Q & A: Matty Dobbing (Cycling Sheffield)

A new signing for Cycling Sheffield in 2020, Matty Dobbing is pretty experienced for his age, having raced outside the UK on several occasions – quiz time!

Q & A: Matty Dobbing (Cycling Sheffield)

– 2019 – a success or could do better?
Matty: Yes it was successful as a first year under 23, venturing out to trying new races such as foreign races, UCI races and the UK domestic scene. Also gaining my 1st cat licence.

– What was the highlight of the 2019 season for you?
Matty: The highlight of 2019 was finishing 3rd in a race in Montenegro against some pro continental riders on the top of a mountain. The race was called Trojej Kuci in the Tour of Montenegro.

– What was the most fun/enjoyable race in 2019?
Matty: When I was in Holland they ran a race alongside the beach, which was something new for me where the wind was howling and cross winds split the race up on the first lap. I made the front split and later on rolled the dice to try and take the win, just falling short and finishing 7th but was super happy and enjoyed the beach/crit/cyclocross climbs style of course.

– What was the toughest race in 2019 and why?
Matty: The toughest race of 2019 and of my whole life was the final stage in the Tour of Tobago. With 9000ft of climbing in 70 miles with climbs that weren’t long, but extremely steep. I didn’t think the race would ever finish, if that wasn’t hard enough, cows blocked the road on descents and telephone wires across the road on the up hills, made for a challenge both physically and mentally.

– What’s the hardest thing about British racing?
Matty: Not having full road closures. Horses, tractors, cars, campervans being a hindrance.

– Do you think next year the racing will be more open with less UCI teams?
Matty: Yes, the racing should be much more exciting as there isn’t one big team controlling all the races, so giving everyone a chance and not the best team and their best 5 riders winning every time.

– Most annoying things you see riders do in the peloton (riders letting wheels go, teams blocking the road, etc)?
Matty: The most annoying thing has got to be racing negatively, not wanting to race and waiting for someone else to go, letting some soft breaks go which really shouldn’t.

– Most impressive rider in the British peloton in 2019
Matty: James Shaw

– Hardest part of the race is?
Matty: The start of the race is the hardest as everyone is a bit nervous and everyone wants to ride flat out for a bit of TV time then it usually settles down.
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– Is there anything you would change about the British calendar on the road?
Matty: Be good to have them running on a bit longer through the season, not getting them all done within a few months.

– Favourite piece of your Bioracer kit?
Matty: Never used this brand of kit before but really looking forward to using it next season.

– Best thing about being in an Elite team…
Matty: The support during the UK calendar. Knowledge from the more experienced riders and generally brilliant setups.

– Favourite training route?
Matty: My favourite training loop is called Avenue Trees, super smooth tarmac through trees either side of the road over a river. Good for steady rides to the hardest of efforts.

– It’s raining – Do you get out there or get the turbo out?
Matty: Can’t be soft in a hard man’s sport. Going out in the rain every time over the turbo.

– Is your winter training structured the whole time or a mix of riding the bike easy and then getting serious with top end work?
Matty: My winter training is structured for most of the time and the odd endurance is given free rein but still a set time.

– Do you train alone or is there a chain gang in your area?
Matty: I sometimes train alone and sometimes with a group of local riders which is good for the morale meeting people (no sleeping in).

– Finally, what races in 2020 are ones you really want to work towards being part of?
Matty: I’d like to do well in the National Series, stepping up the results from this season while also helping my team mates out.

Good luck Matty in 2020 ….



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