Q & A: James Lloyd (JRC Shutt Ridley)

Quiz time with James Lloyd of the new team for 2020, JRC Shutt Ridley

Q & A: James Lloyd (JRC Shutt Ridley)

– What category do you ride?
James: Category 2

– What are your aims for the 2020 season in this new team?
James: National jersey or tour stage win

– What is your favourite discipline?
James: Time trials & crit races


– Do you have a favourite race during the season?
James: Assen

– Do you race around the country or stick to local races?
James: Mixture. Will travel if I need to win or do some good times in time trails to be noticed.

– When will you start racing in 2020
James: ASAP

– What are your 2019 highlights?
James: National 10 mile, National circuit champs, Assen

– What was the most fun/enjoyable race you did in 2019?
James: Assen

– What was the toughest race you did in 2019
James: Assen stage 2 crit race

– Was there one thing you learned in 2019 that stands out?
James: Aerodynamics makes a massive difference.

– Has the serious training begun already this winter or still to come?
James: Started in September

Are your winter training days structured from day to day or simply riding to enjoy the time on the bike?
James: Structured

– Do you have some one coaching you? 
James: Yes and helps mostly when I’m on the turbo or doing harder efforts. I know endurance is key but I feel like training on the turbo or doing circuit training benefits me more.

– Do you spend more time training indoors in the winter than the summer?
James: I spend more time on the turbo inside for the build up to big races. Winter is mainly outside getting miles done.

– What type of race bike will you have in 2020?
James: Ridley Noah Fast and a Cervelo S2

– Finally, are there races in 2020 you really want to work towards doing well in?
James: National time trials, Assen and crits with the team



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