LOCKDOWN! Q&A with Caitlin Peters (Weston-Homes Torelli Assure)

Quiz time with the CTT’s British Best All Rounder and Champion of Champions Caitlin Peters of Weston-Homes Torelli Assure who’s under lock down in Portsmouth 

LOCKDOWN! Q&A with Caitlin Peters (Weston-Homes Torelli Assure)

Quiz time with the CTT’s British Best All Rounder and Champion of Champions Caitlin Peters of Weston-Homes Torelli Assure who’s under lock down in Portsmouth where she has been in college 

Read the last Q&A with Caitlin here on VeloUK

Your last race was?
Caitlin: My first and last race was Le Samyn Des Dames, UCI 1.1 Lotto Cup Race. I finished 50th, 3rd Brit and it was an epic experience. A proper Belgian race!

With racing cancelled, what’s a typical week training wise for you?
Caitlin: Over the last week it’s been turbo work. I’m not working to improve anything specifically, just making sure that I keep moving. Not knowing when I’ll be racing next means there’s no point in doing intensity work because anything gained would be wasted.

Enjoying the turbo or avoiding it like the virus?
Caitlin: I don’t actually mind the turbo- well, at the moment anyway! I’ve set up Zwift (no idea what I’m doing) and so this is keeping me entertained during some sessions.

If on the turbo, what’s your favourite distraction – Zwift or some other entertainment?
Caitlin: It depends on the session. If I’ve got a really steady session, I might just stick the TV on and catch up on a programme or series. As I’ve just started using Zwift, when I’m on it, it seems to be a good distraction because each time I log on I notice something different- it will take me a while to fully figure it out I think.

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What’s the hardest thing for you about the Lock Down
Caitlin: I think it’s not being able to see close friends and family. Although some live literally just around the corner, it’s difficult not being able to have a proper good catch up over a walk or something. But it’s the same for everyone else. Knowing that my friends are off college so have the time to meet up is hard too as we’re not allowed to meet. Thank goodness for social media as we can obviously keep in touch this way!

Caitlin has a new bike and new team colours for 2020 … all she needs now is some racing…

Besides cycling, what’s your biggest distraction as lock down continues?
Caitlin: I’ve always been a keen cook/baker but I’ve taken the chance to use up some of the ingredients from our store cupboards and try baking some different, more complicated things such as loaves of bread. It’s amazing how much we take for granted being able to buy it from supermarkets, yet it is so easy to make ourselves and very yummy! I would encourage others to have a go at it.

Having to ride solo – new or used to it?
Caitlin: I’m used to riding solo. I don’t mind it to be perfectly honest although I do enjoy the company of others and them pushing me on. When you ride on your own you are so much more in control of things. When I say I’m leaving at 10, I’m leaving at 10! ;)

What’s the weirdest thing you have seen since this crisis began
Caitlin: I think it’s the amount of people I’ve never seen before walking down our road. Up until now I don’t think we had five people walk past in a day, now it must be about 50 people. Any excuse to get out of the house!

Finally, at home or still having to work?
Caitlin: At home working! Doing college work. As I study an extended BTEC course I’m still getting sent the work to complete because it’s all assignment based. Still, I’m not complaining as it’s giving me something to do!



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