Report: British Womens Team Cup Zwift Race 2

Gail Robinson of TW1 winner of the second round of the Zwift British Womens Team Cup on Sunday 11th April

RST Cycle Clothing & Trigon Bikes

Report: British Womens Team Cup Zwift Race 2

By Jon Miles


Stunning first Team Cup race win for Gail Robinson, TW1 on this 2nd Zwift race organised by Lisa West of Twickenham CC.

Actually Lisa would have been the stressed organiser of this race had it been on the actual road as today this Zwift race was run instead of the Dave Peck Memorial race that had to be cancelled due to Covid restrictions. It was a good day for first’s. When the Twickenham CC put on this race in memory of long standing Chairman of the Twickenham it was Natalie Creswick who won this first road race in 2012 and she enthusiastically joined the commentary team during this Zwift race to give her expert opinion of the racing.

Held on the tough Surrey Hills course with its climbs of the famous Box Hill it was the first time up proceeding Fox Hill that saw the race almost settled as a leading group created at the top of the hill with the leading 5 riders; Charlotte Colclough (Bianchi Dama), Gail Robinson, Ruth Shier (Brother UK Team LDN) and Danni Shrosbree (Brother UK Team LDN).

The race settled down as such over the hills until the 2nd to last climb up Keith Hill when Gail Robinson laid down her challenge which no one could match and she rode away from a talented group to rapidly lead by 1 minute 49 seconds. Charlotte and Ruth got dropped and together they tested each other out on the climb with Ruth eventually getting the better and dropping Charlotte. Steadily gaining time, Gail crossed the line to bring up a well deserved win for the TW1 team and their Team Manager Lisa West and organiser of our Zwift series. Brother UK Team LDN also placed well.

1 TW1 Racing Gail Robinson
2 Team LDN – Brother UK Ruth Sheir
3 Bianchi Dama Charlotte Colcough
4 Saint Piran Womens Race Team Laura Senior
5 Team LDN – Brother UK Danni Shrosbree
6 Pro-Noctis – Redchilli Bikes – Heidi Kjeldsen Charlotte Berry
7 Pro-Noctis – Redchilli Bikes – Heidi Kjeldsen Corinne Side
8 CC London A Jamie-Lee Wright
9 Saint Piran Womens Race Team Christina Wiejak
10 Cowley Road Condors Anastasia Bowler
11 Will Houghton Race Team Rebecca Kearney
12 1904rt Mathilde Pauls
13 Saint Piran Womens Race Team Gemma Sargent
14 Pro-Noctis – Redchilli Bikes – Heidi Kjeldsen Millie Skinner
15 Will Houghton Race Team Ileia Spyropoulou
16 CC London B Bethan Buck
17 Brother U.K – Cycle Team OnForm Daisy Barnes
18 Team Watto – LDN Matea Deliu
19 Boompods Lauren Watson
20 Datalynx Parenesis Issy Torrie
21 TW1 Racing Victoria Strila
22 CC London A Biaba Fogele
23 Army Ladies Road Team A Ejay Harris
24 Pro-Noctis – Redchilli Bikes – Heidi Kjeldsen Poppy Thompson
25 CC London A Uta Pullmann
26 Brother U.K – Cycle Team OnForm Laura Pittard
27 CC London B Rachel Brown
28 Pro-Noctis – Redchilli Bikes – Heidi Kjeldsen Amy Gornall
29 TW1 Racing Becky Hair
30 Army Ladies Road Team A Jenny Hill
31 Army Ladies Road Team A Becky Graves
32 TW1 Racing Gabriella Nordin
33 Cowley Road Condors Emma Hudson
34 AWOL WORX Charlotte Gibson
35 Cowley Road Condors Helena Coker
36 TW1 Racing Team B Shelly Coker
37 Will Houghton Race Team Harriet Hernando
38 Cowley Road Condors Maggie Dods
39 Army Ladies Road Team A Caroline Nottage
40 AWOL WORX Victoria Lovett
41 Team Watto – LDN Louise Davidson
42 Army Ladies Road Team A Jess Ward
43 AWOL WORX Isla Rush
44 TW1 Racing Alexandra Hamilton
45 Cowley Road Condors Mairi Brookes
46 CC London B Sarah Collins
47 Army Ladies Road Team B Michelle Debono
48 CC London A Sophie Tolhurst
49 TW1 Racing Jo Smith
50 Army Ladies Road Team A Jenny Gunning
51 Cowley Road Condors Henrike Puchta
52 Team Watto – LDN Rosi Malcom-
53 Saint Piran Womens Race Team Jenny Bolsom

Team Position
1 TW1 Racing 227
2 Pro-Noctis – Redchilli Bikes – Heidi Kjeldsen 224
3 Team LDN – Brother UK 220
4 Saint Piran Womens Race Team 208
5 CC London A 129
6 Bianchi Dama 115
7 Will Houghton Race Team 111
8 Cowley Road Condors 108
9 Army Ladies Road Team A 89
10 Brother U.K – Cycle Team OnForm 66
11 Team Watto – LDN 50
12 1904rt 49
14 Boompods 35
15 Datalynx Parenesis 33



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