Report & Photos: Day 1 – 2013 British Cyclo-Cross Championships


Report, full results, hundreds of photos  and rider reactions from day 1 of 2013 British Cyclo-Cross Championships on day 1

RST Cycle Clothing & Trigon Bikes

2012 (rewind) British Cyclo-Cross Championships Report & Photos


The Craig family dominate day 1 of the British Cyclo-Cross Championships in Peel Park, Bradford

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Nick and Thomas Craig (above) both won British titles on day 1 of the British Cyclo-Cross Championships in Peel Park, Bradford and to top it off, the youngest member of the Craig family won the Under 12 race as well! Three out of three!

Nick Craig’s win in the 40-49 race came as no surprise even though he was in no way expecting the victory to be an easy one when we spoke before the race. In the end though he did cruise to victory once he had fought his way to the front within half a lap of the race starting and then going clear of his closest rivals.

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Mike Simpson, Nick Craig and Darren Atkins on the podium in the 40-45 veterans category

Second was Darren Atkins who has dominated the category all season but was unable to do anything about Craig and to make things worse, found himself a strong rival in Mike Simpson. Atkins has not been challenged in the way Simpson did for the whole race and even though he finished a few lengths down on Atkins, Simpson certain did himself proud with a race that saw him finish and promptly collapse on the ground, exhausted but pleased with the medal.

“Well chuffed” was the reaction of the winner of the Over 40 race, Nick Craig. The Scott UK rider explained that after the day they’ve had as a family (3 wins), they had better do some celebrating especially for the win by his son Thomas by having a beer and some pizza and all will be well for his assault on the Elite men’s race too.

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“I went into the race with respect for Darren (Atkins) , he’s a good rider and a quick starter and I know one thing, I would not take him to a sprint as I’ve done that before and he’s beaten me.”

“It’s shame Jim was not himself today as it could have been a tight race with Jim, me and Darren racing together.” Asked at what point he knew he had the measure of his rivals, Nick replied “Once the gap was open and it sat at 20 seconds and they weren’t closing in so I knew I was alright then. But you can’t roll round this course as its heavy.”

“I tried not to run up the bank and save that for tomorrow and just keep the bike rolling. I found if I went easy though I parked up so you had to give it some effort to keep the momentum.”

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Start of the Vets 40-49 and Craig can be seen on the right as Darren Atkins leads the field of over 100 riders away.

With a few days of dry weather, Nick explained that through no fault of anyone, the conditions made the course today dull and he is hoping for some special weather tonight. “It wants either watering, snowing on or freezing up to make it more interesting. It is a bit tame as it is but it will be still be a good race whatever because it will make for a close race.”

“It may be quite a simple course but there are still lines to ride and I was pinning a few lines today that I will be using tomorrow!”

“A bit slippery will make it better for me! Lets hope for some snow shall we”


The other victory of the day for the Craig family was in the Under 16 Boys title race won by Thomas Craig. It was another Thomas, Thomas Franklin (Hargroves Cycles) who made the running from the start with Craig, gridded well back like his dad was later in the day, working his way to the front. With Franklin and Craig running away with the race, the Hargroves Cycles rider dropped his chain and Craig did not need any more of an invitation to press on. This he did all the way to the line to win that race from Franklin and William Gascoyne.

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Riding with his dad’s race wheels in his bike, Thomas Craig said it was his biggest win to date in cross. “Thomas Franklin went off at the start and then we were together for a little bit before I think his chain came off and that was it!”

Thomas wasn’t well for the previous National Trophy which meant he never really got to show his form but a podium in another round certainly proved he was a worthy contender.

“I was a little bit ill over Christmas with a chest infection but am fine now. I loved the course which was nice and slippery and with a bit of running as well. I love a muddy course”. Like father, like son!

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L-R: Grace Garner (3rd)  and her RST Clothing/Trigon Bikes teammate Abby-Mae Parkinson (1st along with silver medallist , Abigail van Twisk.

In the Under 16 Girls, Defending champion Abby-Mae Parkinson (RST Clothing/Trigon bikes) was too good for her rivals and won that solo. Having been round the course with ace cross rider Chris Young the day before, Parkinson had a big battle at the start with the likes of Charlotte Broughton, teammate Grace Garner and Abigail van Twisk but then Broughton hit a tree that took her out of the race.

Parkinson then started to gap her rivals and while there was a battle for second for a while between van Twisk and Garner with Amira Mellor in the equation as well, the gaps between them all started to open up with Parkinson taking the win from van Twisk with Garner third.

