Blog – Jake Martin Assumes the Bracing Position


2014 has been a turbulent season to say the very least says Jake Martin who had more than his fair share of ‘get downs’

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Blog – Jake Martin Assumes the Bracing Position

NOTE: Send your results as well as club, team & event news here

Jake’s Blog is here:

In the event of an emergency, please assume the bracing position ..
After finishing last year on a high after maintaining my Elite license with ease, winning a fair few races, bunched with some other decent results and being ranked 1st Under 23, I was ready to take 2014 by the horns and do the business. Bring home the bacon. All of that.


Starting with four weeks in Majorca, after a short campaign of winter racing, I racked up nearly 3,000 miles, a lap record and some good cake eating. The numbers were there, the weight was good, the mind in gear.

My first main aim of the season was the Jock Wadley, a tough early season ‘classic’ road race. I somehow initiated the break and was joined by four of the strongest riders in the UK, National champions, soon to be World Tour rider etc. Good company.

After averaging 30mph for 60 miles, I was dropped. Caught by the chase. Dropped by the chase. Caught by the bunch. Dropped by the bunch. But at the finish there was a glimpse of what could be. Not so disappointed.

Then the physical set backs began. At the Lincoln GP, I was taken out by a team car, not at speed but enough for my whole right hand side to turn into a bruise. Landing on pavè is not the best. Bruised lungs. Two weeks off.

I started training again once I could breathe. The Tour Series was the next big goal for the team. I’ve never really thrived on crits and it has always taken me a few rounds to get into the swing of things. Three races done, placings getting better with each, then on an easy cafe ride between rounds, I was taken out by a wandering pedestrian.

Dislocated shoulder. Three weeks off.


I should’ve rested more and allowed myself to fix properly but I didn’t want to let the team down for the races they’d entered me for. I raced a few races including the Hillingdon GP and Jersey Tour series round, had a big mechanical and a moment. Frustrating as I think my form was at some of its best that week. The bad luck was getting to me.

Focus quickly changed to the National TT champs. I’d been training hard all season for it. New bike. Borrowed wheels. The lot. Only to crash heavily and ruin any chance of doing well two days before the event. But I rode. Through agony. Through suffering. With pride. Soft tissue damage to elbow & knee. Muscles in lower back immobilised.

Three weeks off. Back damage currently affecting me still.

With a few big races remaining, I tried to cram in some training, yeah, that thing they tell you to never do, panic training. But it seemed, well at least in training, to work. But to the disappointment of myself and the team, I just wasn’t ready to jump back into one of the hardest road races and finish let alone be competitive and if anything, more of a mental setback than physical at this stage of affairs.


I none the less gave everything I could and wasn’t greeted with much support. But I carried on trucking. Racing and training as much as possible, trying to salvage an awful year. Trying to scrape together the 300 points needed to stay ‘elite’.

I’ve often had good end of season form and I’d planned to get my remaining points in the last few months of the season. Again, not everything went to plan. After the Ottershaw races, I was left with 23 points to get. More than I had hoped I’d need. With two races left, I needed 21 points, with 20 remaining to win. Frustrating and disappointing.

Elite will elude me this year. But next year, maybe if I have a better time of it, and better luck, then I’ll have that ‘E’ back on my licence. And most importantly actually enjoy racing my bike.

Focuses move towards a more time trial based season next year. With the insane idea, the National 24 hour championships in June being up there as one…

And of course Palace. Always Palace.

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