News: Primal Europe Sign Aussie Guest

The racing team, Primal Europe powered by RuTrainingToday/Bike Chain Ricci, have announced that a guest rider from the other side of the World will be joining the team.  Australian professional Peter Ladd, who has previously ridden on the Continental pro team, Budget Forklifts, will join the team for two months from May until the end of June.

James Smith, Manager of the team says of his signing “I am very pleased that we are going to get this shot in the arm for six weeks which will give us all an insight into top level racing. The team has already moved way ahead of what we were expecting for a first year and now this is that small step up that we needed. I would like to thank Zak Dempster who recommended us to Peter.”

Peter Ladd meanwhile introduced himself by saying “I have been racing since was 9 years old. Started off with local track racing in my Home town of Bendigo, Australia.  As I grew up, I became more of a road rider and suited to long one day races and the odd time trial. I have raced professionally for 2 years in the USA and Canada and raced for 2 years on a continental team Budget Forklifts based in Australia competing in events such as the Herald Sun Tour(UCI 2.1). I also competed in Belgium for three months while riding for Budget Forklifts.  I have always been a team rider and will always make sure that the team gets the best result on the day”.