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“I am so so happy” said Abby (pictured above) afterwards. “I have been worrying about this for so so long. Last night I could not sleep! It was all I was thinking about and on the first lap I was thinking oh my word, its going to be really close. Any of the girls I was with could have got it”.

“I think I was lucky because I had my disc brakes (on her special Trigon cross bike) and I was able to corner quicker than them. I went round one corner really fast and opened up a gap and I thought I’m just going to go for it.”

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Start of the Under 16 girls race

“It’s been an amazing year, a dream come true. It was a really tough course and I really liked it. After I rode it last year, I thought it was really technical round the trees and that but since I rode in Belgium and my other races, my technical skills have come on so much. The course today didn’t even feel technical for me and the conditions suited me.”

“When I ride round the course yesterday, I thought this course is going to suit Charlotte (Broughton).” Abby then explained she’s looking forward to the season ahead riding for RST Clothing Trigon Bikes and doing some time trials. “I have the national record and done a 21.44 so I am hoping I can go for the Junior record this year! I have really enjoyed riding for RST, I feel like a professional with them…”

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Thomas Craig with his biggest win cyclo-cross so far has the jersey, trophy and Gold medal with Thomas Franklin (Hargroves Cycles) second William Gascoyne (left) in third.

In the Under 14 boys there was heart break for Dan Tullett. The Hargroves Cycles rider has dominated his category all year and within a quarter of a lap had opened up a big gap on his rivals only to break a chain and have to run a whole lap to the pits. This saw him lose a lot of time and while Harry Yates came to the front and soloed to the victory, Tullet did his best to get back to the front, making it home in fourth and just out of the medals. In the Under 14 Girls, Jessica Roberts was all smiles with her solo win in that race.

The other race of the day was the Over 50’s and as expected, Steve Davies (Hargroves Cycles) won that easily from a great battle for second between Mick Bell, Mick Davies and Over 55 winner, Pete Harris. Bell it was that got second in a sprint to the line from Mick Davies while Harris came home a few seconds back.

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Mick Bell fights tooth and nail to get the Silver from Mick Davies (bronze)

Steve Davies said afterwards: “I trained really hard for this after last years disappointment. I really wanted it last year so it was just a matter of getting the training right and staying fit all year. The changes to the circuit made it easier to ride. It was fast and grippy and it’s a really good circuit with loads of chances to pile it on and places to have a breather. It was brilliant.”

Steve explained he had one change of bike and as for tyres, he explained that last week in Derby for the national trophy there, he messed up so this time they took no chances and went for muddy tyres.”

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Steve Davies has worked hard to win the title and that work has seen him in a different class to the rest and he showed that winning the title at Peel Park. Former champion Mick Bell was second and Mick Davies third (right).

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No disguising the joy of Steve Davies winning the Vets 50 Plus title.

We’ve not got any results at the moment(above is all provisional) as the racing was non-stop all day and so the judges have retired to a warmer office to do them and we’ll bring them to you as soon as we can. Interviews will follow soon as will photo reports.

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Jessica Roberts (centre) with her trophy for winning the Under 14 Girls title. Connie Hurton was third and Lucy Horrocks (right) was second.

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Darren Atkins gets to the finish just ahead of Mike Simpson in the vets 40-49 race.

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Start of the Vets 50 Plus race.

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Thomas Franklin, head down sprinting for all his worth, opened up a gap at the start but Thomas Craig (extreme left) worked his way to the front and won the race from Franklin.

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Harry Yates celebrates his win in the Under 14s.

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Jessica Roberts wins the Under 14 Girls.

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Half a lap out from the start and Dan Tullet is reduced to running the lap after a broken chain.

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Dan Tullet and his trademark fast start before it all went wrong …

