Feature: Rhys Clegg Q & A


PMR@ToachimHouse rider  Rhys Clegg takes up the VeloUK question and answer challenge

RST Cycle Clothing & Trigon Bikes

Feature: Rhys Clegg Q & A

1. When will you start your road season and what will be the first race?
Rhys: I’m planning to start my season with a couple of early season crits at the Cyclopark (Kent) at the end of February before my first road race.

2. What races will be your targets for 2016 and why?
Rhys: I’m aiming to do well in the Wally Gimber and Divisional championships.

3. How will you spend the time on the bike between now and your first race in training? Long miles or cutting back to do top end efforts?
Rhys: At the moment I’m in the gym once a week, turbo during the week with different intensities of intervals and getting in the miles at the weekend. As the season draws closer the intensity will increase and I will be getting back out motor pacing. I swear by this training for racing!

4. What was your favourite Xmas present?
Rhys: Got to be my stainless and rose gold Rotary watch my dad got me.

5. When it rains, which its doing a lot right now, is it turbo time or wrap up and get wet? (if the latter, what’s your favourite tip to stay dry in the rain)
Rhys: If it’s pouring with rain when I get up, I stick to the turbo. However if it’s not, I’ll be out on the road and then don’t mind being out in the rain once I’m out. A good set of waterproof overshoes and staying warm is the key for wet weather.



6. If you could do any race in the world including the best ones in the world etc, what would it be and why?

Rhys: I would love to do one of the classics. I love the prestige and the unpredictability of these events that makes the racing so exciting to watch. I would love to be apart of one of these. Flanders is probably my favourite.

7. What piece of food can you not do without where ever you are on the road during the season!
Rhys: I have a terrible sweet tooth which isn’t good but I love a good brownie. But for dinner I have to have my sweet potato.

8. What is your favourite music track when warming up for a race or on the turbo?
Rhys: I always put David Guetta’s new album on. All his tracks get me buzzing for a race.

9. If given the option, would you prefer normal brakes or disc brakes on your road bike?
Rhys: I prefer the look of conventional and with the right pads, work amazing. However when the weather turns bad in a race, disc brakes would be nice to have!

10. What’s the spec of your race bike for 2016 and your favourite bits on it?
Rhys: We are being sponsored by Banjo Cycles in Newburry. They are supplying the team specialized Tarmacs with Ultegra 11. Looking forward to riding this for 2016! My favourite piece of bling must be our PMR custom headset caps supplied by Kapz. They look awesome!

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