Blog: Matt Green – Europe to the U.S.A


British rider Matt Green talks about the change of pace going from Europe to the good ol’ USA

RST Cycle Clothing & Trigon Bikes

Matt, a Prendas supported rider, writes … I knew the USA was big. I didn’t realize just how unfathomably enormous it actually is. I have been feeling quite lost in my first week here. I lived in Europe for 5 years. In Belgium, Holland and France. It’s impossible for me to get lost in Northern Europe.


In mainland Europe I unconsciously felt protected by the boarders of neighboring countries. Or in the UK, by the sea. There seems to be a limit of size. A feeling of ‘this piece of land ends here’. However, every state in the US brandishes it’s own flag. Until my ‘small island inbetween the Atlantic ocean and mainland Europe’ mentality retreats, I will find my refuge in the State system. I didn’t think I’d feel like that.

The biggest difference from Europe to the U.S regarding my team-mates at Astellas Oncology so far is speaking English the whole time. Admittedly, I occasionally have to ask for an English translation from American. From Canadian or Irish too for that matter! I speak Dutch. I can use it to good effect. However, it’s far easier to convey one’s personality through the Mother Tongue. It is for me anyway. As long as it’s not a case of: ‘best to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt’. Thank Mark Twain for that one. Time will be the judge of that.

The race schedule isn’t as heavy. There are less race days. But, the amount of travelling is far more astronomical. Before I left the USA 3 weeks ago to come back to Europe to race the Ras in Ireland, I had covered 12,000 miles in the team van. I went from Chicago, to Miami, to L.A. I’ve covered 23 states and stayed in a hotel 51 nights since March 5th. I’ve got to see the Grand Canyon, the Mississippi, the Rockies…the list goes on.

The racing itself has been somewhat of a change. It’s far more team orientated here. The wider roads with less obstacles than Europe allow that. In some cases, in Europe its just a case of riding in the front until splits in the peloton appear. When they do, you hope you have some teammates there. Francisco Mancebo races here in the USA.

When he goes as hard as he can up a climb, just imagine how hard that is to follow. The racing definitely isn’t ‘easier’ as I have heard a few times in the past. Take a look at how the US domestic pros raced the World Tour pros in Tour of California. With a 3rd overall and 3 in the top 10, that should give some clues as to the level of the domestic racing here.

I am not embarrassed to say that moving to the USA was great for me. It’s like a breath of fresh air. With everyone that supports me I owe a great deal of appreciation to them. Obviously including Keep an eye peeled for photos of me wearing their accessories alongside my Astellas Oncology team kit.


RST Cycle Clothing & Trigon Bikes

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