Album 1 From day 1

Album 2 from day 1


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Under 16 Boys
1 Thomas Craig Team Scott UK 33.48
2 Tomas Franklin Hargroves Cycles/Specialized/Trant 0.52
3 William Gascoyne Matlock CC/Chubb/Farmers/Wards/Fearns 0.55
4 David Barnes Condor Cycles 2.7
5 Calum Magowan Peebles CC 2.32
6 Jake Poole Dirtwheels Cycles 2.36
7 Alfie Moses Paul Milnes/Bradford Plympic RC 2.40
8 Ewan Grivell-Mellor Mid Shropshire Wheelers 2.45
9 Christopher Barnes RT/Kuota/GSG 3.20
10 Anthony Neave Stourbridge CC 3.28
11 Harry Johnston Dales Cycles RT Scotland 3.36
12 Matthew Walls Velocity RT 4.8
13 Oliver Peckover Nottingham Clarion CC 4.17
14 Lewis Champion Perth United CC 4.20
15 George Baker Kings Cliffe Flyers CC 4.23
16 Matthew Clements Lee Valley Youth CC 4.27
17 Gregg Booker Matlock CC/Chubb/Farmers/Wards/Fearns 4.48
18 Rory Mellis Ronde-Bicycle Outfitters 4.55
19 Tim James Bourne Wheelers CC 5.2
20 Matthew Worton Hetton Hawks CC 5.5
21 Christopher Rothwell Swindon RC 5.10
22 Robert Scott East Bradford CC 5.20
23 Robert Armstrong Bill Nickson Cycles RT 5.20
24 Henry Barnes Baines Racing Silverstone Cycle 5.46
25 Miles Worner Teesdale CRC 6.4
26 Joseph Peatfield Bolton Hot Wheels CC 6.11
27 Thomas Clarke Red Rose Olympic CC 6.17
28 Fabian Brennan Individual Member 6.22
29 Harry Sowden Clayton Cars BMW and Mini 6.26
30 Buauna Ball Team Milton Keynes 6.30
31 Max Williamson Lincsquad 6.59
32 Jack Fillingham Pedalsport CC 7.11
33 Adam Hartley Velocity Race Team 7.21
34 James Garratt Welland Valley CC 7.28
35 Tom Seaman Wakefield Junior Tri Club 7.58
36 Timothy Jones Cycle Sport Pendle 8.38
37 Joshua Waters Mercia HBM CC 9.5
38 Louis Killworth Welland Valley CC 10.8
39 Bobbin Gardner Harrogate Nova CC at 1 lap
40 Callum Mackie Lee Valley Youth CC at 1 lap
41 Bailey Payne Cycle Sport Pendle at 1 lap
42 Arthur Green Matlock CC/Chubb/Farmers/Wards/Fearns at 1 lap
43 George Fox East Bradford CC at 1 lap
44 Calum Grant Peebles CC at 1 lap
45 Liam Gilpin Wakefield Junior Tri Club at 1 lap
46 Feargus Scherczer Derwentside CC at 1 lap
47 Joe Williams Holme Valley Wheelers at 1 lap
48 Daniel Gilpin Wakefield Junior Tri Club at 1 lap
49 Joseph Parker East Bradford CC at 1 lap
50 Ned O’Regan CC Hackney at 1 lap
51 Luke Benn Kirklees Cycling Academy at 2 laps

1 East Bradford CC
2 Wakefield Junior Tri Club

 Under 16 Girls

1 Abby-Mae Parkinson RST Racing Team – Trigon 33.49
2 Abigail van Twisk VC Londres 0.9
3 Grace Garner RST Racing Team – Trigon 0.20
4 Amira Mellor Holme Valley Wheelers 1.0
5 Jessica Wilkinson Birkenhead North End CC 2.21
6 Sarah Lomas Matlock CC/Chubb/Farmers/Wards/Fearns 2.53
7 Ffion James Abergavenny RC/Lane/Govilon/Gateway 3.41
8 Martha Gill Bolton Hot Wheels CC 4.2
9 Emma Borthwick Edinburgh RC/Martin Currie RT 4.34
10 Hannah Saville North Midlands Youth Squad 5.55
11 Elena Malton Cairngorm CC 6.38
12 Jessica Willett Sherwood Pines Cycles/Sram Team 6.59
13 Erika Allen Stirling Bike Club 7.25
14 Rosa Martin Ribble Valley Juniors 8.2
15 Phoebe Martin Lichfield City CC 9.11
16 Sophie Capewell Lichfield City CC 10.16
17 Philippa Samphier Stirling Bike Club 10.49

