:35
59 Matthew Black Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:32:21
60 Taylor Carr Lichfield City CC 0:32:22
1 Jamie Johnston Team Thomsons Cycles 0:03:12
2 Robert Donaldson Mossley CRT 0:03:14
3 Finlay Pickering Clifton CC 0:03:18
4 Hamish Armitt Glasgow Riderz 0:03:19
5 Rhys Thomas M & D Cycles/Scimitar Sports 0:03:19
6 Oliver Stockwell Welwyn Wheelers CC 0:03:25
7 Matti Egglestone Beacon Wheelers 0:03:25
8 Hugo Lutz-Atkinson Marton Race Team 0:03:25
9 George Southby East Bradford CC 0:03:25
10 Guto Dafydd Towy Riders 0:03:26
11 Charlie Gibson Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:03:26
12 Callum Reid Stirling Bike Club 0:03:27
13 Max Poole Bike Box Alan/Whiston Velo 0:03:28
14 Tom Moriarty O’Leary Stone Kanturk 0:03:29
15 Aaron King Discovery Junior Cycling Club 0:03:30
16 Benjamin Peatfield Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:03:32
17 Joshua Giddings Heanor Clarion CC 0:03:32
18 Odhran Doogan Errigal C.C. 0:03:33
19 Joe Kiely Welwyn Wheelers CC 0:03:34
20 Daniel Barnes Lichfield City CC 0:03:35
21 Joseph Martin Preston Park Youth CC 0:03:35
22 Tyler Koch Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:03:35
23 Matthew Kingston Lichfield City CC 0:03:35
24 William Corkill Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:03:35
25 Connor Smith Lichfield City CC 0:03:36
26 Bryn Davies Towy Riders 0:03:36
27 Oisin Murphy Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:03:36
28 Gabriel Banner Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:03:36
29 Taylor Carr Lichfield City CC 0:03:38
30 Matthew Wells Tyneside Vagabonds CC 0:03:38
31 Aaron Lund Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:03:38
32 Aidan Lawrence Eastlands Velo 0:03:40
33 Joseph Pidcock Aire Valley Racing Team 0:03:41
34 Murray Lawson Edinburgh RC 0:03:41
35 Samuel Hall Lyme RC 0:03:41
36 Euan Macleod Palmer Park Velo RT 0:03:41
37 Junior Jackson Mossley CRT 0:03:42
38 Mackenzie Stewart East Kilbride Road Club 0:03:42
39 Carter Howe Heanor Clarion CC 0:03:43
40 Percy Hampton Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:03:43
41 Jack Lupton O’Leary Stone Kanturk 0:03:43
42 Adam Hodgson Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:03:43
43 Ryan Phillips Maindy Flyers Youth CC 0:03:47
44 Joe Nethell Maindy Flyers Youth CC 0:03:47
45 Louis Moore Edinburgh RC 0:03:48
46 Matthew Cooil Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:03:49
47 Henry Demoily Stockton Wheelers CC 0:03:50
48 Jonty Bregazzi Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:03:50
49 Archie Sloan VC Jubilee 0:03:52
50 Duncan Pritchard Palmer Park Velo RT 0:03:54
51 Matthew Black Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:03:54
52 Thomas Skillicorn Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:03:54
53 Alfie Savage Furness Future Flyers 0:03:55
54 Henry Hollyman Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:03:56
55 Max Lutz-Atkinson Marton Race Team 0:03:57
56 John Roberts Salt Ayre Cog Set 954227 0:04:03
57 Ayrton Smith Maindy Flyers Youth CC 0:04:04
58 Euan Taylor M and D Cycles/Scimitar Sports/ Fusion Sports RT 0:04:07
59 George Bond 1st Chard Whls 0:04:07

1 Matti Egglestone Beacon Wheelers 0:23:52
2 Robert Donaldson Mossley CRT 0:23:55
3 Jamie Johnston Team Thomsons Cycles 0:23:57
4 Guto Dafydd Towy Riders 0:23:59
5 George Southby East Bradford CC 0:24:00
6 Oliver Stockwell Welwyn Wheelers CC 0:24:03
7 Charlie Gibson Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:24:04
8 Callum Reid Stirling Bike Club 0:24:04
9 Hugo Lutz-Atkinson Marton Race Team 0:24:05
10 Gabriel Banner Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:24:05
11 Benjamin Peatfield Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:24:05
12 Aidan Lawrence Eastlands Velo 0:24:05
13 Taylor Carr Lichfield City CC 0:24:05
14 Matthew Kingston Lichfield City CC 0:24:05
15 William Corkill Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:24:05
16 Rhys Thomas M & D Cycles/Scimitar Sports 0:24:05
17 Hamish Armitt Glasgow Riderz 0:24:05
18 Adam Hodgson Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:24:05
19 Max Poole Bike Box Alan/Whiston Velo 0:24:10
20 Finlay Pickering Clifton CC 0:24:10
21 Joshua Giddings Heanor Clarion CC 0:24:41
22 Mackenzie Stewart East Kilbride Road Club 0:24:43
23 Carter Howe Heanor Clarion CC 0:24:43
24 Joseph Martin Preston Park Youth CC 0:24:43
25 Matthew Wells Tyneside Vagabonds CC 0:24:43
26 Joe Nethell Maindy Flyers Youth CC 0:24:54
