News – Maxgear RT launches Development Programme


Maxgear Racing Team launches Britain’s biggest cycling development programme, VCUK

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News – Maxgear RT launches Development Programme

NOTE: Send your results as well as club, team & event news here


Maxgear Racing Team, the original name for the team, was set up 7 years ago with one mission statement: ” To be the most successful cycling development team in the UK”

The Team was formed to help cyclists progress from “Grass Roots to Gold Medals” and in that time even we were amazed at how well our riders have done and how many of them have reached the highest levels of cycling. In the past we’ve helped athletes such as Orica Green Edge’s riders Adam and Simon Yates, Rapha Condor riders Hugh Carthy and Richard Handley, 100% ME Academy riders Chris Latham and Chris Lawless and World Duathlon Champion Gordon Crawford to name just a few.

“We know what it takes to make it to the top”, commented Team Director Wayne Greenhalgh. “VCUK takes that development team to a whole new level in creating the UK’s biggest development programme.”

Wayne added “but VCUK isn’t an elitist club. We believe everyone should have the chance to perform to the best of their ability and we have a structured route that allows anyone to fulfill their ambitions whether they want to ride socially or win an Olympic gold. Anyone can join Veloclub UK and ride in the club kit, which we think looks great!”


By joining VCUK, not only are you part of an exciting forward moving club, but you are part of one of the most successful racing and development teams in the UK. VCUK is a modern club that embraces technology through the internet but is still focused on the social benefits of sport. We want to be out enjoying a bike ride, swim or run rather than sat in club meeting.

Also by joining VCUK as a club member, you are directly helping to fund the development teams and you can directly help British riders that one day could win the Tour De France. You can be part of that.

To manage the size of the project each part of the development team has its own sponsors, managers and even own distinct colour of kit.

The Youth Squad is named VCUK Inspire Youth Racing Team.
The Junior Squad is named VCUK PH MAS Junior Racing Team
The Women’s Squad is named PH MAS VCUK Women’s racing Team
The Senior Men’s Squad (including U23 development squad) is VCUK Champion System Racing Team

Neil Hendry, Junior Team Manager, said “ we are delighted to be part of the VCUK development structure. It allows us to build on the hard work we have done over the past few years with the PH MAS Racing Team, and means our riders have a full development path to professional level. The success of Maxgear in helping many riders reach the top flight of cycling and its links with Pro Tour team Lampre Merida means our riders can concentrate on developing as riders and we can help them fulfill their ambitions.”

The Youth Team will be jointly run by Jerrod Hartley and ex-Rugby League Pro Martin Holden who commented, “when we first found out about the VCUK project it was perfect timing as we were looking to set up our own Youth Team. The VCUK Programme means our riders can progress right the way through to a Pro Contract if they are good enough and don’t need to worry about looking for teams each year. This has been the main problem with teams in the UK and the VCUK development programme solves this and it’s great to be part of it.”

The Women’s squad will also be run through the PH MAS management and is seen by VCUK as a very important part of the programme. “We lost our women’s team two years ago” explained Wayne, “we had always been very successful in women’s racing and had taken part in races as far away as the Tour of Chong Ming Island in China. As new teams came on the scene we couldn’t compete with the sponsorship level so had to finish the team which we reluctantly did. VCUK now allows us to re-start the women’s programme which we are very happy about and will include 20+ women.

We are also very honored to have the endorsement of former Women’s Olympic, World, Commonwealth and National road race champion Nicole Cooke MBE. We have previously worked with Nicole on a number of projects throughout her career and she will bring massive knowledge to the club. Nicole was especially interested in our women’s teams and the women’s specific races that will be hosted by the team this year.”

The Development Teams are all funded by sponsors and sales of club kit to its members. Even if you are part of an existing club or team, VCUK encourages second claim memberships to help fund the project, and show support by wearing the kit. It costs just £25 for a lifetime membership and you will receive a free team jersey worth £45!

For further information about VCUK please visit our website at:

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