Under 14 Boys

1 Harry Yates Lichfield City CC 28.22
2 Tomos Nesham Cardiff JIF/Cyclopaedia 0.18
3 Mark Donovan Beacon Wheelers 0.29
4 Daniel Tulett Hargroves Cycles/Specialized/Trant 1.6
5 Anthony Anderson La Fuga Sigma Sport 2.43
6 Thomas Mein MTS Cyclesport/Inkland/Elvet RT 2.55
7 Dougal Toms Iceni Velo 3.7
8 Edward Gronbech Oxford City RC 3.17
9 Jamie Ridehalgh Airedale Chemical RT 4.3
10 Georg Mew Jensen Lee Valley Youth CC 4.11
11 James Armstrong VC Lincoln/Pygott&Crone/B&O/SPS 4.30
12 Ozzie Chmiel Nottingham Clarion CC 4.41
13 Scott Hookway Sherwood Pines Cycles/Sram Team 4.49
14 Jake Stewart Solihull CC 5.1
15 Lewis Hartley Eastlands Velo 5.16
16 Craig Rogers Birkenhead North End CC 5.32
17 Joseph Feiven Solihull CC 5.50
18 Tyla Loftus Beacon Wheelers 5.53
19 Harry Hardcastle Kirklees Cycling Academy 5.59
20 John Webster Matlock CC/Chubb/Farmers/Wards/Fearns 6.2
21 Matthew Taylor Pedalsport CC 6.9
22 Solomon Kerfoot-Robson Rhos on Sea CC 6.21
23 Mason Hollyman Kirklees Cycling Academy 6.30
24 Adam Botteley Bourne Wheelers CC 6.41
25 Oliver Dighton Beacon Roads CC 6.52
26 Sean Flynn Edinburgh RC/Martin Currie RT 7.6
27 James Swadling Nottingham Clarion CC 7.9
28 Matthew Ellis Spalding CC 7.31
29 Cory Edmondson Cycle Sport Pendle 7.34
30 Toby Barnes Lichfield City CC 7.56
31 Euan Cameron East Bradford CC 8.1
32 Devon Round Mid Shropshire Wheelers 8.36
33 Charlie Cooper Chapel Tr-Stars Junior Triathlon Club at 1 lap
34 Luke O’Connell East Bradford CC at 1 lap
35 Jacob Feetham Wakefield Junior Tri Club at 1 lap
36 Harrison Cooper-Oldroyd Kirklees Cycling Academy at 1 lap
37 Louis Mason Harrogate Nova CC at 1 lap
38 Louis Byrne CC Hackney at 1 lap
39 Ryan Middlemiss Otley CC at 1 lap
40 Frank Moore CC Hackney at 1 lap
41 Arran Brayshaw East Bradford CC at 1 lap

 Under 14 Girls

1 Jessica Roberts Towy Riders 33.18
2 Lucy Horrocks Team Hope Factory Racing 2.47
3 Connie Hurton Beacon Wheelers 3.16
4 Madeleine Gammons Bourne Wheelers CC 3.33
5 Emily Wadsworth Beeline Bicycles RT 3.43
6 Rhona Callander Stirling Bike Club 4.48
7 Sophie Holmes Vivelo Bikes / Inverse Cyclaim RT 5.0
8 Joni Wildman Nottingham Clarion CC 5.7
9 Megan James Abergavenny RC/Lane/Govilon/Gateway 5.8
10 Sophie Thackray Paul Milnes/Bradford Olympic RC 6.19
11 Rhianna Stoves Derwentside CC 7.47
12 Eleanor Strathdee Edinburgh RC/Martin Currie RT 8.6
13 Corinne Side Bolton Hot Wheels CC 8.10
14 Eve Lyon Leicestershire RC 9.20
15 Katie Allen Stirling Bike Club 10.21