27 Tyler Koch Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:24:54
28 Joe Kiely Welwyn Wheelers CC 0:24:57
29 Aaron King Discovery Junior Cycling Club 0:25:01
30 Joseph Pidcock Aire Valley Racing Team 0:25:10
31 Daniel Barnes Lichfield City CC 0:25:11
32 Odhran Doogan Errigal C.C. 0:25:14
33 Euan Macleod Palmer Park Velo RT 0:25:14
34 Tom Moriarty O’Leary Stone Kanturk 0:25:20
35 Bryn Davies Towy Riders 0:25:20
36 Aaron Lund Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:25:38
37 Oisin Murphy Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:25:51
38 Matthew Cooil Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:25:55
39 Murray Lawson Edinburgh RC 0:25:55
40 Louis Moore Edinburgh RC 0:25:55
41 Percy Hampton Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:25:55
42 Jonty Bregazzi Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:25:55
43 Henry Hollyman Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:25:55
44 Jack Lupton O’Leary Stone Kanturk 0:25:55
45 Samuel Hall Lyme RC 0:25:59
46 Henry Demoily Stockton Wheelers CC 0:26:54
47 Connor Smith Lichfield City CC 0:27:06
48 Ryan Phillips Maindy Flyers Youth CC 0:27:07
49 Alfie Savage Furness Future Flyers 0:27:09
50 Thomas Skillicorn Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:27:09
51 Ayrton Smith Maindy Flyers Youth CC 0:27:09
52 Max Lutz-Atkinson Marton Race Team 0:27:13
53 Archie Sloan VC Jubilee 0:27:32
54 Junior Jackson Mossley CRT 0:28:22
55 John Roberts Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:28:26
56 Duncan Pritchard Palmer Park Velo RT 0:28:30
57 Matthew Black Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:28:34
58 George Bond 1st Chard Whls 0:29:05
59 Euan Taylor M and D Cycles/Scimitar Sports/ Fusion Sports RT 0:29:06
1 Matti Egglestone Beacon Wheelers 0:43:22
2 Robert Donaldson Mossley CRT 0:43:25
3 Guto Dafydd Towy Riders 0:43:27
4 George Southby East Bradford CC 0:43:29
5 Gabriel Banner Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:43:30
6 Jamie Johnston Team Thomsons Cycles 0:43:31
7 Max Poole Bike Box Alan/Whiston Velo 0:43:32
8 Odhran Doogan Errigal C.C. 0:43:32
9 Callum Reid Stirling Bike Club 0:43:32
10 Matthew Kingston Lichfield City CC 0:43:32
11 Aidan Lawrence Eastlands Velo 0:43:32
12 Oliver Stockwell Welwyn Wheelers CC 0:43:32
13 Charlie Gibson Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:43:32
14 Junior Jackson Mossley CRT 0:43:32
15 Connor Smith Lichfield City CC 0:43:32
16 Benjamin Peatfield Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:43:32
17 William Corkill Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:43:32
18 Joshua Giddings Heanor Clarion CC 0:43:32
19 Rhys Thomas M & D Cycles/Scimitar Sports 0:43:32
20 Daniel Barnes Lichfield City CC 0:43:32
21 Hamish Armitt Glasgow Riderz 0:43:32
22 Joseph Pidcock Aire Valley Racing Team 0:43:32
23 Percy Hampton Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:43:32
24 Euan Macleod Palmer Park Velo RT 0:43:32
25 Adam Hodgson Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:43:32
26 Tyler Koch Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:43:32
27 Alfie Savage Furness Future Flyers 0:43:32
28 Ryan Phillips Maindy Flyers Youth CC 0:43:32
29 Joe Kiely Welwyn Wheelers CC 0:43:32
30 Carter Howe Heanor Clarion CC 0:43:32
31 Ayrton Smith Maindy Flyers Youth CC 0:43:32
32 Jonty Bregazzi Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:43:32
33 Mackenzie Stewart East Kilbride Road Club 0:43:32
34 John Roberts Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:43:32
35 Bryn Davies Towy Riders 0:43:32
36 Aaron King Discovery Junior Cycling Club 0:43:32
37 Duncan Pritchard Palmer Park Velo RT 0:43:32
38 Hugo Lutz-Atkinson Marton Race Team 0:43:32
39 Matthew Cooil Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:43:32
40 Henry Demoily Stockton Wheelers CC 0:43:32
41 Aaron Lund Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:43:32
42 Finlay Pickering Clifton CC 0:43:32
43 Oisin Murphy Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:43:32
44 Taylor Carr Lichfield City CC 0:43:32
45 Murray Lawson Edinburgh RC 0:43:32
46 Joseph Martin Preston Park Youth CC 0:43:32
47 Louis Moore Edinburgh RC 0:43:32
48 Matthew Wells Tyneside Vagabonds CC 0:43:32
49 Henry Hollyman Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:43:32
50 Samuel Hall Lyme RC 0:43:32
51 Matthew Black Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:43:32
