Interview – Adam Blythe Wins Jersey RR

Talking to Adam Blythe about his first big win for NFTO Pro Cycling, the Tour Series and what next for the Sheffield come Monaco rider

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Interview – Adam Blythe Wins Jersey RR

Adam Blythe was the big signing of the winter for NFTO Pro Cycling but as he explains, the British scene is very different to that of the World Tour. In Jersey, in the road race, he got the hands in the air with a classy solo win. Afterwards VeloUK spoke to him about that and lots more.


“I have been wanting that win for a while now and it’s finally come my way. I felt good today, more like myself, was able to dictate how the race went for the break that we were in which went on the first lap. It was quite grippy the first four laps and then calmed down as we got into a rhythm”.

“Then, with four laps to go, I kept putting in a few digs in to see how everyone was and then with two laps to go, hit them hard up the climb. Steve (Lampier) that was able to follow and we came round here and waited for the three chasing as it was going to go on the climb again.”

“I made sure I was in a good position to go there. Ian Bibby (Madison Genesis) went at the bottom and then ran out of steam and then there were three of us (Yanto Barker of Raleigh was distanced as well) and we got over the top and Steve and James were talking so I thought they’ll try and 1-2 me so I’ll get in first.”

“Luckily the one attack was enough and I held on to the finish”.


At the finish area, prior to Adam winning, it was expected to come down to a sprint finish and Adam with a podium in the Giro, is very fast but he wasn’t chancing that. “I felt strong and I thought if I keep hitting them, then I might be able to do something. I knew they wouldn’t want to take me to the line so I thought I’d hit them before they hit me and it worked.”

“The break Adam explained went on the climb on the first lap. “We just went real hard up the climb first time and that was it. The lead we had stayed at 40 seconds for a while and then eventually cracked. We never really slowed down all day and everyone worked until two laps to go when there was attacking on the climb”.

Asked to describe the climb, Adam said that when they were taking it easy on it, it felt really slow but when they hit the climb hard, it was a 50 second to a minute effort. Asked how he’s enjoyed the trip to Jersey with a second (Hill Climb) and first in the road race, he replied “yes, It’s been a nice little holiday” — queue much laughter between everyone.

Talking about the Tour Series, his first taste of it, Adam explained that he didn’t realise how tired he’d get with the travelling. “I didn’t realise how much damage that would do to the legs, just a small race hurting you quite a lot, a lot more than I thought. So I have been doing one big ride on the weekend and that has seen me through”.

“I’ll take a few days off now and then try and get in as much as I can for the Nationals which I think will be a different ball game. It is going to be quite hard to go into that in good condition after doing all these crits as I’ve not really been able to train properly between the races”.


“Before that, there’s the Beaumont and looking ahead, it’s the road racing I want to get stuck into as well as the Crit Champs and the one in Sheffield will be good to do; home town crit. But the Tour of Britain and Surrey Classic, things like that, just build up for the last half of the season”.

Asked how he has found the Tour Series racing coming from the road in Europe, Adam replied “different! It’s hard, there is no doubt about that but hard in a different way and not something I am used to”.

“Full gas from the start and some times it eases up and some times it doesn’t. That is the biggest shock about it. It’s like time trialling or climbing, or time trialing and road racing. It’s just completely different and takes a special rider to get round.”

“That’s why people like Mouldy (Jon Mould) are doing so well because it is fairly similar to the track; sprint, recover, sprint, recover. I have enjoyed them though but at the same time I am looking forward to some road racing”.

There was a time when Adam was a Junior when he’d kick a few legs in crits and really enjoyed that side of things. Now though, he admits he has changed as a rider. “I have still got my fast finish but now I need to ride into the race a bit. With this (Tour Series) you are either in the race from the gun or you are not.”

“When I was younger, I was doing more track and the speed work and that kind of stuff but I’ll also admit the level has gone up quite a bit since I was younger. The senior level is a lot harder than it used to be.”

Final question was what would his advice be to European pros who might fancy themselves in it and Adam replied “I’d tell them to get stuck in. Everyone loves a crit, its fast and fun but it will be hard!”

Congrats to Adam on the win and expect more from the NFTO rider in 2014.



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