Q & A: Joe Evans (Madison Genesis)


Back for another year at one of the top teams in the country, Madison Genesis, is Joe Evans. We give him a grilling about his season and more

RST Cycle Clothing & Trigon Bikes

Q & A: Joe Evans (Madison Genesis)

Back for another year at one of the top teams in the country, Madison Genesis, is Joe Evans.


He says of the team “I think the best thing about the team is the close relationship we have with one another, not just the riders but the staff and also the management at Madison. As a group of riders and backroom staff, we bonded a lot last year, sometimes through some difficult times but we came through it as a team”.

“Then, with the guys at Madison, we can give them feedback on kit and bikes etc and also see them at races or Icebike and it’s really nice to have that kind of relationship”.

1. What was the highlight of 2016 for you and why?
Joe: I would say my personal highlight was towards the end of the season at the West Mids Road Race champs. It was the first time for a little while that I felt I was racing to win for myself and using my head in a final of a race. It wasn’t the result I wanted from it in the end but it was something really positive to take forward onto next year.

2. What was your favourite/most fun race of 2016?
Joe: I really enjoyed Lincoln GP. It was a tough race but I was really motivated for it and enjoyed the chaos. Being there for Tom Stewart’s win was pretty cool as well, a cool thing to be part of!

3. What was the toughest race of 2016 for you and why?
Joe: The Tour of the Reservoir was pretty tough and the weather made it a horrible race to ride! I remember at one point I changed my gloves, but once I’d taken the first pair off it started to snow, my hands got so cold I couldn’t put the dry pair on! That’s one I’ll try and forget I think!


4. If there was one thing you learned most in 2016 to help you go faster/better, what was that?
Joe: I think just backing myself a bit more and committing to everything I’m doing. Be that training or racing, being fully committed to everything will help me go better.

5. What is the best piece of equipment (clothing/bike/gadget) to do with racing you are proud of most?
Joe: I take quite a lot of pride in my sunglasses, shoes and helmet, I always make sure they’re clean before starting a race and looking at their best!

6. What is your warm up routine for races – rollers or turbo? Music or no music?
Joe: Normally turbo but occasionally rollers. My warm up routine hasn’t really changed for a few years. I still use what I was taught on the BC programmes. Five mins easy, eight minutes progressive, a few sprints and then another easy spin. I always listen to music warming up, something to get me a bit hyped up!

7. What’s your favourite discipline on the road; road racing/crits/time trials and why!
Joe: I like everything really. I just enjoy racing my bike so I find there’s a time and place for everything and enjoy getting stuck in!

8. Will you stay in the UK to prepare for next season during the winter or get in a training camp or two abroad to get in some serious miles?
Joe: I’ll be staying in the UK until after Christmas and then I’m planning to go to Girona to stay with Tom Baylis, a good friend of mine from when we were juniors. From there, it will be training camps with the team!


9. When will you start training for 2017 and what comes first – long steady miles or a mix of miles and efforts?
Joe: I’ve already started training again! I enjoy a mix of miles and efforts. I find it can be easy to get lazy just doing miles and not actually riding that hard so I quite like to get stuck in straight away. Breaks up the miles a bit more as well!

10. What are the goals for 2017?
Joe: My main goals for 2017 are to progress further than I did in 2016. I think I’ve learnt a lot and am looking forward to taking a step up within the team and hopefully perform in the bigger races!

11. With darkness now upon us, are the long rides now only on the weekend and how many hours a week would you do in a typical week?
Joe: I’m full time so have the luxury of being able to ride in the day time which is really nice! At the moment, I’m working on around 15 hours a week and will build progressively over the next few weeks and months.

12. On winter roads, what’s your favourite tyre for training?
Joe: At the moment I’m still using a set of Continental Grand Prix’s, not really a ‘winter tyre’ but I find them to be really grippy on the wet roads and (touch wood) haven’t had any issues with punctures!

13. Does winter training consist only of riding the bike or running/swimming/gym work (cross training)
Joe: As well as riding, I do some gym work over the winter a couple of times a week. It’s something I enjoy doing and find it adds a lot to the work I do on the bike!

14. What have you learnt over the years to best deal with the winter months on a bike!
Joe: I really struggle with cold hands so making sure I have the right gloves is pretty important for me! Apart from that, it’s just a case of getting on with it and putting up with the weather and getting out to train. Not much more to it than that!

15. When riding for a team like Madison Genesis, is everyone assigned different roles before a race and what sort of things have you been asked to do in 2016 in different races?
Joe: We often have an overall plan and a way we’d like to ride the race. In terms of specific roles we often figure a lot out on the road. We have some really experienced guys on the team so they often call the shots! One thing I seemed to do a lot this year was get Matt Holmes food, I don’t know if he drops it or something but at the Ras I seemed to be getting him food every few km’s!

16. With Genesis doing carbon and steel frames, which is your favourite?
Joe: I really like the carbon frame. I’ve been training on one for the past couple of years and really like racing on it as well! I still love the look of the steel bikes though!

17. Which is the most used one piece of Madison clothing during a season
Joe: Probably skin suits/race suits, I used one in nearly every race.

Thanks Joe and good luck for 2017!




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