Report: Welwyn Track League

20th July: The evenings racing got under way on schedule and the first half of the meeting produced some closely fought races among both the senior and youth events.

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Peter Waghorn writes… Roger Woodford opened the Senior B 10 lap with a well timed sprint and victory over Ken Roesner and new comer Gavin Atkins.

The Odds and Events 10 lap Block Pursuit saw a slow start from the group of Even numbered riders who rapidly lost ground to a well organised trio from the other team and the trio of Gavin Atkins, Ken Roesner and Glen O’Brien caught them with 2 laps remaining and finished in that order.

Roger Woodford added the Devil and his current form will see him promoted to the A League when the series resumes on August 3rd John McClelland was chased home in the A group 10 lap scratch by recently promoted Martin Ruepp and then added the Devil before rain brought the meeting to a premature close

In the hotly contested youth series Luke Morgan increased his lead in the A series with three wins with Theo Doncaster and Sam Dossett in close attendance.

Mitchell Powell and Frank Longstaff won the opening scratch and Devil events in the BC group but the lone break in the points race by Glen Dossett left those two to take the minor places

The youth CD group resumed the battle of top rider between Tom Durkin and Alexi Edwards and by the end of the meeting they were back on equal points. Tristan Rayner won the 3 lap handicap with the scratch pair too busy watching each other pair.

A new innovation ‘team sprint’ for the CDE group has two teams of 5 riders – the youngest riders do a half lap and the older ones a full lap – the last lap being a Durkin/Edwards showdown. Good experience for the riders and exciting for the spectators.

The Track League meeting on Friday 27th July has been cancelled and tacked onto the end of the series on September 21st

Senior A
10 lap scratch – John McClelland (Prestige) Martin Ruepp (York Cycles) Sam Gilzean (Welwyn)
Devil – John McClelland (Prestige) Joe Fry (Welwyn) Mike Broadwith (Shorter Rochford)

Senior B
10 lap scr – Roger Woodford (Willesden) Ken Roesner (kings Lynn) Gavin Atkins (Hemel Hempstead)
10 lap Odds & Evens Block Pursuit – Gavin Atkins (Hemel Hempstead) Ken Roesner (Kings Lynn) Glen O’Brien
(CC Luton)
Devil – Gavin Atkins (Hemel Hempstead) Roger Woodford (Willesden) Glen O’Brie (CC Luton)

Youth A
8 lap scratch – Luke Morgan (Welwyn) Theo Doncaster (CC Ashwell) Sam Dossett (Welwyn)
Devil – Luke Morgan (Welwyn) Theo Doncaster (CC Ashwell) Sam Dossett (Welwyn)
8 lap points – Luke Morgan (Welwyn) Theo Doncaster (CC Ashwell) Sam Dossett (Welwyn)

Youth BC
5 lap scr – Frank Longstaff (Colchester) Mitchell Powell (Chelmer) Connor Woodford (Willesden)
Devil – Mitchell Powell (Chelmer) Connor Woodford (Willesden) Glen Dossett (Welwyn)
6 lap Points – Glen Dossett (Welwyn) Mitchell Powell (Chelmer) Connor Woodford (Willesden)

Youth CDE
3lap scr – Tom Durkin , Alexi Edwards, Josie Griffin (all Welwyn)
3 lap H’Cap – Tristan Rayner (CC Ashwell) Olivia Howard (Welwyn) Harry Towning (Welwyn)


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