Q&A: Michael Burke (Welland Valley CC)

Another festive Q & A, this time with proud Welland Valley CC rider Michael Burke who’s season highlight was getting his Elite licence …

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Q&A: Michael Burke (Welland Valley CC)

Another festive Q & A, this time with proud Welland Valley CC rider Michael Burke who’s season highlight was getting his Elite licence …

VeloUK: How did you get into the sport of cycling?
Michael: Back in 2011/2012 through trying the Welland Valley CC Time Trials and Go Races.

VeloUK: Full time rider, student or working?
Michael: Working a full time job in the management team at NBJ Ltd.

VeloUK: Best result for you in 2018?
Michael: I am not sure there is a singular result this season, other than obtaining my Elite Licence, so a collection of good results through out the year.

VeloUK: Best organised/fun race you did in 2018?
Michael: Full Gas put on a lot of good stuff last season. The March Hare Classic and their Winter Series were very good!

VeloUK: Toughest race of 2018?
Michael: The St. Ives Road Race was the toughest. Raining all day and crashing out after 70 miles was not easy. Things like that can be very frustrating and hard to pick yourself up again but you just have to keep going.

VeloUK: Best moment in a race or funniest moment in a race in 2018?
Michael: Many good moments but it was getting my Elite Licence I think!

VeloUK: Do you train alone or have others to help you get through the ride?
Michael: Sometimes alone, but during the week like last winter I still have Jordan Peacock and Phil Rayner to keep me company.

VeloUK: In the winter, training on the road or indoors?
Michael: Out on the road if possible but if not, it is now Zwift.
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VeloUK: How many hours on the bike can you fit in during an average winter training week?
Michael: This time last year it was around 10-12 hours average, but this year it’s going to be tougher to get that time in so things will need to be very structured and as streamlined as possible. It will be more like 8-10 if I can most weeks this up coming season. All being well, we will also be expecting our first child this year so that will definitely add another dynamic!

VeloUK: Is there any off the bike training (running/swimming/gym etc)?
Michael: The gym is something I have taken up recently, but other than that, it’s just the bike.

VeloUK: Do you train with any gadgets (Heart rate/power) or just go on ‘feel’ of the ride?
Michael: Has to be heart rate and power meter. The more data the better, but also prepared to refer to how I feel on a ride. You can’t always rely on just the numbers and sometimes it is best not to listen to it.

VeloUK: Are you eager to race again or happy to wait for the first to come along in 2019?
Michael: Yes very eager, although there probably will be no pre season winter series for me this year unless I do a couple here and there in Feb. I have taken up Cyclo-Cross this year though and coming to the end of my first go at a limited season. I am pleased with how that’s gone.

VeloUK:. Are you doing anything different in training this winter than last one?
Michael: Cyclo Cross has mixed it up a bit. There are a few things that are different this year but it is mainly overcoming the time limit I have on hours and making everything count whilst I am on the bike.
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VeloUK: Which races are you looking forward to most in 2019
Michael: Awaiting the full racing calendar and I have not fully decided what I am going to target this year, but predominately I am just looking forward to enjoying it. I might give a few more time trials a go to this year which will be something to look forward to!

VeloUK: Favourite pre race meal?
Michael: As last year, I still have the Sandwich :-)

VeloUK: Favourite race drink?
Michael: Electrolyte with a Yazoo after!

VeloUK: Best one thing you learned about racing in 2018?
Michael: Anything really is possible. Just keep believing.

VeloUK: Favourite professional to watch on tele (male or female) and favourite race(s) you like to watch and inspire you?
Michael: Julian Alaphilippe this year. The world champs is always exciting to watch.

VeloUK:. Your bike for 2019 will be what and what’s the best thing about it?
Michael: As last year, I will still be on the S-Works – still awaiting that huge sponsorship deal on the horizon to provide me with the new Tarmac ;-)


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