News: Hillingdon Velodrome

Planning permission for an open air 250m banked track within Hillingdon cycle racing circuit approved – challenge is to seek the £1.25m to construct it

RST Cycle Clothing & Trigon Bikes

News: Hillingdon Velodrome

Stuart Benstead, Chairman, Hillingdon Cycle Circuit Users Group.
The good news is that there is now planning permission for an open air 250m banked track within Hillingdon cycle racing circuit. The challenge now is to seek the £1.25m to construct it.

Initially the support of British Cycling is needed from funds it influences coming from government sources such as UK Sport and the Lottery. Currently the detail of this funding is being assessed on behalf of BC by outsourced consultants who will need convincing that it will be well used.

Accordingly and with no commitment, it would be greatly appreciated if riders/supporters could indicate whether you are likely to use a velodrome at Hillingdon on the basis of:
* Weekly ‘come and try’ casual training
* Regular race league
* Regular coaching
* Occasional specialised coaching
* Club coaching sessions
* Any other ideas

An early e-mail reply to would be appreciated. Importantly, please identify your club to give geographical credence.





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