News – Velo Vintage returning to Barnstaple


Cyclists of Velo Vintage are returning to Barnstaple on Saturday 16th April

RST Cycle Clothing & Trigon Bikes

News – Velo Vintage returning to Barnstaple


The cyclists of Velo Vintage are returning to Barnstaple on Saturday 16th April 2016 and are returning because everyone in the town made them feel so welcome last year. Alistair Cope founder and owner of Devon based Velo Ventures, which runs Velo Vintage said “Barnstaple Town Council and the whole community of Barnstaple made all of us fee l so very welcome in 2015 at our first event in the town” Alistair continued, “we were blessed with fabulous weather last year and all of our riders, many of whom had travelled some distance to be with us, commented on how wonderful the people of Barnstaple greeted them”.



Riders came from as far as field as London to take part last year and it is expected that the day will bring many people to the area for the weekend. The ride is scheduled for an 11:00 am Grand Depart from outside the Museum, with riders arriving from 10:00 am onwards. The riders are asked to dress in a traditional manner, with a guide of between 1920’s to 1950’s. The bicycles are very varied, including Penny Farthings, tandems and tricycles. The age of the bikes range from modern replicas to over 100 years old, “all are welcome” said Sebastian Cope, Alistair’s son.

The riders will set off and ride around the town centre before heading off on the Tarka Trail towards Fremington. Velo Vintage always holds a traditional afternoon tea stop with cakes and tea served on vintage china, it really is quite a spectacle and this will take place at a surprise location for the riders.

“We would like to encourage as many people as possible from the area to come down and say “hello” before we set off.” said Alistair “The riders love to talk and show their bicycles and it has to be said that everyone makes such an effort to dress up for the occasion”. When we asked Alistair why Barnstaple proved to be so successful, he talked so much we had to ask him to summarise it a little. “The history, the buildings, the location and the Tarka Trail provide just the perfect venue for our event. Add to that the warmth of the people and the welcome of the council, all made for a fantastic time”.

So if you’re interested in riding on the 11th Velo Vintage Occasion & Ride, you’ll need to purchase a ticket via their website or if you’d like to pop down and see the ride set off, then a good time would be 10:30 am outside the Museum on the Square, Barnstaple.



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