Day 5: NFTO Pro Cycling Training Camp


Into the mountains for a little race but the riders from NFTO Pro Cycling can’t escape the rain in Majorca

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With the weather looking better on day 5 after some rain stopped them climbing mountains on day 4, the 2014 squad for NFTO Pro Cycling had a handicap race. The team’s Hugh Wilson, winner of the 2013 Jock Wadley in Essex, explained how their DS, the one and only Sean Yates of Trainsharp, sent them off to do the Selva, Lluc and Sa Colobra cols. That for many sounds good but the spoiler was that on the Sa Colobra, their coaches added a little bit of a twist. Sean Yates and Jon Sharples (Trainsharp) had them do a handicap race with €150 prize for the winner!

On the morning of the rider, There was a sweepstake which was €5 to enter and names were picked out of a hat for the winner to take all. Hugh ended up with Hank’s name (James Lowsley Williams) on his ticket! As they rode up Selva Gorge, the heavens opened so they stopped and got a few layers on before making the descent into Sa Colobra. By this time it was quite cold for them! So much more the warm weather training!

Hugh takes up the story. “As soon as we got to the bottom, the first lads were off – John (team owner!) and Tank (James Lewis), then Dean and Russ (Downing), then me, Sam (Williams) and Adam (Blythe) then another gap before Hank, then Mouldy and Josh and finally Dale (10 mins down poor sod)”.

“About halfway up, Mouldy came past me, Sam and Blythe, Sam went with him and I parked up! With the finish line in sight and Mouldy on Tanks wheel (he caught him on the last corner), Mouldy hit him and there was a straight out battle for the line. Mouldy had the legs and beat Tank in the sprint by half a wheel!”

Winner of a round of the Tour Series had shown he can climb a bit too whilst everyone had felt their lungs burning long after the season has finished. Time for a rest and they all rolled home as quick as possible as it was now pretty wet. Should have gone to Oz… ;-)

Hugh explained how everybody was pretty cooked after the day in the mountains but admits it was a decent character building day which they followed up by sitting down and watching Gangsta Squad. It was time to rest as Friday was going to be a long one apparently on the flat and windy roads due to more bad weather …


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