Quiz time! Erin Murphy (Alba Road Team)

In our final Q&A from the Scottish Alba Road Team, we quiz 18 year old Erin Murphy from Aberdeenshire where the Tour Series and Tour of Britain have both visited in recent years

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Quiz time! Erin Murphy (Alba Road Team)

In our final Q&A from the Scottish Alba Road Team, we quiz 18 year old Erin Murphy from Aberdeenshire where the Tour Series and Tour of Britain have both visited in recent years. Despite only being 18, Erin has been racing for five years after coming into the sport from triathlon because her running was not her best discipline. 

Erin competing in the Ryedale GP in 2021

Q: Starting a new season in a new team with a very distinctive look – what are the goals for 2022 wearing the new colours and what’s the most exciting thing for you joining the new team?
Erin: Everthing is exciting!! It’s an amazing opportunity!! My goals are to gain more race experience and develop as a rider. I’ve never raced as part of a big team so I’m really looking forward to working with the other girls to build a strong team.

Q: How difficult was 2020 with little racing and socialising with cycling friends or did it give you time to reset, refresh and focus on 2021?
Erin: 2020 was a very hard year mentally and it took a long time to get my head around having no races and to spend so much time training on my own.

Q: Do you think you came out of 2020 stronger, the same or less strong as you were before that season of no road races?
Erin: Yes, as I had more time to train and work on some of my weaknesses without the pressure of racing.

Q: What was the highlight of your racing in 2021?
Erin: A massive highlight for me in the 2021 season was being crowned the Scotttish junior road race champion

Q: What race in your career is the one that still gives you the biggest buzz and motivation when out training in the cold and damp?
Erin: I always get a buzz racing but the British Junior Road Race and TT champs were definitely exciting as I got top 10 in both. This has definitely spurred me on to work hard despite the Scottish weather!

Erin racing in the Beaumont Trophy

Q: What’s the furthest you have traveled for a bike race in 2021 and is travel a chore or a joy (seeing pastures new) to do when going to a bike race?
Erin: 510 miles to the British Junior Championships. The long journeys are definitely a chore but it’s been really great fun racing different courses in different parts of the UK.

Q: How much training (hours and/or days) do you do in a given week in the winter and how does that differe from the summer when you are racing?
Erin: I definitely spend more time doing longer road rides in the winter to build endurance and sessions to work on my weaknesses, riding 15+ hours over 5 to 6 days. This changes to shorter, intense sessions to keep me race fit.

Q: Do you train on a training bike or a race bike …
Erin: I currently train and race on my Liv Langma. This will become my training bike as the team is supporting me with a new race bike.

Q: Do you cross train at all (running, swimming, gym or other disciplines like MTB)
Erin: Yes, I like taking my mountain bike out and I also go to the gym twice a week.

Q: Where is your favourite training ride?
Erin: I’m very lucky to live in Royal Deeside so I have lots of beautiful routes to choose from so it’s hard to pick just one!

Q: What type of race suits you best?
Erin: Not too many hills in proper Scottish weather!

Q: Of the races you have done so far, what is the most enjoyable even on the British calendar?
Erin: The Ryedale Grand Prix

Q: What will be the one big race you really want to be part of in 2022?
Erin: British Womens Road Race Championships

Q: Finally, who do you want to thank for helping you get to this point in your cycling career
Erin: I’d like to thank Sarah Rowe and the coaching team and Deeside Thistle Youth and Juniors for all their support over the last 5 years and Bob Lyons for giving me this opportunity. My mum has also played a massive role in my career so far, driving many miles and always being there to support me!


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