Report: York Sport Circuit Races


The weather didn’t put off 25 eager fourth cats tonight at round 4 of the York Sport Circuit Races where Johnny Tomes was the winner in a bunch kick

RST Cycle Clothing & Trigon Bikes

thanks to Julie Rodman

Well the weather certainly didn’t put off 25 eager fourth cats last night at the York Sport circuit races and I must admit it was some of the best racing to be seen there and certainly the closest of finishes.

The word is definitely getting out to the cycling community with new racers having a go in a controlled and safe environment. Not a single crash out there in wet conditions. This may have been helped by the safety talk by Neil Hendry of Dirtwheels on the start line, (he had come second in similar conditions two weeks earlier) and passed on his expert knowledge.

The race set off fast and was soon grouping into different abilities around the circuit. There were four key riders who were setting the pace as they came through the start finish area, Anthony Lazarus, of Clifton CC & Russell Ellis of Dirtwheels RT, Johnny Tomes of Craven Energy and Tim Jackson of Clifton CC. The peloton was certainly vocal getting everyone to work together and it paid off.

No one was allowed to breakaway and and attempts were soon chased down. It would all come down to the bunch gallop to the line and as the riders made the right hand turn into the finishing straight, Russell Ellis was slightly in front of Johnny Tomes (Craven Energy), one glance over his shoulder by Russell was to prove costly as Johnny just got him on the lunge on the finish line, winning by inches!

The bunch came in three seconds behind with Anthony Lazerus holding on to third place from Carl Glover (Albarosa CC). There were some very happy riders who went home slightly damp but a category higher up the rankings. A big thanks to Neil for his expert coaching and helping out on the night, when we were thin on the ground, and wonderful to see so many new faces to the circuit.

Next week there is a race for Elite/1/2’s with a separate race for women as normal.

1. Johnny Tomes, Craven Energy
2. Russell Ellis, Dirtwheels
3. Anthony Lazarus, Clifton CC
4. Carl Glover, Albarosa RT
5. Nick Ashmore, Craven Energy
6. James Ward, Albarosa RT
7. Tim Jackson, Clifton CC
8. Daniel Posnett, Unattached
9. Mark Toblin, Harrogate Nova
10 Darrell Varley, Harrogate Nova
Women’s report to follow with results.



RST Cycle Clothing & Trigon Bikes

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