Veteran 40-49 Overall
1 Nick Craig Team Scott UK 40.55
2 Darren Atkins Team Jewson/Thule/Kinesis/CNP/MI 0. 43
3 Michael Simpson GS Henley 0. 46
4 James Bryan RT/Kuota/GSG 1. 40
5 Ian Taylor Craven Energy 1. 48
6 Peter Middleton RT/Kuota/GSG 2. 10
7 Chris Rathbone 2. 17
8 Andrew Peace Crosstrax 2. 25
9 Greg Simcock Team Scott UK 2. 25
10 Noel Clough Fietsen Tempo 2. 28
11 Chris Taylor Pedalsport CC 2. 51
12 Stephen Knight Team Jewson/Thule/Kinesis CNP/MI 3. 4
13 Richard Noble Tyne & Wear Fire and Rescue 3. 11
14 Chris Young Pedalsport CC 3. 22
15 Matthew Denby Team Jewson/Thule/Kineses/CNP/MI 3. 31
16 Mike Young Pedalsport CC 3. 59
17 Dan Cook Planet X 4. 7
18 Robin Willmott GA Cycles 4. 17
19 Dave Haygarth Planet X 4. 27
20 Adrian Lawrence Team Bglobal 4. 40
21 Richard Lister Ellmore Factory Racing 4. 47
22 James Melville Glasgow United CC 4. 51
23 Mark James Team Jewson/Thule/Kinesis/CNP/MI 4. 59
24 Sean Williams Individual Member 5. 6
25 Kenny Johnson Team Scott UK 5. 11
26 Robert Wimble RT/Kuota/GSG 5. 16
27 Keith Ashbridge VC Cumbria/Lakeland Sprinters 5. 20
28 Jonathan Marshall RT/Kuota/GSG 5 37
29 Keith Sheridan Cotswold Veldrijden 5. 44
30 Brian Stanley Ace RT 6. 6
31 James Anderson Blackhawk Bikes 6. 13
32 Jerrod Hartley Horwich CC – 4 Seasons Cycling 6. 18
33 Jonathan Watson Charge Bikes 6. 27
34 Franco Porco Team Leslie Bike Shop/Right Move 6. 35
35 John Hick Individual Member 6. 46
36 Peter Hutchinson Cotswold Veldrijden 6. 47
37 Mick Style Manchester Wheelers 6. 49
38 Andrew Brindle Horwich CC – 4 Seasons Cycling 6. 56
39 Dave Copland Ipswich BC 7. 14
40 David Hobbs Cotswold Veldrijden 7. 14
41 Stephen Whitehouse Lichfield City CC 7. 33
42 John Mein Derwentside CC 7. 43
43 Richard Atkinson Hambleton RC 7. 43
44 Steve Smales 7. 46
45 Marcus Spencer Batley CC 7. 52
46 Stuart Pickering One and All Cycling/Bike-Chain Ricci 7 59
47 Peter Fielding-Smith Wilsons Wheels RT 8. 3
48 Darryl Hewson Alford Wheelers 8. 17
49 Lee Edmonds Welland Valley CC 8. 19
50 Chris Green Matlock CC/Chubb/Farmers/Wards/Fearns 8. 36
51 Richard Allen Here come the Belgians 8. 36
52 Kevin Knox Vicious Velo 8. 38
53 Andrew Thomson Wills Wheels CC 8. 40
54 Mark Horrocks Team Hope Factory Racing 8. 40
55 Sean Beswick RT/Kuota/GSG 8. 59
56 Gordon Dickson Rockhard MBC 9. 8
57 Neil Mansfield Nottingham Clarion CC at 1 lap
58 Neil Simpson London Phoenix CC at 1 lap
59 Matthew Enticknap Malton Wheelers RC at 1 lap
60 Vilas Silverton Sri Chimnoy Cycling Team at 1 lap
61 Philip Jones Dulwich Paragon CC at 1 lap
62 David Jennaway Individual Member at 1 lap
63 Ian Cleverly Mosquito Bikes RT at 1 lap
64 Tony Davis Dream Cycling at 1 lap
65 Paul Lamb at 1 lap
66 Nigel Langridge Crawley Wheelers at 1 lap
67 John Dalton Cheltenham & County CC at 1 lap
68 Alex Slater Individual Member at 1 lap
69 Alan Dorrington Planet X at 1 lap
70 Ricky Wildman Nottingham Clarion CC at 1 lap
71 Graham Piccavey Huddersfield Star Wheelers at 1 lap
72 Bruce Mackie Lee Valley Youth CC at 1 lap
73 Simon Meadwell Bournemouth Jubilee Wheelers at 1 lap
74 Darrell Bradbury Norton Wheelers at 1 lap
75 Richard Lewis Kenilworth Wheelers CC at 1 lap
76 Oliver Samphier Stirling Bike Club at 1 lap
77 Joseph Heywood Individual Member at 1 lap
78 Andrew Faichney City Road Club (Hull) at 1 lap
79 Mark Humphreys Rugby Velo at 1 lap
80 Simon Tottle Festival RC at 1 lap
81 Gary Strickland Cycle Shack/Forme Coaching at 1 lap
82 John Reid Stirling Bike Club at 1 lap
83 Andy Woodward Glasgow United CC at 1 lap
84 Steven Drew London Phoenix CC at 1 lap
85 Adrian Kilworth Welland Valley CC at 1 lap
86 Edward Sarmiento Harrogate Nova CC at 1 lap
87 Ronald Barker Rockhard MBC at 1 lap
88 Nicholas Dorsey Batley CC at 1 lap
89 Giles Perkins North Cheshire Clarion at 1 lap
90 Ian Watson CC London at 1 lap
91 Richard Ballantine Craven Energy at 1 lap
92 Andrew Moxon Otley CC at 1 lap
93 Peter Middlemiss Otley CC at 2 laps
94 Richard Bennett Cotswold Veldrijden at 2 laps

