Quickfire Q & A: Tom Grigson

Quickfire question and answer with Tom Grigson who will ride for the Bikestrong-KTM team for 2018 and says you can’t beat South Wales for great roads to ride on?

RST Cycle Clothing & Trigon Bikes

Quickfire Q & A: Tom Grigson

1  – The Quickie 

Favourite Movie? Blues Brothers

Favourite Food? Roast lamb with all the trimmings

Favourite Song? Columbia by Oasis

Favourite training session? Race attack efforts, mix of V02 and sweetspot

Favourite place to ride? As much as I love my new home roads in North Somerset, you can’t beat South Wales for riding roads

Pre race meal? Overnight oats

Post race meal? Probs a roast dinner

Train alone or in a group? Prefer a group, but usually alone

Turbo or road? Road

Strengths? Strength

Weaknesses? Burning my matches early

Bar or gel? Bar for training, gel for races

Tea or coffee? Coffee

Long socks or short? Long (but none of this TT long football sock nonsense)

Bath or shower? Shower

Dog or cat? Cat

Costa or Starbucks? Local independent

Guilty pleasure? Cake. Or crisps.

Shaved legs or waxed? Shaved

Preferred discipline? Road

If you could change one thing about the sport, what would it be? Reduce the cost of racing, perhaps with more central support to take the pressure off volunteers who have to deal with a lot of s**t from riders at times

Best performance in 2017? Had my purple patch in May, best form was probably at the Ridgeway Spring Classic when I punctured from the winning move, then the following day bridged to the break and bagged 12th in the Kibosh Nat B race in Devon.

What is the most valuable thing you learnt from the 2017 season? Balance and perspective

Main goal for 2018? National Masters and Mallorca Masters week

What will you bring to your club/team for 2018? Some strong legs, good team ethic, and hopefully some results


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Quickfire Q & A: Tom Grigson
1. Full time rider or do you have to juggle work with racing? Work full time so riding has to fit around my schedule. Recently changed jobs which has freed up a lot of time, but then I have a new arrival due in January so she will be a new challenge!

2. Highlight of 2017 was? Either my result at the Kibosh Nat B race in May, or my ride at Tour of the Milburys the following week. Both gave me confidence in what I’d been doing and showed progression.

3. Most difficult moment of 2017? South Cerney Cotswold League race. Went in as defending champ and was feeling super confident, but as a team we got it wrong on the day and ended up nowhere. On reflection the fact the team got a top 10 out of it was amazing, but it hurt not being in a position to defend that title.

4. Most enjoyable race of 2017? Cotswold Veldrijden Malmesbury RR. Just my most favourite course ever

5. Toughest race of 2017? Perfs. You know how the new Garmins give you suggested recovery times? Mine said 4 days or something daft afterwards.

6. Typical week training mid season Mon – Fri (summary or detailed) – usually try and fit 3 turbo/training sessions in, 1 aerobic maintenance or tempo, 1 top end/V02 and either a local chaingang, club 10 TT or Sweetspot for the 3rd day. Easy or off for the other 2 days, then pre-race openers for an hour or so the day before a race.

7. Most dreaded drill/session in training? There are a few. At the moment I’m hating a 5min V02 session, but it changes

8. Its interval day – turbo or out in the fresh air? I prefer the fresh air, but realistically it’s the turbo during the week

9. Winter is here – what type of ride do you do for your base rides? Mostly follow the “get out and ride” philosophy as I’m a believer in riding for enjoyment. That said, I usually structure it to be mostly Z2 with over-geared hills. Best of both worlds.

10. What bike will you race on in 2018 and why this bike? Not sure yet, but likely to be on a KTM Revelator as they are our new bike sponsor this year, so excited to see how they go.

11. What will the goals be for 2018? There are many, but the holy grail is 1st Cat

12. Finally, if you could pick one event to win in 2018 which one would it be? National Masters Road Race. Just need to work out how to beat Ken Buckley and Luke Nolan




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