52 Archie Sloan VC Jubilee 0:43:40
53 George Bond 1st Chard Whls 0:43:40
54 Euan Taylor M and D Cycles/Scimitar Sports/ Fusion Sports RT 0:53:07
55 Thomas Skillicorn Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:59:34



1 Becky Surridge VC Londres 1:27:24
2 Ava May Oxley-Szilaggi Kirklees Cycling Academy 1:27:42
3 Anna Flynn Edinburgh RC 1:27:57
4 Maisy Vasic Eastlands Velo 1:27:59
5 Hollie Owens Wolverhampton Whls 1:28:04
6 Danielle Parker Towy Riders 1:28:08
7 Anna Wadsworth Beeline Bicycles RT 1:28:17
8 Eve Barrow Salt Ayre Cog Set 1:28:37
9 Niamha Albones Liverpool Century RC 1:28:57
10 Maddie Wadsworth Beeline Bicycles RT 1:29:03
11 Jemma Bowler Hillingdon Slipstreamers 1:29:05
12 Amelie Wayte Matlock CC 1:29:23
13 Sarah Briggs Matlock CC 1:29:24
14 Eluned King Towy Riders 1:30:32
15 Alexa Hawkins Palmer Park Velo RT 1:32:02
16 Olivia Hunnikin Rutland Rouleur 1:32:28
17 Libby Smith Matlock CC 1:32:53
18 Amy Cole Sosban Riders 1:32:56
19 Emily Conn Palmer Park Velo RT 1:33:04
20 Beth Orchard Newcastle Phoenix Cycling Club 1:36:57
21 Natalie Bloomer VC Londres 1:37:01
22 Rosie Finucane Towy Riders 1:37:43
23 Emma Finucane Towy Riders 1:38:04
24 Jocasta Minton Bolton Hot Wheels CC 1:39:12
25 Tilly Percy Salt Ayre Cog Set 1:41:06
26 Katherine Macleod Edinburgh RC 1:46:56
27 Charlie Moss Team RL360 Isle Of Man
1 Ava May Oxley-Szilaggi Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:02:36
2 Becky Surridge VC Londres 0:02:38
3 Emma Finucane Towy Riders 0:02:40
4 Anna Flynn Edinburgh RC 0:02:41
5 Maisy Vasic Eastlands Velo 0:02:42
6 Hollie Owens Wolverhampton Whls 0:02:42
7 Amy Cole Sosban Riders 0:02:43
8 Danielle Parker Towy Riders 0:02:43
9 Eve Barrow Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:02:44
10 Libby Smith Matlock CC 0:02:45
11 Eluned King Towy Riders 0:02:46
12 Niamha Albones Liverpool Century RC 0:02:47
13 Olivia Hunnikin Rutland Rouleur 0:02:47
14 Jemma Bowler Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:02:47
15 Sarah Briggs Matlock CC 0:02:47
16 Anna Wadsworth Beeline Bicycles RT 0:02:49
17 Maddie Wadsworth Beeline Bicycles RT 0:02:50
18 Amelie Wayte Matlock CC 0:02:52
19 Beth Orchard Newcastle Phoenix Cycling Club 0:02:53
20 Emily Conn Palmer Park Velo RT 0:02:53
21 Charlie Moss Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:02:55
22 Natalie Bloomer VC Londres 0:02:57
23 Alexa Hawkins Palmer Park Velo RT 0:02:59
24 Rosie Finucane Towy Riders 0:03:00
25 Jocasta Minton Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:03:04
26 Tilly Percy Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:03:09
27 Katherine Macleod Edinburgh RC 0:03:10


1 Becky Surridge VC Londres 0:22:27
2 Ava May Oxley-Szilaggi Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:22:30
3 Hollie Owens Wolverhampton Whls 0:22:32
4 Danielle Parker Towy Riders 0:22:34
5 Maisy Vasic Eastlands Velo 0:22:35
6 Anna Wadsworth Beeline Bicycles RT 0:22:36
7 Anna Flynn Edinburgh RC 0:22:37
8 Jemma Bowler Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:23:03
9 Eve Barrow Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:23:06
10 Amelie Wayte Matlock CC 0:23:06
11 Niamha Albones Liverpool Century RC 0:23:09
12 Sarah Briggs Matlock CC 0:23:29
13 Maddie Wadsworth Beeline Bicycles RT 0:23:29
14 Alexa Hawkins Palmer Park Velo RT 0:23:29
15 Rosie Finucane Towy Riders 0:23:32
16 Charlie Moss Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:23:43
17 Olivia Hunnikin Rutland Rouleur 0:24:05
18 Libby Smith Matlock CC 0:24:53
19 Eluned King Towy Riders 0:24:53
20 Emily Conn Palmer Park Velo RT 0:25:14
21 Beth Orchard Newcastle Phoenix Cycling Club 0:25:40
22 Jocasta Minton Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:26:22
23 Natalie Bloomer VC Londres 0:26:22
24 Amy Cole Sosban Riders 0:27:15
25 Katherine Macleod Edinburgh RC 0:27:39
26 Tilly Percy Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:30:56
DNF Emma Finucane Towy Riders 0:32:56

1 Becky Surridge VC Londres 0:03:30
2 Emma Finucane Towy Riders 0:03:33
3 Maisy Vasic Eastlands Velo 0:03:33
4 Maddie Wadsworth Beeline Bicycles RT 0:03:35
5 Anna Flynn Edinburgh RC 0:03:36
6 Danielle Parker Towy Riders 0:03:37
7 Ava May Oxley-Szilaggi Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:03:37
8 Eve Barrow Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:03:38
9 Amy Cole Sosban Riders 0:03:42
10 Eluned King Towy Riders 0:03:44
11 Niamha Albones Liverpool Century RC 0:03:44
12 Libby Smith Matlock CC 0:03:45
