Results of the veterans Keele University Circuit Raceson July 3rd where the winners were  Tony Parkinson of Onimpex RT C
 and Alan Kemp of Weaver Valley.Â
 A/B/C Race 50 laps in 75 minutes and three laps
After some initial skirmishes, Graham Payne got away alone, took a prime and was then joined by Paul Belfield and then Tony Parkinson, back from three races in Belgium. At first their break yo yoed between 25 and 45 seconds before the small bunch lost heart and the lead went out. Having let his clubmate stay away Richard Barnett attacked with more than a lap to go to take fourth place.
 1.     Tony Parkinson, Onimpex RT C
2.     Graham Payne, Whitfield RT C
3.     Paul Belfield, Stone Whs A
4.     Richard Barnett, Stone Whs @ one minute
5.     Neil Higgins, Preston CC C
6.     Mark Hammersley, Wheel Guru B
7.     Phil Wilkins, Team Jewson B
8.     Andy Parr, Revolution Fitness A
9.     Keith Jones, Deeside Olympic C
10. Steve Cartwright, Deeside Olympic B
Primes: Mark Hammersley, Richard Barnett, Graham Payne 3, Paul Belfield 2, Tony Parkinson 3,
D/E/F Race  29 laps in 60 minutes and three laps
In the earlier race it was more a war of attrition at the back with the race, marred by a crash to Terry Meechan, who went to hospital with a suspected broken collar bone, ending in a bunch sprint.
1.     Alan Kemp, Weaver Valley CC E
2.     Mick Day, Paul Milne Cycles D
3.     Steve Horsey, Whitfield RT
4.     Gordon Wallace, Deeside Olympic D
5.     Mick O’ Connor, Macclesfield Whs D
6.     Graham Weigh, Deeside Olympic E
7.     Andy Jones, Wolverhampton Whs D
8.     John Archer E
9.     Dave Farmer, Newcastle RC 2001 – Modern Glass D
10. Dave Woods, CC Luton E
11. Paul Mason, Audlem CC D
12. Ewart Howkins, Weaver Valley CC D
13. Hugh Canning, Mammoth Cycles F @ one lap
14. Ian Potts, Wolverhampton Whs E @ 2 laps
15. Richard Hunt, Lyme RC – Swinnerton Cycles D @ 3 laps
16. Dave Astles, Weaver Valley CC E @ 3 laps
17. Ian Harrison F @ 3 laps
18. Michael Curran, Mid Shropshire Whs F @ 3 laps
Primes Alan Kemp 2, Steve Horsey 3, Mick O’Connor, Dave Farmer