1 Team Jewson/Thule/Kinesis/CNP/MI
2 Team Scott UK
3 Pedalsport CC
4 RT/Kuota/GSG
5 Cotswold Veldrijden
6 Planet X

Veterans 40 Plus
1 Nick Craig Team Scott UK
2 Darren Atkins Team Jewson/Thule/Kinesis/CNP/MI
3 Michael Simpson GS Henley
4 James Bryan RT/Kuota/GSG
5 Ian Taylor Craven Energy
6 Chris Rathbone
7 Andrew Peace Crosstrax
8 Greg Simcock Team Scott UK
9 Chris Taylor Pedalsport CC
10 Richard Noble Tyne & Wear Fire and Rescue
11 Mike Young Pedalsport CC
12 Dan Cook Planet X
13 Robin Willmott GA Cycles
14 Dave Haygarth Planet X
15 Adrian Lawrence Team Bglobal
16 Richard Lister Ellmore Factory Racing
17 Sean Williams Individual Member
18 Robert Wimble RT/Kuota/GSG
19 Keith Ashbridge VC Cumbria/Lakeland Sprinters
20 Brian Stanley Ace RT
21 James Anderson Blackhawk Bikes
22 Jerrod Hartley Horwich CC – 4 Seasons Cycling
23 Jonathan Watson Charge Bikes
24 Franco Porco Team Leslie Bike Shop/Right Move
25 Andrew Brindle Horwich CC – 4 Seasons Cycling
26 Steve Smales
27 Marcus Spencer Batley CC
28 Peter Fielding-Smith Wilsons Wheels RT
29 Darryl Hewson Alford Wheelers
30 Kevin Knox Vicious Velo
31 Andrew Thomson Wills Wheels CC
32 Gordon Dickson Rockhard MBC
33 Neil Mansfield Nottingham Clarion CC
34 Matthew Enticknap Malton Wheelers RC
35 Vilas Silverton Sri Chimnoy Cycling Team
36 David Jennaway Individual Member
37 John Dalton Cheltenham & County CC
38 Alex Slater Individual Member
39 Alan Dorrington Planet X
40 Ricky Wildman Nottingham Clarion CC
41 Simon Meadwell Bournemouth Jubilee Wheelers
42 Oliver Samphier Stirling Bike Club
43 Joseph Heywood Individual Member
44 Andrew Faichney City Road Club (Hull)
45 Gary Strickland Cycle Shack/Forme Coaching
46 John Reid Stirling Bike Club
47 Steven Drew London Phoenix CC
48 Adrian Kilworth Welland Valley CC
49 Ronald Barker Rockhard MBC
50 Nicholas Dorsey Batley CC
51 Ian Watson CC London
52 Richard Bennett Cotswold Veldrijden

Veteran 45-49
1 Peter Middleton RT/Kuota/GSG
2 Noel Clough Fietsen Tempo
3 Stephen Knight Team Jewson/Thule/Kinesis CNP/MI
4 Chris Young Pedalsport CC
5 Matthew Denby Team Jewson/Thule/Kineses/CNP/MI
6 James Melville Glasgow United CC
7 Mark James Team Jewson/Thule/Kinesis/CNP/MI
8 Kenny Johnson Team Scott UK
9 Jonathan Marshall RT/Kuota/GSG
10 Keith Sheridan Cotswold Veldrijden
11 John Hick Individual Member
12 Peter Hutchinson Cotswold Veldrijden
13 Mick Style Manchester Wheelers
14 Dave Copland Ipswich BC
15 David Hobbs Cotswold Veldrijden
16 Stephen Whitehouse Lichfield City CC
17 John Mein Derwentside CC
18 Richard Atkinson Hambleton RC
19 Stuart Pickering One and All Cycling/Bike-Chain Ricci
20 Lee Edmonds Welland Valley CC
21 Chris Green Matlock CC/Chubb/Farmers/Wards/Fearns
22 Richard Allen Here come the Belgians
23 Mark Horrocks Team Hope Factory Racing
24 Sean Beswick RT/Kuota/GSG
25 Neil Simpson London Phoenix CC
26 Philip Jones Dulwich Paragon CC
27 Ian Cleverly Mosquito Bikes RT
28 Tony Davis Dream Cycling
29 Paul Lamb
30 Nigel Langridge Crawley Wheelers
31 Graham Piccavey Huddersfield Star Wheelers
32 Bruce Mackie Lee Valley Youth CC
33 Darrell Bradbury Norton Wheelers
34 Richard Lewis Kenilworth Wheelers CC
35 Mark Humphreys Rugby Velo
36 Simon Tottle Festival RC
37 Andy Woodward Glasgow United CC
38 Edward Sarmiento Harrogate Nova CC
39 Giles Perkins North Cheshire Clarion
40 Richard Ballantine Craven Energy
41 Andrew Moxon Otley CC
42 Peter Middlemiss Otley CC

