Team Report: Hargroves Cycles at National Trophy


Expectations were high for the home team of Hargroves Cycles at the second round of the National Trophy in Southampton

RST Cycle Clothing & Trigon Bikes

Team press release

The first races of the day were the Veterans 40 and 50s. In the Vet 40s race, Crispin Doyle came within 20 seconds of a win to take second place. A great ride for Crispin showing he is right at the top of his category. In the Vets 50 category, British champion Steve Davies once again destroyed the field to finish in first place – a great start for the team on the day.

Dan Tulett once again won the Youth race after another good fight with Joshua Waters. In the Junior race, Tomas Franklin had another good ride to finish fifth and only a minute down on the winner.

The Elite race kicked off at 2.30pm. The weather was looking good and although it was damp under foot, the conditions were good if a little slippery here and there.  Tom Van Den Bosch had made the trip over from Belgium to link up with Steve James, Jody Crawforth, Matt Hargroves and Matt Woods.


After a fast start, it was clear the series leader Paul Oldham was once again on form. After a mechanical issue on the far bank, Oldham lost the lead to local rider Ben Sumner. Unfortunately for Sumner, Oldham powered back to the front and eventually secured the win alone.

Tom Van Den Bosch rode a solid race to finish in fourth with Steve James in 6th and Jody Crawforth in 7th.

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