First results – Welsh Cyclo-Cross League


Jonathan Pugh & Clare Dallimore winners in the latest round of the Welsh Cyclo-Cross League in Monmouthshire

RST Cycle  Clothing & Trigon Bikes

First results – Welsh Cyclo-Cross League

NOTE: Send your results as well as club, team & event news here

1. Jonathan Pugh, The Bulls
2. Andrew Parry, Urban Cyclery
3. Gruff Lewis, Pedal Heaven
4. David Thomas, The Bulls
5. Mark James, Jewsons/Polypipe/MI Racing (1st Vet)
6. Grant Johnson, Sunset Cycles
7. Jacob Phelps, Cardiff Ajax (1st Junior)
8. Phil Morris, Dambusters
9. Adrian Peall, Forza Cycles
10. Magnus Backstedt, TEC

First Woman: Clare Dallimore, Cardiff Ajax

1. TomosNesham, Cardiff JIF
2. Tyler Brennan, West Wales Cycle Racing
3. Ioan Thomas, Towy Riders
4. Ieuan Best, Abergavenny RC
5. Oliver Beere, Maindy Flyers

First U1nder 6 Girl: Ellie McCormick, Gower Riders
First Under 14 Boy: Oliver Beere
First Under 14 Girl: Ellie Shaw, Maindy Flyers
First Under 12 Boy: Joshua Tarling, West Wales Cycle Racing
First Under 12 Girl: Isabella Escalera, Hillingdon Slipstreamers
First Under 10 Boy: Finlay Tarling, West Wales Cycle Racing
First Under 10 Girl: Bethany Bennett, Sosban Riders
First Under 8 Boy: Cian Evans, The Bulls
First Under 8 Girl: Evelyn Nurse, Cardiff JIF

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