News: Cameron Fraser’s Charity Challenge

Cameron Fraser, owner/manager of top-10 ranked UK based elite cycling team Nuun-Sigma Sports-London RT, is pushing himself to the limit for a good cause this month, riding a 262km charity challenge on Zwift for Prostate Cancer UK….

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News: Cameron Fraser’s Charity Challenge

Cameron Fraser, owner/manager of top-10 ranked UK based elite cycling team Nuun-Sigma Sports-London RT, is pushing himself to the limit for a good cause this month, riding a 262km charity challenge on Zwift for Prostate Cancer UK.

Due to the understandable cancellation and postponement of many fundraising events up and down the country, UK charities are reportedly facing a £4b shortfall. Last week the
TwoPointSixChallenge campaign was launched nationwide to ‘Save the UK Charities’. In response to this campaign Cameron is turning up the endurance dial by attempting to ride an epic 262km, indoors on a static trainer to raise awareness and much needed funds for Prostate Cancer UK, a cause close to his heart.

Cameron’s papa Jack Fraser was a keen cyclist in his youth and reportedly beat the British Empire Grass Track champion at the Blair Atholl Highland Games twice in the same day in the 1940’s was one of his inspirations for taking up cycling. He sadly died of prostate cancer in 2000. By attempting a very challenging 262km indoors on 26 April during the lock-down, on some of the (virtual) roads used on the popular Virgin Money London Marathon and Prudential RideLondon annual events, Cameron is fundraising for the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer in men which has just hit an all-time high.

Cameron’s epic challenge will take place on 26 April, the day the 40th London Marathon was due to take place but which has been postponed until 4 October due to Covid-19. Starting at 9am BST, Cameron will ride 262km non-stop at home on the virtual cycling platform Zwift, only stopping briefly for nature breaks.

Link to VirginMoneyGiving fundraising page:


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