13 Hollie Owens Wolverhampton Whls 0:03:45
14 Anna Wadsworth Beeline Bicycles RT 0:03:45
15 Sarah Briggs Matlock CC 0:03:47
16 Olivia Hunnikin Rutland Rouleur 0:03:48
17 Jemma Bowler Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:03:50
18 Amelie Wayte Matlock CC 0:03:51
19 Alexa Hawkins Palmer Park Velo RT 0:03:52
20 Rosie Finucane Towy Riders 0:03:54
21 Emily Conn Palmer Park Velo RT 0:03:56
22 Beth Orchard Newcastle Phoenix Cycling Club 0:03:59
23 Natalie Bloomer VC Londres 0:04:04
24 Tilly Percy Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:04:04
25 Jocasta Minton Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:04:06
26 Katherine Macleod Edinburgh RC 0:04:13


1 Becky Surridge VC Londres 0:25:46
2 Emma Finucane Towy Riders 0:25:49
3 Ava May Oxley-Szilaggi Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:25:51
4 Anna Flynn Edinburgh RC 0:25:53
5 Hollie Owens Wolverhampton Whls 0:25:54
6 Anna Wadsworth Beeline Bicycles RT 0:25:55
7 Maddie Wadsworth Beeline Bicycles RT 0:25:56
8 Eluned King Towy Riders 0:25:56
9 Maisy Vasic Eastlands Velo 0:25:56
10 Eve Barrow Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:25:56
11 Danielle Parker Towy Riders 0:26:01
12 Amy Cole Sosban Riders 0:26:03
13 Niamha Albones Liverpool Century RC 0:26:04
14 Sarah Briggs Matlock CC 0:26:08
15 Jemma Bowler Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:26:12
16 Amelie Wayte Matlock CC 0:26:21
17 Emily Conn Palmer Park Velo RT 0:27:48
18 Libby Smith Matlock CC 0:28:17
19 Alexa Hawkins Palmer Park Velo RT 0:28:29
20 Olivia Hunnikin Rutland Rouleur 0:28:35
21 Tilly Percy Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:29:44
22 Natalie Bloomer VC Londres 0:30:19
23 Jocasta Minton Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:30:48
24 Beth Orchard Newcastle Phoenix Cycling Club 0:30:55
25 Katherine Macleod Edinburgh RC 0:32:04
DNF Rosie Finucane Towy Riders 0:34:04
1 Becky Surridge VC Londres 0:33:03
2 Emma Finucane Towy Riders 0:33:06
3 Ava May Oxley-Szilaggi Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:33:08
4 Anna Flynn Edinburgh RC 0:33:10
5 Hollie Owens Wolverhampton Whls 0:33:11
6 Anna Wadsworth Beeline Bicycles RT 0:33:12
7 Tilly Percy Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:33:13
8 Niamha Albones Liverpool Century RC 0:33:13
9 Danielle Parker Towy Riders 0:33:13
10 Emily Conn Palmer Park Velo RT 0:33:13
11 Eluned King Towy Riders 0:33:13
12 Eve Barrow Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:33:13
13 Olivia Hunnikin Rutland Rouleur 0:33:13
14 Maddie Wadsworth Beeline Bicycles RT 0:33:13
15 Alexa Hawkins Palmer Park Velo RT 0:33:13
16 Amy Cole Sosban Riders 0:33:13
17 Amelie Wayte Matlock CC 0:33:13
18 Jemma Bowler Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:33:13
19 Sarah Briggs Matlock CC 0:33:13
20 Maisy Vasic Eastlands Velo 0:33:13
21 Rosie Finucane Towy Riders 0:33:13
22 Libby Smith Matlock CC 0:33:13
23 Natalie Bloomer VC Londres 0:33:19
24 Beth Orchard Newcastle Phoenix Cycling Club 0:33:30
25 Jocasta Minton Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:34:52
26 Katherine Macleod Edinburgh RC 0:39:50



1 Ben Askey Lichfield City CC 0:46:39
2 Joshua Tarling West Wales Cycle Racing Team 0:47:02
3 James Higham Eastlands Velo 0:47:21
4 Lewis Dolan Marton Race Team 0:47:23
5 Jamie Gostick Palmer Park Velo RT 0:47:39
6 Benjamin Partridge Hetton Hawks Cycling Club 0:47:40
7 Jed Smithson Oxonian CC 0:47:43
8 Zachary Walker Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:47:44
9 Ben Parr Solihull CC 0:47:48
10 Alex Barker Halesowen A & CC 0:48:29
11 Tyler Lloyd Liverpool Century RC 0:48:30
12 Daniel Holmes Tyneside Vagabonds CC 0:48:33
13 Joseph O’Brien Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:48:36
14 Sam Smith Towy Riders 0:48:36
15 Sullivan Berry Redditch Road & Path CC 0:48:41
16 Evelina Black Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:49:42
17 Luke Harris Halesowen A & CC 0:49:48
18 Isaac Atkinson Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:49:48
19 Scott Fisher Furness Future Flyers 0:49:51
20 Deetry Jarrett Preston Pirates BMX Club 0:49:53
21 Niall Colquitt Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:49:58
22 Awen Roberts Towy Riders 0:50:06
23 Thomas Wadsworth Beeline Bicycles RT 0:50:16
24 James Donaldson Mossley CRT 0:50:37
25 Arlo Carey Palmer Park Velo RT 0:50:41
26 Patrick Barnes Glasgow Riderz 0:50:45
27 Joe Cooper Lichfield City CC 0:51:00
