Result: LVRC Newbury Road Race

Round 9 of MStina series at Woodlands St Mary, Berkshire on a punishing course blessed by superb weather

RST Cycle Clothing & Trigon Bikes


Race 1 A/B

Race Result
1. Andrew Pollintine, Dulwich Paragon (B)
2. Nick Abraham, LVRC (A)
3. Craig Wilson, GS Vecchi (B)

1. Nick Abraham, LVRC
2. Mark McCullagh, Dulwich Paragon
3. Mark Daly, Colourtech RT
4. Paul Crook, Beyond MTB/WDMBC
5. Malcolm Jeffries, Colourtech RT
6. David Rutty, VC Bristol
7. Andrew Bocking, GS Henley
8. Richard Pearman, Team Wiggle
9. Gareth Welch, Dulwich Paragon
10. Chris Phillips, Abercynon RC

1. Andrew Pollintine, Dulwich Paragon
2. Craig Wilson, GS Vecchi
3. Tim Costello, GS Vecchi
4. Mark Farrar, Coventry RC
5. Peter Phillips, Bath CC
6. Lee Tanner, Velo Schils/Interbike
7. Martin Evans, LVRC
8. Nick Rossman, Finchley RT
9. Mike Edwards, ride 24/7
10. Andy Cullinane, Finchley RT

Race 2 C/D

Race Result
1. Patrick Schils, Velo Schils/Interbike (D)
2. Mark Field, Addiscombe CC (C)
3. Paul Caton, Anders TMG/Horizon (C)

1. Mark Field, Addiscombe CC
2. Paul Caton, Anders TMG/Horizon
3. Martin O’Grady, Team Toachim
4. Costa Pierides, Finchley RT
5. Russell Childs, RT316
6. Robert Cranstone, GS Vecchi
7. Mike Inder, Team Ques
8. Guy Gregory, Severn RCt
9. Joseph Green, BADTRI
10. Robert Marcus, VC Godalming & Haselemere

1. Patrick Schils, Velo Schils/Interbike
2. Martin Hulbert, VC Meudon
3. Pete Wilson, Bournemouth Arrow/Hotel Collingwood
4. Andrew Haines, LVRC
5. Terry Meecham, Team Coventry Cycle Centre
6. Alistair Asher, Contre la Montre
7. Colin Bateman, Festival RC
8. Nick Best, Bournemouth Jubilee Whs
9. Paul Cackett, Verulam CC
10. Phil Evans, Coventry RC

Race 3 E/F/G/H

Race Result
1. Ray Robinson, Team Rose Blann (E)
2. Lance Ravenhill, Team Coventry Cycle Centre (F)
3. Bill Rains, VC Bristol (F)

1. Ray Robinson, Team Rose Blann
2. Glenn Smith, GS Vecchi
3. Roger Jackaman, South Western RC/Evans Cycles
4. Olivier MacPherson, 4T+
5. John Rayner, GS Henley
6. Richard Turner, Pearson Cycles
7. John Hughes. Coventry RC
8. Fred Hale, Reading CC
9. Wayne Thomas, GS Henley
10. Alan Williams, GS Ciucci

F (These are Series points winners excluding anyone riding out of category)
1. Lance Ravenhill, Team Coventry Cycle Centre
2. Bill Rains, VC Bristol
3. Roger McGlynn, London Dynamo
4. Barry Jones, Cycles Dauphin
5. Mick Murkin, Swindon RC
6. Richard Williamson, Kingston Whs
7. Keith Brooks, GS Vecchi
8. Tom McCall, Croydon
9. Geoff Mosley, GS Vecchi
10. Andy Hicks, South Western RC/Evans Cycles

1. Bob Richards, Solihull CC

1. Keith Matthews, Fareham Whs



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