Q&A: Jenny Hudson (Fusion RT)

Question time with second cat Jenny Hudson who rides for the Brother UK sponsored Fusion RT in 2019 – we quiz Jenny on her 2018 season

RST Cycle Clothing & Trigon Bikes

Q&A: Jenny Hudson (Fusion RT)

VeloUK: How did you get into the sport of cycling?
Jenny: My dad encouraged me to take up cycling when an ongoing injury stopped me from running.

VeloUK: Full time rider, student or working?
Jenny: I work full-time as a Civil/Structural Engineer

VeloUK: Best result for you in 2018?
Jenny: Top 20 in Tour of the Reservoir

VeloUK: Best organised/fun race you did in 2018?
Jenny: Hatherleigh Road Race – it was a great team effort which made it the funnest race of the season.

VeloUK: Toughest race of 2018?
Jenny: Tour of the Reservoir

VeloUK: Best moment in a race in 2018?
Jenny: Lead out for 2018 teammate Jenny Holden in Hatherleigh Road Race.
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VeloUK: Do you train alone or have others to help you get through the ride?
Jenny: Bit of both – my commutes double up as training during the week which is all solo. Weekend is for group rides – I prefer training with others.

VeloUK: In the winter, training on the road or indoors?
Jenny: Bit of both, depending on what sort of training I’m doing and the road conditions. If it’s really cold, I find the harder, specific efforts are better on a turbo.

VeloUK: How many hours on the bike can you fit in during an average winter training week?
Jenny: Roughly 12-15 hours a week on the bike.

VeloUK: Is there any off the bike training (running/swimming/gym etc)?
Jenny: I do a bit of climbing and bouldering – not specifically to help with my cycling but it’s good for building core strength.

VeloUK: Do you train with any gadgets (heart rate/power) or just go on ‘feel’ of the ride?
Jenny: I train with a heart rate monitor to gauge if I’m in the right training zone but try not to rely on it too much as I know other factors can affect readings.

VeloUK: Are you eager to race again or happy to wait for the first race to come along in 2019?
Jenny: I’m really looking forward to racing in 2019 as we have a strong line-up. It’s always quite an intense season so I’m happy to wait for the first race to come along!

VeloUK: Are you doing anything different in training this winter than last one?
Jenny: Not really. I’ve been with my coach for almost five years now and he’s found a routine which works well for me. Given my targets for next year, there will likely be more focus on the longer efforts as I’ll never be a sprinter!
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VeloUK: Which races are you looking forward to most in 2019
Jenny: Tour of the Reservoir and Tour of Sussex – I enjoy the stage races and think we can do really well as a team at them in 2019.

VeloUK: Favourite pre race meal?
Jenny: Overnight oats

VeloUK: Favourite race drink?
Jenny: SIS Go Energy orange – I’ve been using the same type since I started cycling in 2012!

VeloUK: Best one thing you learned about racing in 2018?
Jenny: Target less races. It’s such a demanding season, especially if you’re working full time. I targeted less races in 2018 and found I was able to perform more consistently across the whole season as I was fresher.

VeloUK: Favourite professional to watch on tele (male or female) and favourite race(s) you like to watch and inspire you?
Jenny: Annemiek van Vleuten – her tenacity is truly inspirational! Favourite races to watch have to be the Spring Classics.


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