Team News: Hargrove’s Ridley Montezuma’s

Success comes Hargrove’s Ridley Montezuma’s way in the Wessex league event at Droxford

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Team News: Hargrove’s Ridley Montezuma’s

Team Press Release
Photos By Scott Manley

An outstanding ride by Will Cooper brought him his first win overall in the Vet40/Jun race when he and Paul Lloyd pulled away from the field and had their own battle all the way to the line where Will took the race by a tyre!

The rest of the team had great rides with Barney Clacy picking up 3rd overall and 2nd Junior, the rest of the team finishing with; Harry Dridge 6th, Crispin Doyle 8th, Joel Hawkins 11th , Fletcher Adams 17th out of a field of 84.

The women’s race the first of all the development riders and they filled half the front row and the start and went on to dominate the first bend and the race as a whole.

Amy Perryman in her first race followed Abbie Manley for the first lap, Helen Pattinson and Kara Perryman chased the two leaders with Helen joining them and forging ahead as a trio.

Both Katie Scott and Ella Freeman also battling in the front half of the race, Katie who had just returned from Italy and Ella who had missed the previous round through illness fought their way through the field.

Helen crashed and Amy got a gap which she was able to hold through to the finish for her first win as a Junior and as a Hargroves rider. Helen chased back to 2nd and Abbie finished off the podium with an excellent 3rd. Kara Perryman was 5th, Katie Scott 6th and Ella Freeman 16th, out of a field of 37 women and 59 Vet 50

The Senior men was always going to be a great race with Jody Crawforth, Alex Forrester and Sam Allen racing on a new and challenging course, a classic “old school” style of course with lots of big climbs and fast descents.

Jody got a great start and this was to be to his benefit throughout the race with Alex and Sam interspersed with Tom Sewell and Tom Budden trying to hunt him down to no avail. Jody took the win with Charlie Cooper 16th and James Cotty rounding out the senior race for the Hargroves Ridley Montezuma’s RT Wessex League round 3.







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