Lockdown Q&A with Nick Smart-Jones

Better known as NSJ, Nick Smart-Jones is part of the trainSharp team (family) and a passionate part time ultra cyclist based in Sussex, UK who will be joining 80 others to raise money by cycling round the world on Zwift!

Lockdown Q&A with Nick Smart-Jones
Brought to you by trainSharp

Better known as NSJ, Nick Smart-Jones is part of the trainSharp team (family) and a passionate part time ultra cyclist based in Sussex, UK who will be joining 80 others to raise money by cycling round the world on Zwift! More on that in his Q&A below…

Q: Your last race was and how did it go you?
NSJ: Unfortunately, I haven’t managed to race this year what with the poor weather cancelling races and now the lockdown. So my last event of any meaning would have been the RAAM qualifiers back in September! However I’ve covered plenty of miles since then, including a Zwift 24hr this week!!

Nick’s next challenge is just round the corner as he explains “It is not very often I reach out to the cycling community and try and raise money with the sport we all love but I am this week! Following the turbo 24hour I did the other week, and still feeling it in my legs, I, along with 80 other riders will be taking the challenge to cycle the world in a day with Mark Beaumont. https://worldinaday.com/

We are asking everyone to ride, run row this Thursday and donate £1 per mile completed, its that simple! Mark Beaumont holds the world record for circumnavigation around the world in less than 80 days so this Thursday, 80 core riders will be joining him to complete the 18,000 mile journey again but this time in just one day. Starting at 4:00am, each one of us will be covering 240 miles raising money for the NHS charities. Everyone can join in quite simply by hopping on the turbo and be it 5 miles or 50 miles all we are asking is they donate those miles into ££‘s. I will be doing this on Zwift with the core 80 and anyone can join in. To join Mark or I on Zwift, friend me at Nick S.J -trainSharp AW1D

All donations here: http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/NickSmartJones

Q: With racing cancelled, what’s a typical week training wise for you?
NSJ: Training time hasn’t really changed and I’m still trying to put in between 10-12 hrs a week. Unfortunately though it’s all on the turbo, typical now the weather has turned for the better lol!!

Q: How long have you worked with trainSharp, how has your training changed and what are the best things about having a coach?
NSJ: I have been with trainSharp for about three years now. I find having personal coaching really helps to pin point the weakness’s and help to overcome them. The team at trainSharp have been amazing. They really understand the goals and support me to help me succeed. The gains I have seen over the past few years are almost unbelievable. For example, my 400k race times came down by three hours in the first year! and I even managed to shave another two hours off last year…

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Q: Is the coaching just about numbers and efforts or other parts of the training/racing?
NSJ: A good coach should be a friend and someone who really gets you as a person, knows how you tick as much as knowing what your goals are. Yes, coaching is ultimately about numbers and results but 50% of what I do is about a positive mindset too. It’s important that the coaches understand what makes you tick to support this.

Q: Enjoying the turbo?
NSJ: At the beginning of lockdown, I decided that staying at home was the safest way for me to full-fill my training as I would end up covering miles and I didn’t want to be the one who adds to the burden on an already loaded NHS if I was to have an accident, so currently turbo all the way.

Q: What’s the hardest thing for you about the Lockdown?
NSJ: Not being able to get out and train properly. Obviously all racing has been cancelled and I had a big year planned this year.

Q: Besides cycling, what’s your biggest distraction as lock down continues?
NSJ: My wife’s to-do list! Seems to never get any smaller, do they ever, lol. But on a good note, it’s also meant that I have had some amazing quality time with my daughter too.

Q: What’s the bike that gets the most use by you and why?
NSJ: My Scott Foil, probably not the first ‘go-to’ ultra bike of choice but for me I love it. What with the positive handling it gives me, both trainSharp and I have worked a lot on getting the positioning right for me which works for hours in the saddle.

Q: What’s the weirdest thing you have seen since this crisis began
NSJ: When coming back from food shopping with my daughter, we saw a lady out jogging when she all of a sudden stopped and started doing star jumps in the middle of the street! Was quite random!

Q: Finally, where you do you enjoy riding the most in this country or abroad?
NSJ: I’m fortunate enough to live on the door step of the Sussex Downs and not a day goes by when I am not out on the bike and admiring the beautiful countryside, until now. But then nothing beats riding in Europe as it seems the traffic is more tolerant to cyclists and the tarmac much smoother.
Thanks to Nick for that insight into his lockdown and good luck for 2020

 If you need further guidance or information about anything turbo or training related, please email paul@trainsharp.co.uk.

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