Veteran 50 Plus Overall
1 Steven Davies Hargroves Cycles/Specialized/Trant 35.27
2 Mick Bell London Fire Brigade CC 1.21
3 Mick Davies Team Pedal Power 1.22
4 Peter Harris Pearce Cycles RT 1.37
5 Roy Hunt Colnago – Microshift – Skins 1.55
6 Dave McMullen Cotswold Veldrijden 2.16
7 Ian Wright Cycle Shack/Forme Coaching 2.16
8 David Phillips Cotswold Veldrijden 2.27
9 Mark Ferguson High Peak Cycles RT 2.52
10 Malcolm Cross Hargroves Cycles/Specialized/Trant 3.1
11 Barry Kipling MTS Cyclesport/Inkland/Elvet RT 3.22
12 Tim Stowe Team Jewson/Thule/Kinesis/CNP/MI 3.31
13 Kevin Payton Stourbridge CC 3.34
14 Andy Webb Kenilworth Wheelers CC 3.39
15 Mike Welburn Lichfield City CC 3.43
16 Douglas Fox Crawley Wheelers 3.51
17 Peter Smith Team Jewson/Thule/Kinesis/CNP/MI 4.2
18 Steve Wilson MTS Cyclesport/Inkland/Elvet RT 4.20
19 Ian Robson MTS Cyclesport/Inkland/Elvet RT 4.21
20 Gary Hipwell Rugby Velo 4.23
21 Gregor Grant Moray Firth CC 4.30
22 Graham Edwards Abergavenny RC/Lane/Govilon/Bikebase 4.30
23 David Garrett Rugby Velo 4.30
24 John Galway 4.34
25 Philip Buick Iceni Velo 4.37
26 Donald Gray Cardiff JIF/ Cyclopaedia 4.41
27 Peter Busby Team Jewson/Thule/Kinesis/CNP/MI 5.13
28 Charles Warren Individual Member 524
29 Duncan Stuart 5.49
30 Duncan Schwier Twickenham CC 5.53
31 Brian Perks Pedalsport CC 5.55
32 Andrew O’Regan CC Hackney 6.20
33 Andrew Roberts Cotswold Veldrijden 6.22
34 Cliff Featherstone Individual Member 6.30
35 David Hamilton Hammer Sports 6.48
36 Peter Bromwich West Midlands Cyclo-X League 7.10
37 Martin Eadon Hargroves Cycles/Specialized/Trant 7.31
38 Paul Sleaford Norton Wheelers 7.33
39 Nicholas Dinsdale Clitheroe Bike Club 7.45
40 Chris Watts Matlock CC/Chubb/Farmers/Wards/Fearns 7.49
41 Mark Robinson Sheffrec CC 8.0
42 Mick Fairest Bolsover & District CC 8.6
43 Paul Dalton Matlock CC/Chubb/Farmers/Wards/Fearns 8.9
44 Peter Mooney Rugby Velo 8.21
45 Vic Barnett Welland Valley CC 8.35
46 John Carr Cleveland Wheelers 8.55
47 John Terrell Ipswich BC 9.34
48 David Miller Coventry RC 9.41
49 Barrie Mitchell Team Jewson/Thule/Kinesis/CNP/MI 9.51
50 Nick Mason Harrogate Nova CC at 1 lap
51 Garry Townsend Rugby Velo at 1 lap
52 David Walker Elizabethan CC at 1 lap
53 John Ginley Condor RC at 1 lap
54 Harry Moore CC Hackney at 1 lap
55 Geoff Booker Oxonian CC at 1 lap
56 Stuart Walters Kettering CC at 1 lap
57 Paul Watson Paul Milnes/Bradford Olympic RC at 1 lap
58 Nigel Middlehurst Individual Member at 1 lap
59 Mick Ives Team Jewson/Thule/Kinesis/CNP/MI at 1 lap
60 Dave Dickie Finchley RT at 1 lap
61 Brian Clayton Individual Member at 1 lap
62 Philip Jones Crosstrax at 1 lap
63 Terry Beisty Scunthorpe Polytechnic CC at 1 lap

