Report: Inverse RT Summer Series

Report and photos from the final round of the Inverse RT Summer Series at Hillingdon on Sept 24 by Graham Robins (

In a race over 40 minutes plus five laps, and very much like the world title race over the water in Denmark, despite the odd attack here and there, none of the riders could break the elastic holding the group together. SO it came down to a bunch kick with Jane McInnes of London Dynamo winning from Karia Boddy.

1. Jane McInnes, London Dynamo
2. Karia Boddy, High Wycombe
3. Rohan Battison, For Viored
4. Claire Beaumont, Condor
5. Emily Bagnall, Kingston Whlrs
6. Dyanne Holland, Inverse RT
7. Nikki Juniper, Inverse RT
8. Donna Le Blanc, Velo Belle
9. Sarah Brooke,
10. Victoria Collins, London Dynamo
11. Clemence Coppie
12. Charlotte Robrese, Dulwich Paragon
13. Jo Perry Deal,
14. Mary Hannah, High Wycombe
15. Tracy Corbet,t London Dynamo
16. Claire Allen, Interbike
17. Katie Metali, BCDS

Category 2/3
The race for second and third category riders was held over 36 laps and Straight away Ben Moores (Norwood Paragon) attacked and over the first two laps, managed to get a lead of 12 secs but being all alone, he was soon picked up by the bunch who chased him down.

Over the next few laps, there were no shortage of riders willing to attack, getting small gaps but then being swept up by the attentive bunch who wanted to keep them in check. On lap ten, two riders, Chris Snook (Banjo Cycles) and another rider got a gap and within two laps had increased their lead to 15 seconds. The break failed to stick though but Snook wasn’t about to give up and around one third distance, he was one of five riders who escaped.

Once again, this break only lasted a couple of laps and the bunch all came back as one again and for the next six laps, they were content to stay together before and three riders; Francis Cade (Kingston Wheelers), Ben Moores and Arjan Planting (Dulwich Paragon) slipped off the front and soon had a gap of 18 seconds. Over the next five laps, their lead increased lap on lap and at one point, was sixty seconds. With these riders now lapping in 2 minutes 10secs, the bunch were not closing the gap.

With four laps to go, the three leaders started to allow the bunch back and the gap was cut by half and at the bell with the peloton gathering speed, the gap was down to twenty seconds but hold on they did with Arjan Planting, Dulwich Paragon winning the race to the line.

1. Arjan Planting, Dulwich Paragon
2. Francis Cade, Kingston Whlrs
3. Ben Moores, Norwood Paragon
4. George Purrey, Welwyn Whrs @ 11 seconds
5. Chris Snook, Banjo Cycles
6. Ashley Holding, MStina
7. Gavin Ryan, London Dynamo
8. Andrew Brown, VC Peloton
9 ?
10. Gianlucca Cappello, VC Muedon
11. Tony Lock, Edwardes
12. William Macke, AW Cycles
13. Ben Spurrier, Condor
14. Ron Thatcher, Sydenham Whlrs

Category 4 Race
The afternoon of racing got underway with a race for 4th category riders ove a distance of forty minutes plus five laps. After the initial first couple of laps, a group of seven riders attacked off the front and soon started to build a large lead. Two of the riders were dropped after two laps leaving a group of five; Callum Hughes (Reading CC), Ken Buckles (Reading CC), Callum Oliver (Rapha), Tom Elliott and Julian King (Welwyn Wheelers. With all the power in the leading group, their lead continued to grow and in the sprint for the line, Callum Hughes was the winner.

1. Callum Hughes, Reading CC
2. Ken Buckles, Reading CC
3. Callum Oliver, Rapha CC
4. Tom Elliott, @ 13 seconds
5. Julian King, Welwyn Wheelers @1min 45secs
6. Brian Stokes, Wyndamylla
7. James Local, London Dynamo
8. Richard Barnfield, Dulwich Paragon
9. Alan Nixon, Amersham CC
10. Warren Hanninson, iTeam

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