The Pedal Club with Fred Wright

The Pedal Club’s guest speaker for November was world star Fred Wright, the current British professional road race champion

The Pedal Club with Fred Wright
by Chris Lovibond

Graham Temple, the current president, pinning on Mr Wright’s Pedal Club badge.

Fred began with a few words on his background and an explanation of how he came into the sport. His father and grandfather had both been actors and he might well have followed them, but he happened to live in south London and became aware of Herne Hill stadium. Drawn to this, he grew up on the track and finding that he had a talent, was inspired by the ambition to become an Olympic track medallist.

However he soon realised that, from the career point of view, his prospects on the road were better. Trips to Belgium with John Barclay (of the Pedal Club) were an important factor in this decision. At this point we moved to an informative question and answer session.

Question: Given that promising seventh place in the Tour of Flanders, could you win it?
Answer: I’d certainly like to win it, but there’s a certain Slovenian…… I’m more hopeful for Paris- Roubaix – it’s flatter.

Q. Did you have a hero in your formative period?
A. Bradley Wiggins.

Q. How do you see yourself in future Grand Tours?
A. Wearing the leader’s jersey in the Tour de France or the Giro is certainly an ambition. The
The Olympic road race is also a target.

Q. What qualities do you see in yourself?
A. I know what I’m not – a climber! I think my strongest suit is durability.

Q. Would the current pro peloton like to see Cav get Tour de France stage win record?
A. Yes, I believe they would.

Q. Have we finally seen off the Lance Armstrong era?
A. Yes, it’s ancient history now.

Q. In the light of the Pedal Club’s new venture with the John Barclay Academy, how would you set out to encourage young hopefuls?
A. The road race calendar in Britain is now so poor that there is no opportunity to progress without going abroad. I was lucky enough to go to Belgium with John, and those trips were really useful to me. The J.B. Academy seems to be an excellent project.

When asked about his pre-season training mileage, he spoke of hours in the saddle rather than distance, but it was clear that old school supporters of high mileage would not be disappointed.

Fred Wright is a bright prospect for the future – how fortunate we are that Herne Hill survived to give him a start, but how sad that it’s now necessary to go abroad to get into road racing.

This meeting was again held at the Civil Service Club in S.W.1. and was attended by forty five members and guests.


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