1 Cotswold Veldrijden
2 MTS Cyclesport/Inkland/Elvet RT
3 Team Jewson/Thule/Kinesis/CNP/MI
4 Rugby Velo

Veteran 50-55
1 Steven Davies Hargroves Cycles/Specialized/Trant Vet 50
2 Mick Bell London Fire Brigade CC Vet 50
3 Mick Davies Team Pedal Power Vet 50
4 Ian Wright Cycle Shack/Forme Coaching Vet 50
5 David Phillips Cotswold Veldrijden Vet 50
6 Mark Ferguson High Peak Cycles RT Vet 50
7 Kevin Payton Stourbridge CC Vet 50
8 Andy Webb Kenilworth Wheelers CC Vet 50
9 Mike Welburn Lichfield City CC Vet 50
10 Steve Wilson MTS Cyclesport/Inkland/Elvet RT Vet 50
11 Ian Robson MTS Cyclesport/Inkland/Elvet RT Vet 50
12 Gary Hipwell Rugby Velo Vet 50
13 David Garrett Rugby Velo Vet 50
14 Donald Gray Cardiff JIF/ Cyclopaedia Vet 50
15 Peter Busby Team Jewson/Thule/Kinesis/CNP/MI Vet 50
16 Charles Warren Individual Member Vet 50
17 Duncan Stuart Vet 50
18 Duncan Schwier Twickenham CC Vet 50
19 Andrew O’Regan CC Hackney Vet 50
20 Peter Bromwich West Midlands Cyclo-X League Vet 50
21 Martin Eadon Hargroves Cycles/Specialized/Trant Vet 50
22 Paul Sleaford Norton Wheelers Vet 50
23 Mark Robinson Sheffrec CC Vet 50
24 Paul Dalton Matlock CC/Chubb/Farmers/Wards/Fearns Vet 50
25 Nick Mason Harrogate Nova CC Vet 50
26 Garry Townsend Rugby Velo Vet 50
27 David Walker Elizabethan CC Vet 50
28 Harry Moore CC Hackney Vet 50
29 Paul Watson Paul Milnes/Bradford Olympic RC Vet 50

Veteran 55-60
1 Peter Harris Pearce Cycles RT
2 Roy Hunt Colnago – Microshift – Skins
3 Malcolm Cross Hargroves Cycles/Specialized/Trant
4 Barry Kipling MTS Cyclesport/Inkland/Elvet RT
5 Tim Stowe Team Jewson/Thule/Kinesis/CNP/MI
6 Douglas Fox Crawley Wheelers
7 Peter Smith Team Jewson/Thule/Kinesis/CNP/MI
8 Gregor Grant Moray Firth CC
9 Graham Edwards Abergavenny RC/Lane/Govilon/Bikebase
10 John Galway
11 Philip Buick Iceni Velo
12 Brian Perks Pedalsport CC
13 Andrew Roberts Cotswold Veldrijden
14 Cliff Featherstone Individual Member
15 David Hamilton Hammer Sports
16 Nicholas Dinsdale Clitheroe Bike Club
17 Chris Watts Matlock CC/Chubb/Farmers/Wards/Fearns
18 Mick Fairest Bolsover & District CC
19 John Terrell Ipswich BC

Veteran 60-65
1 Dave McMullen Cotswold Veldrijden
2 Peter Mooney Rugby Velo
3 John Carr Cleveland Wheelers
4 Geoff Booker Oxonian CC
5 Nigel Middlehurst Individual Member
6 Dave Dickie Finchley RT
7 Brian Clayton Individual Member
8 Philip Jones Crosstrax
9 Terry Beisty Scunthorpe Polytechnic CC

Veteran 65-70
1 Vic Barnett Welland Valley CC
2 David Miller Coventry RC
3 Barrie Mitchell Team Jewson/Thule/Kinesis/CNP/MI

Veteran 70+
1 John Ginley Condor RC
2 Stuart Walters Kettering CC
3 Mick Ives Team Jewson/Thule/Kinesis/CNP/MI




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