LE TOUR: Thomas & Swift Talk Shop

News from team Sky’s Geraint Thomas and Ben Swift as the riders assemble on the start line for the fourth stage of the 2011 Tour de France

Video of Stage 3 Finish on YouTube  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLmKTpRXAao

G‘s Stage 4 Predictions
“So it’s Gilbert’s birthday today and this stage is made for him!! It is hard to see anyone winning today but him to be honest… He’s having an unbelievable season so far and I can’t see it stopping, not yet.

There’s more talk again of yellow changing. I’m not sure. I think Thor is climbing and going well. It’s ‘only’ a k at 10% but I think he maybe able to get up it with the threats to his jersey. Will we see Contador attack today? I think we might, he’s obviously got a lot of ground to make up and it is probably hard enough for him to make some sort of difference.

I will hopefully have a ‘free role’ on the final climb, so may get a chance to see where I can get. I’ve been feeling good lately so we’ll see. We also have Eddie who I’m sure will be in there somewhere. What ever happens, I think today is going to be one hell of a finish!! Hope you all enjoy.

Tour de France Rookie Swifty looks back on Stage 3
Stage 3 of the Tour de France saw the first real bunch sprint. The day was always destined to end in a sprint with a near flat parcourse. A group of five riders got away in the first few km’s and that was the story of the day. I was feeling much more confident and comfortable in the peloton today. I have got over the inital awe and shock of the event.

I had my first taste of a Tour de France sprint and it nearly ended in disaster but I managed to stay up right… just. I was following Geraint and Eddie when the bunch swung across the road and I had no option but to brake hard to stop my self from crashing. It was disappointing because G hit the corner first like we had wanted. And you are left thinking what if? But that is bike racing and the thing with the tour is there is 21 stages so we will give it a shot again on the next sprint.

Video! Don’t forget to check out their websites and the videos on there
www.geraintthomas.com/videos | www.benswiftcycling.com/videos

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