News: National Trophy at Ipswich in New Year

After a great round at Cyclopark on Sunday, Ipswich is looking forward to hosting the final round of the National Trophy CX in the new year, the week before the championships in the North East

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News: National Trophy at Ipswich in New Year

After a great round at Cyclopark on Sunday, Ipswich is looking forward to hosting the final round of the National Trophy CX in the new year, the week before the championships in the North East

The course will again go through the barn but there will be changes …

Present at Cyclopark was organiser of the final round of the nNtional Trophy, Steve Grimwood who gave us an early update of what to expect. “Trinity Park (Ipswich) provides us a fantastic venue to host the final Round of the National Trophy” says Steve.

“We know it’s one of the flattest courses on the circuit but to say it was easy would be wrong. The flatter course lends itself to bunch racing where the riders are racing each other and having to really think about where they can get an advantage. It can be a very tactical race and last year was exceptional though. It was early season and 17 degrees and the average speed was off the scale.”

With the race in the first week of January, the weather could be a big factor. At Cyclopark, it was dry, sunny and very cold and Ipswich could be the same or, it could be wet and muddy. Should it be wet, the circuit will be transformed as Steve explains: “the surface at Trinity is about three inches of topsoil on top of sand so even the slightest bit of rain, turns all the corners into an ice rink with heavier rain providing some really heavy going.”

By way of example, Steve added “at a league race last year, lap times went from six minutes to fifteen minutes during the race!”

Winner at Ipswich, Yorben Van Tichelt 

A common scenario however is frost at that time of the year. “If it’s frosty” says Steve, “then staying upright will be a challenge to all”.

Steve then explained that after last year, they have taken onboard the feeedback and some of the course around, shortening both road sections that link the 4×4 area and the Barn by half, and have moved the pits to the centre of the course.

The finish line now comes immediately after a more technical indoor Barn section and the technical area on the Circus field which will have two 40cm hurdles. So instead of a long sprint finish on the road, the course will also feature a bridge of identical design to the one used at Derby this year which will undoubtedly provide some ‘Tail Whip’ photo opportunities.

Being the final round and only a week before the Nationals at Hetton Park in the North East, means Ipswich will provide an ideal opportunity for riders to test their legs before the championship race and so the organisers are expecting many a ‘new’ face to turn up for that last big hit out.

“Using this venue in the run up to the National Champs is ideal” says Steve, “as it gives riders of all categories a chance to race and fine tune their form with a fast leg spinner and lung opener event without the risk of a heavy leg sapping day out.”

Ian Field  (Hargroves-Ridley-Montezuma’s) bunny hopping the hurdles last time in Ipswich

The venue is without doubt one of the best in the country to promote #cross with unlimited parking adjacent to the course, on site unlimited Motorhome parking, overnight Toilet and Showers, three mens & women’s toilet blocks & showers, an indoor course section & Trade Barn, Water supplies all round the course & all in a secure environment. This, added to the further course improvements this year should make for a great day!

The only thing out of the organisers control will be the weather and Steve has one last request. “How about a dusting of snow?”

How about it indeed… would make for seasonal pictures for sure … VeloUK will be there just in case it does ;-)





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