28 Charlie Barnwell Towy Riders 0:51:10
29 Daniel Lloyd San Fairy Ann CC 0:51:22
30 Imani Pereira-James Glasgow Riderz 0:51:27
31 Skye Donnelly Glasgow Riderz 0:51:42
32 Kyle Jones Maindy Flyers Youth CC 0:51:49
33 Finn Hawkins Palmer Park Velo RT 0:52:28
34 Morven Yeoman East Kilbride Road Club 0:52:51
35 Fraser Thomson Glasgow Riderz 0:54:24
36 Adam Lea Team Milton Keynes 0:55:18
37 Erin Corrigan Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:55:43
38 Georgie Duggins Lichfield City CC 0:56:41
39 Kasha Butz Glasgow Riderz 0:57:32
40 Jake Parker Towy Riders 0:58:19
41 Saul Ashton Blackpool Youth Cycle Association 1:02:21
42 Harry Clarke Palmer Park Velo RT 1:04:17
43 Isabel Koch Bolton Hot Wheels CC 1:06:32
44 Sophie Hardcastle Kirklees Cycling Academy 1:08:57
45 Iolo Dafydd Towy Riders
46 Andrew Clarke Birkenhead North End CC
47 Spencer Unsworth Blackpool Youth Cycle Association
1 James Higham Eastlands Velo 0:05:30
2 Ben Askey Lichfield City CC 0:05:33
3 Joshua Tarling West Wales Cycle Racing Team 0:05:35
4 Jamie Gostick Palmer Park Velo RT 0:05:37
5 Benjamin Partridge Hetton Hawks Cycling Club 0:05:38
6 Iolo Dafydd Towy Riders 0:05:39
7 Sam Smith Towy Riders 0:05:40
8 Lewis Dolan Marton Race Team 0:05:40
9 Jed Smithson Oxonian CC 0:05:40
10 Alex Barker Halesowen A & CC 0:05:40
11 Ben Parr Solihull CC 0:05:40
12 Zachary Walker Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:05:40
13 Daniel Holmes Tyneside Vagabonds CC 0:05:43
14 Sullivan Berry Redditch Road & Path CC 0:05:43
15 Tyler Lloyd Liverpool Century RC 0:05:43
16 Joseph O’Brien Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:05:45
17 Isaac Atkinson Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:05:55
18 Awen Roberts Towy Riders 0:05:57
19 Scott Fisher Furness Future Flyers 0:05:57
20 Luke Harris Halesowen A & CC 0:05:57
21 Kyle Jones Maindy Flyers Youth CC 0:05:57
22 Finn Hawkins Palmer Park Velo RT 0:05:57
23 Evelina Black Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:05:57
24 Deetry Jarrett Preston Pirates BMX Club 0:05:57
25 Joe Cooper Lichfield City CC 0:05:57
26 Niall Colquitt Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:05:57
27 James Donaldson Mossley CRT 0:06:01
28 Thomas Wadsworth Beeline Bicycles RT 0:06:01
29 Arlo Carey Palmer Park Velo RT 0:06:07
30 Skye Donnelly Glasgow Riderz 0:06:07
31 Patrick Barnes Glasgow Riderz 0:06:07
32 Imani Pereira-James Glasgow Riderz 0:06:07
33 Fraser Thomson Glasgow Riderz 0:06:10
34 Erin Corrigan Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:06:12
35 Charlie Barnwell Towy Riders 0:06:12
36 Andrew Clarke Birkenhead North End CC 0:06:20
37 Daniel Lloyd San Fairy Ann CC 0:06:41
38 Adam Lea Team Milton Keynes 0:06:41
39 Kasha Butz Glasgow Riderz 0:06:48
40 Morven Yeoman East Kilbride Road Club 0:06:48
41 Jake Parker Towy Riders 0:06:50
42 Spencer Unsworth Blackpool Youth Cycle Association 0:06:53
43 Harry Clarke Palmer Park Velo RT 0:06:53
44 Georgie Duggins Lichfield City CC 0:07:02
45 Saul Ashton Blackpool Youth Cycle Association 0:07:12
46 Isabel Koch Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:08:13
47 Sophie Hardcastle Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:08:32

1 Ben Askey Lichfield City CC 0:14:20
2 Lewis Dolan Marton Race Team 0:14:23
3 James Higham Eastlands Velo 0:14:25
4 Joshua Tarling West Wales Cycle Racing Team 0:14:27
5 Iolo Dafydd Towy Riders 0:14:28
6 Zachary Walker Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:14:29
7 Sam Smith Towy Riders 0:14:30
8 Jed Smithson Oxonian CC 0:14:30
9 Ben Parr Solihull CC 0:14:30
10 Jamie Gostick Palmer Park Velo RT 0:14:30
11 Benjamin Partridge Hetton Hawks Cycling Club 0:14:30
12 Alex Barker Halesowen A & CC 0:14:35
13 Joseph O’Brien Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:14:35
14 Sullivan Berry Redditch Road & Path CC 0:14:35
15 Tyler Lloyd Liverpool Century RC 0:14:35
16 Daniel Holmes Tyneside Vagabonds CC 0:14:39
17 Evelina Black Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:14:39
18 Isaac Atkinson Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:15:34
19 Luke Harris Halesowen A & CC 0:15:34
20 Arlo Carey Palmer Park Velo RT 0:15:36
21 Scott Fisher Furness Future Flyers 0:15:36
22 James Donaldson Mossley CRT 0:15:36
23 Joe Cooper Lichfield City CC 0:15:36
24 Deetry Jarrett Preston Pirates BMX Club 0:15:36
25 Niall Colquitt Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:15:36
26 Patrick Barnes Glasgow Riderz 0:15:36
