News: GB Riders Form Commission

After the problems faced by the Great Britain Cycling team, sixteen riders from the Great Britain Cycling Team have joined together to form the inaugural Rider Representative Commission

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News: GB Riders Form Commission

Sixteen riders from the Great Britain Cycling Team have joined together to form the inaugural Rider Representative Commission (RRC) which will act as an advisory group to British Cycling.

Performance director Stephen Park explains: “The purpose of the RRC is to represent the views of the riders to British Cycling’s board, the Executive Leadership Team and Great Britain Cycling Team’s Senior Leadership Team. This will help to ensure that all areas of British Cycling can best support the riders’ needs, be directly informed about the rider experience and ensure the views of the riders are being heard with the relevant actions being considered. Ensuring athletes have a voice in the decision making process across all the Olympic and Paralympic sports is high on UK Sport’s agenda and I’m pleased we have been able make good progress in establishing our own commission”.
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Great Britain Cycling Team’s Pete Mitchell, chair of British Cycling’s Rider Representative Commission, said: “The RRC is really important to us as riders and we’ve already seen some tangible improvements since its inception. However, what we all value the most is having a direct communication chain with the Great Britain Cycling Team Senior Leadership Team as we now feeling more connected with the operational running of our team.

“This year, we’re really focusing on setting up the commission, so there’s still some work to do around encouraging representation from across the disciplines and agreeing our terms of reference. We have a quarterly meeting where we run through a set agenda, and then we feedback to the Senior Leadership Team the week after. It’s a refreshing improvement to our team culture and has gone a long way to break down the ‘us vs. them’ mentality that many felt previously existed.”
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Rider Representative Commission 2017-8:
Katie Archibald (Women’s Track Endurance)
Elinor Barker (Women’s Track Endurance)
Alice Barnes (Women’s Road)
Sophie Capewell (Women’s Track Sprint)
Ed Clancy (Men’s Track Endurance)
Ellie Dickinson (Women’s Track Endurance)
Kian Emadi (Men’s Track Endurance)
Neil Fachie (Men’s Para-cycling Track Sprint)
Quillan Isidore (Men’s BMX)
Mel Lowther (Women’s Road)
Katy Marchant (Women’s Track Sprint)
Pete Mitchell (Men’s Para-cycling Track Sprint)
Ryan Owens (Men’s Track Sprint)
Helen Scott (Women’s Para-cycling Track Sprint)
Callum Skinner (Men’s Track Sprint)
Sophie Thornhill (Women’s Para-cycling Track Sprint)



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