Coaching: End of season break?

What is the value of an end of season break?

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Coaching: End of season break?

What is the value of an end of season break?

The key reasons here are that you are able to both physically and mentally re charge. Training can be taxing in both of these areas, so having a break can be good for motivation and allow you to start your winter build ready to go.

Additionally, it is a good time to draw a line in the sand before building for the following year. Where is your current fitness at, this is a good time to find out. Following on from this, understanding where your current fitness is at can allow you to pinpoint your strength and weaknesses, what do you need to do to improve next year. This can then let you set targets and goals. Both with a physical and event focus. What are you aiming for, what is the dream?

If you have any niggles or injury, this may then be a good opportunity to rest and heal up. Most overuse injury’s require rest to heal, so this is the ideal chance to do this. Finally, assess what went well this year and what didn’t. Then make changes moving forward.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Enjoy the rest and recovery!

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