27 Thomas Wadsworth Beeline Bicycles RT 0:15:36
28 Finn Hawkins Palmer Park Velo RT 0:15:36
29 Daniel Lloyd San Fairy Ann CC 0:15:36
30 Charlie Barnwell Towy Riders 0:15:36
31 Awen Roberts Towy Riders 0:15:36
32 Kyle Jones Maindy Flyers Youth CC 0:16:15
33 Imani Pereira-James Glasgow Riderz 0:16:15
34 Skye Donnelly Glasgow Riderz 0:16:15
35 Fraser Thomson Glasgow Riderz 0:16:44
36 Morven Yeoman East Kilbride Road Club 0:16:44
37 Erin Corrigan Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:16:44
38 Andrew Clarke Birkenhead North End CC 0:16:46
39 Adam Lea Team Milton Keynes 0:16:46
40 Kasha Butz Glasgow Riderz 0:17:22
41 Georgie Duggins Lichfield City CC 0:17:22
42 Spencer Unsworth Blackpool Youth Cycle Association 0:18:13
43 Jake Parker Towy Riders 0:18:46
44 Harry Clarke Palmer Park Velo RT 0:19:23
45 Isabel Koch Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:20:13
46 Saul Ashton Blackpool Youth Cycle Association 0:20:26
47 Sophie Hardcastle Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:21:03

1 Benjamin Partridge Hetton Hawks Cycling Club 0:00:42
2 Ben Askey Lichfield City CC 0:00:44
3 Daniel Holmes Tyneside Vagabonds CC 0:00:45
4 Tyler Lloyd Liverpool Century RC 0:00:45
5 Zachary Walker Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:00:46
6 Iolo Dafydd Towy Riders 0:00:46
7 Lewis Dolan Marton Race Team 0:00:46
8 Joshua Tarling West Wales Cycle Racing Team 0:00:46
9 James Higham Eastlands Velo 0:00:46
10 Jed Smithson Oxonian CC 0:00:47
11 Alex Barker Halesowen A & CC 0:00:48
12 Ben Parr Solihull CC 0:00:48
13 Joe Cooper Lichfield City CC 0:00:48
14 Jamie Gostick Palmer Park Velo RT 0:00:49
15 Niall Colquitt Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:00:49
16 Joseph O’Brien Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:00:49
17 Luke Harris Halesowen A & CC 0:00:50
18 Scott Fisher Furness Future Flyers 0:00:51
19 Charlie Barnwell Towy Riders 0:00:52
20 Isaac Atkinson Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:00:52
21 Deetry Jarrett Preston Pirates BMX Club 0:00:53
22 James Donaldson Mossley CRT 0:00:53
23 Awen Roberts Towy Riders 0:00:53
24 Kyle Jones Maindy Flyers Youth CC 0:00:53
25 Patrick Barnes Glasgow Riderz 0:00:53
26 Sam Smith Towy Riders 0:00:54
27 Thomas Wadsworth Beeline Bicycles RT 0:00:54
28 Evelina Black Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:00:54
29 Finn Hawkins Palmer Park Velo RT 0:00:55
30 Arlo Carey Palmer Park Velo RT 0:00:55
31 Imani Pereira-James Glasgow Riderz 0:00:55
32 Sullivan Berry Redditch Road & Path CC 0:00:56
33 Fraser Thomson Glasgow Riderz 0:00:57
34 Saul Ashton Blackpool Youth Cycle Association 0:00:58
35 Adam Lea Team Milton Keynes 0:00:58
36 Daniel Lloyd San Fairy Ann CC 0:00:58
37 Georgie Duggins Lichfield City CC 0:00:58
38 Erin Corrigan Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:00:58
39 Morven Yeoman East Kilbride Road Club 0:01:00
40 Jake Parker Towy Riders 0:01:01
41 Harry Clarke Palmer Park Velo RT 0:01:01
42 Skye Donnelly Glasgow Riderz 0:01:03
43 Kasha Butz Glasgow Riderz 0:01:03
44 Andrew Clarke Birkenhead North End CC 0:01:07
45 Spencer Unsworth Blackpool Youth Cycle Association 0:01:09
46 Sophie Hardcastle Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:01:19
47 Isabel Koch Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:01:20


1 Ben Askey Lichfield City CC 0:10:29
2 Joshua Tarling West Wales Cycle Racing Team 0:10:32
3 Lewis Dolan Marton Race Team 0:10:58
4 James Higham Eastlands Velo 0:11:00
5 Jed Smithson Oxonian CC 0:11:01
6 Zachary Walker Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:11:04
7 Jamie Gostick Palmer Park Velo RT 0:11:05
8 Iolo Dafydd Towy Riders 0:11:05
9 Ben Parr Solihull CC 0:11:05
10 Benjamin Partridge Hetton Hawks Cycling Club 0:11:05
11 Alex Barker Halesowen A & CC 0:11:41
12 Daniel Holmes Tyneside Vagabonds CC 0:11:41
13 Sullivan Berry Redditch Road & Path CC 0:11:42
14 Tyler Lloyd Liverpool Century RC 0:11:42
15 Joseph O’Brien Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:11:42
16 Isaac Atkinson Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:11:42
17 Deetry Jarrett Preston Pirates BMX Club 0:11:42
18 Luke Harris Halesowen A & CC 0:11:42
19 Scott Fisher Furness Future Flyers 0:11:42
20 Niall Colquitt Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:11:51
21 Sam Smith Towy Riders 0:11:51
22 Awen Roberts Towy Riders 0:11:55
23 Thomas Wadsworth Beeline Bicycles RT 0:12:00
24 Arlo Carey Palmer Park Velo RT 0:12:18
