Talkingshop: National Trophy Winner Oli Beckingsale


VeloUK talks to National Trophy winner Oli Beckingsale of Endura about his victory on Sunday and the Championships next weekend plus a selection of pics of Oli racing at Derby

Oli’s Race at Derby in Pictures

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Last weekend saw the final round of the 2013/13 National Trophy in Derby at the Onimpex/Bioracer sponsored event and the Elite Men’s series was won by Oli Beckinsgale of Endura. “The series was the priority today but when I was asked by people am I going to mark Paul (Oldham) today, I was like no.”


“It was so slippery out there today. If you were on your own it was a lot easier and I had good legs today and tried to get away. It was the first time Ian (Field) has come over and no-one knew where he was at after his injury.”

Oli admitted he isn’t a skilled ‘cross rider though. “I am a horsepower ‘cross rider so I tried to get the power down today and that was difficult. On the last lap, I tried to follow Hofman who hopped the planks and that showed his skills. And then on that last lap, I took a tumble as I was going into the red trying to bring Hofman back when I got in a rut and tipped over and crashed.”

“Fieldy then got me but I’m happy with the series win and another podium and the series has gone far better than I thought it would. It’s a nice start to the year. With my win in the Mountain Bike Series and this, Endura have got the lot. Thwaites got the road series to so we got the lot, I think we’ve done alright.”

Looking ahead to the National Championships, and having seen what his rivals have got in the tank, Oli was upbeat about his chances in Bradford. “I think we’re (Oli and Ian) going to have a good fight there. I like Bradford. Hopefully it will stay dryish. It will be muddy but hopefully its not a running race and we can have a good fight.”

“I am really motivated for it. I was a bit sick over Christmas so I missed a race last week but it’s nice to know that even though I missed some training and lost the confidence I had two weeks ago, I was able to pull out a ride here and that confidence is back up again!”

RELATED: Report/Results & Photos from the Final round of the National Trophy


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