Result: Andy Oliver Memorial 2-Day RR

Joe Wilson the overall winner of the Ferryhill Wheelers Andy Oliver Memorial 2-Day Road Race; Wilson also a stage winner along with Lee Brown

RST Cycle Clothing & Trigon Bikes

Result: Andy Oliver Memorial 2-Day RR

1. Joe Wilson
2. Dan McDermott
3. Lee Brown
4. Valentin Rey
5. Rick King
6. Nick Kalsan
7. Tim Lawson
8. Steve Gruymer
9. Ben Harmer
10. Michael Sloames

Stage 1: Road
1. Joe Wilson
2. Dan MrDermott
3. Rick King
4. Lee Brown
5. Tim Lawson
6. Steve Gruymer
7. Ben Harmer
8. Valentin Rey
9. Nick Kalson
10. Chris Burns

Stage 2: Road
1. Lee Brown
2. Nick Kalson
3. Joe Wilson
4. Matthew Dobbin
5. Tim Lawson
6. Steve Gruymer
7. Valentin Rey
8. Robbie Pollard
9. Simon Robinson
10. Joshua Rawn




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