25 Daniel Lloyd San Fairy Ann CC 0:12:22
26 James Donaldson Mossley CRT 0:12:22
27 Patrick Barnes Glasgow Riderz 0:12:24
28 Imani Pereira-James Glasgow Riderz 0:12:25
29 Evelina Black Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:12:27
30 Finn Hawkins Palmer Park Velo RT 0:12:30
31 Skye Donnelly Glasgow Riderz 0:12:32
32 Morven Yeoman East Kilbride Road Club 0:12:34
33 Charlie Barnwell Towy Riders 0:12:45
34 Joe Cooper Lichfield City CC 0:12:54
35 Kyle Jones Maindy Flyers Youth CC 0:12:59
36 Fraser Thomson Glasgow Riderz 0:13:02
37 Georgie Duggins Lichfield City CC 0:13:13
38 Adam Lea Team Milton Keynes 0:13:22
39 Jake Parker Towy Riders 0:13:36
40 Erin Corrigan Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:13:43
41 Andrew Clarke Birkenhead North End CC 0:14:00
42 Kasha Butz Glasgow Riderz 0:14:09
43 Saul Ashton Blackpool Youth Cycle Association 0:14:34
44 Isabel Koch Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:15:53
45 Sophie Hardcastle Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:16:04
DNF Harry Clarke Palmer Park Velo RT 0:18:04
1 Ben Askey Lichfield City CC 0:15:33
2 Lewis Dolan Marton Race Team 0:15:36
3 Jamie Gostick Palmer Park Velo RT 0:15:38
4 James Higham Eastlands Velo 0:15:40
5 Sam Smith Towy Riders 0:15:41
6 Joshua Tarling West Wales Cycle Racing Team 0:15:42
7 Jed Smithson Oxonian CC 0:15:45
8 Joseph O’Brien Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:15:45
9 Daniel Holmes Tyneside Vagabonds CC 0:15:45
10 Zachary Walker Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:15:45
11 Ben Parr Solihull CC 0:15:45
12 Isaac Atkinson Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:15:45
13 Scott Fisher Furness Future Flyers 0:15:45
14 James Donaldson Mossley CRT 0:15:45
15 Joe Cooper Lichfield City CC 0:15:45
16 Luke Harris Halesowen A & CC 0:15:45
17 Sullivan Berry Redditch Road & Path CC 0:15:45
18 Alex Barker Halesowen A & CC 0:15:45
19 Charlie Barnwell Towy Riders 0:15:45
20 Benjamin Partridge Hetton Hawks Cycling Club 0:15:45
21 Imani Pereira-James Glasgow Riderz 0:15:45
22 Awen Roberts Towy Riders 0:15:45
23 Deetry Jarrett Preston Pirates BMX Club 0:15:45
24 Morven Yeoman East Kilbride Road Club 0:15:45
25 Thomas Wadsworth Beeline Bicycles RT 0:15:45
26 Patrick Barnes Glasgow Riderz 0:15:45
27 Arlo Carey Palmer Park Velo RT 0:15:45
28 Tyler Lloyd Liverpool Century RC 0:15:45
29 Daniel Lloyd San Fairy Ann CC 0:15:45
30 Skye Donnelly Glasgow Riderz 0:15:45
31 Niall Colquitt Team RL360 Isle Of Man 0:15:45
32 Evelina Black Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:15:45
33 Kyle Jones Maindy Flyers Youth CC 0:15:45
34 Finn Hawkins Palmer Park Velo RT 0:17:30
35 Fraser Thomson Glasgow Riderz 0:17:31
36 Adam Lea Team Milton Keynes 0:17:31
37 Jake Parker Towy Riders 0:18:06
38 Erin Corrigan Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:18:06
39 Georgie Duggins Lichfield City CC 0:18:06
40 Kasha Butz Glasgow Riderz 0:18:10
41 Harry Clarke Palmer Park Velo RT 0:18:56
42 Saul Ashton Blackpool Youth Cycle Association 0:19:11
43 Isabel Koch Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:20:53
44 Sophie Hardcastle Kirklees Cycling Academy 0:21:59



1 Cian Jackson Team RL360 Isle of Man 0:47:26
2 Finlay Tarling West Wales Cycle Racing Team 0:47:38
3 James Brown Palmer Park Velo RT 0:47:59
4 Joel Hurt Stockton Wheelers CC 0:49:10
5 Bryn Lawrence Eastlands Velo 0:49:47
6 Carys Lloyd San Fairy Ann CC 0:50:59
7 Millie Coleman Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:52:01
8 Greta Carey Palmer Park Velo RT 0:52:35
9 Trayden Jarrett Blackpool Youth Cycle Association 0:53:36
10 Alex Poulston Private member 0:53:51
11 Esther Wong Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:54:59
12 Bobbie O’Brien Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:58:54
13 Noah Scott-Wright Featherstone RC 0:59:01
14 Imogen Peatfield Bolton Hot Wheels CC 1:02:05
15 Amelia Cleathero Hetton Hawks Cycling Club 1:02:45
16 Daniel Ridehalgh Private member 1:03:45
17 Finn O’Brien Hillingdon Slipstreamers 1:03:49
18 Danielle Barker Halesowen A & CC 1:14:35
1 Finlay Tarling West Wales Cycle Racing Team 0:06:07
2 Cian Jackson Team RL360 Isle of Man 0:06:11
3 James Brown Palmer Park Velo RT 0:06:22
4 Joel Hurt Stockton Wheelers CC 0:06:42
5 Bryn Lawrence Eastlands Velo 0:06:59
6 Carys Lloyd San Fairy Ann CC 0:07:07
7 Trayden Jarrett Blackpool Youth Cycle Association 0:07:20
8 Greta Carey Palmer Park Velo RT 0:07:22
9 Millie Coleman Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:07:22
10 Bobbie O’Brien Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:07:22
11 Esther Wong Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:07:38
12 Alex Poulston Private member 0:07:38
13 Noah Scott-Wright Featherstone RC 0:07:52
14 Finn O’Brien Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:08:28
15 Amelia Cleathero Hetton Hawks Cycling Club 0:08:31
16 Daniel Ridehalgh Private member 0:08:36
17 Imogen Peatfield Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:08:51
18 Danielle Barker Halesowen A & CC 0:09:28


1 Cian Jackson Team RL360 Isle of Man 0:12:46
2 James Brown Palmer Park Velo RT 0:12:51
3 Finlay Tarling West Wales Cycle Racing Team 0:12:53
4 Joel Hurt Stockton Wheelers CC 0:12:56
5 Carys Lloyd San Fairy Ann CC 0:13:43
6 Millie Coleman Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:13:44
7 Bryn Lawrence Eastlands Velo 0:13:48
8 Esther Wong Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:14:17
9 Trayden Jarrett Blackpool Youth Cycle Association 0:14:17
10 Alex Poulston Private member 0:14:17
11 Greta Carey Palmer Park Velo RT 0:14:31
12 Bobbie O’Brien Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:16:23
13 Noah Scott-Wright Featherstone RC 0:16:44
14 Imogen Peatfield Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:16:54
15 Amelia Cleathero Hetton Hawks Cycling Club 0:17:07
16 Finn O’Brien Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:17:16
17 Daniel Ridehalgh Private member 0:17:38
18 Danielle Barker Halesowen A & CC 0:20:03

1 Cian Jackson Team RL360 Isle of Man 0:00:50
2 James Brown Palmer Park Velo RT 0:00:55
3 Greta Carey Palmer Park Velo RT 0:00:57
4 Finlay Tarling West Wales Cycle Racing Team 0:00:57
5 Bryn Lawrence Eastlands Velo 0:00:58
6 Carys Lloyd San Fairy Ann CC 0:01:01
7 Joel Hurt Stockton Wheelers CC 0:01:04
8 Alex Poulston Private member 0:01:05
9 Trayden Jarrett Blackpool Youth Cycle Association 0:01:06
10 Bobbie O’Brien Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:01:09
11 Esther Wong Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:01:13
12 Millie Coleman Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:01:17
13 Imogen Peatfield Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:01:18
14 Noah Scott-Wright Featherstone RC 0:01:20
15 Daniel Ridehalgh Private member 0:01:24
16 Amelia Cleathero Hetton Hawks Cycling Club 0:01:28
17 Finn O’Brien Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:01:35
18 Danielle Barker Halesowen A & CC 0:01:38


1 Cian Jackson Team RL360 Isle of Man 0:12:44
2 Finlay Tarling West Wales Cycle Racing Team 0:12:53
3 James Brown Palmer Park Velo RT 0:13:08
4 Bryn Lawrence Eastlands Velo 0:13:12
5 Joel Hurt Stockton Wheelers CC 0:13:42
6 Carys Lloyd San Fairy Ann CC 0:14:06
7 Alex Poulston Private member 0:14:30
8 Trayden Jarrett Blackpool Youth Cycle Association 0:14:34
9 Millie Coleman Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:14:35
10 Esther Wong Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:14:44
11 Greta Carey Palmer Park Velo RT 0:14:44
12 Bobbie O’Brien Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:15:55
13 Imogen Peatfield Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:16:04
14 Noah Scott-Wright Featherstone RC 0:16:08
15 Daniel Ridehalgh Private member 0:16:57
16 Amelia Cleathero Hetton Hawks Cycling Club 0:17:05
17 Finn O’Brien Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:17:56
18 Danielle Barker Halesowen A & CC 0:22:59
1 James Brown Palmer Park Velo RT 0:14:43
2 Joel Hurt Stockton Wheelers CC 0:14:46
3 Finlay Tarling West Wales Cycle Racing Team 0:14:48
4 Bryn Lawrence Eastlands Velo 0:14:50
5 Cian Jackson Team RL360 Isle of Man 0:14:55
6 Greta Carey Palmer Park Velo RT 0:15:01
7 Carys Lloyd San Fairy Ann CC 0:15:02
8 Millie Coleman Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:15:03
9 Trayden Jarrett Blackpool Youth Cycle Association 0:16:19
10 Alex Poulston Private member 0:16:21
11 Noah Scott-Wright Featherstone RC 0:16:57
12 Esther Wong Salt Ayre Cog Set 0:17:07
13 Bobbie O’Brien Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:18:05
14 Amelia Cleathero Hetton Hawks Cycling Club 0:18:34
15 Finn O’Brien Hillingdon Slipstreamers 0:18:34
16 Imogen Peatfield Bolton Hot Wheels CC 0:18:58
17 Daniel Ridehalgh Private member 0:19:10
18 Danielle Barker Halesowen A & CC 0:20:27


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