Report/Results: Airedale Olympic Criteriums at Dishforth


Brit Tate & Dave Shackleton two of many winners at the Airedale Olympic Criteriums at Dishforth on Saturday (August 31st)

RST Cycle Clothing & Trigon Bikes

From Julie Rodman

A new organiser a cracking open exposed circuit, throw in some wind, and a load of eager cyclists of all categories now that is how you spend a Saturday afternoon. With no attention to detail spared Duncan and his team of friendly volunteers put together a terrific programe of events for all the riders.

The first race up was for fourth cat men with a lot looking for those elusive points to gain their third cat status.

Thirty three riders took to the start line and with the wind sock ever moving it was going to be a hard five laps of the course, no riders were allowed to get away for more than a few seconds, the wind certainly took its toll, however it was encouraging to only see two riders retire, so the judges braced themselves for a bunch sprint finish.

As they were approaching the final corner it was the yellow black and white of BBM Revolution hot at the front of the pace and a well deserved win from Chay Curtin, closely followed by the Harrogate Nova pairing of RIchard Pennock and Simon Cave.

1 Chay Curtin BBM Revolution
2 Richard Pennock Harrogate Nova
3 Simon Cave Harrogate Nova
4 David Morley Rock Racing Team
5 Paul Belzey Unattached
6 John Bevan Clifton CC
7 Richard Soper Hambleton CC
8 Ben Hotham Harrogate Nova
9 Pete Holdsworth Huddersfield Star Whs
10 Neil Harris University of York

Next up was the ladies race and twelve eager participants went off a minute behind the men, as they came around for the first race it was the due of Iona Sewell and Brit Tate of GB cycles at the front. this was to be the way for the full race, with the two breaking away followed by a nice group of five and three working together at the back. As we came to the sprint it was Brit Tate who won the battle of the two from Iona and Sian Botteley taking third from Squadra Donne.

1 Brit Tate GB Cycles
2 Iona Sewell GB Cycles
3 Sian Botteley Squadra Done
4 Jo Blackburn GB Cycles
5 Victoria Hood We Love Mountains
6 Alison Sarmento Harrogate
7 Lindsay Atkinson Wright Albarosa RT
8 Clair Rutherford Wheelguru
9 Amy O’Halloran Dirtwheels RT
10 Jess Taylor University of York

The next race of the afternoon was a 3rd and 4th cat race, at the end of the first lap there was a leading group of two Jonny Tomes Craven CC and Sean Noon unattached, these had a gap of 10 seconds, by the end of the second lap Sean had gone alone and was building up pace all the time, with the rest quite happy to work together in the bunch. It was certainly a hardmans event and to stay out in front for 50 minutes took some doing, it was all credit to Sean as his crossed the line. Peter Cox elated with his arm in the air as he crossed the line for second place from Luke Preston from the promoting club Airedale Olympic taking third.

1 Sean Noon Unattached
2 Peter Cox Slipstream
3 Luke Preston
4 Brett Stocks Sharrow RC
5 Mark Botteley Bourne Whs
6 Jonny Tomes Craven CC
7 Zac Smith Selby CC
8 Dan Posnett Unattached
9 Dan Ladle BBM Revolution
10 Lee Gates Dirtwheels RT

We certainly had quality for the Elite /1/2/3 event with riders having a work out on the exposed airfield. Thirty nine riders took to the start line for 9 grueling laps. At the end of the first lap three riders had broken clear, Ben Kellett hope Factory racing, Dave Shackleton Wilson Wheels and Matt Pilkington, Metaltek Knights of Old.

These starting working well together, the gap grew to eighteen seconds and by lap 5 we had the leaders still with sixteen seconds advantage followed by a break away group of approx 15 riders. Despite a concerted chase the leaders held on for the final 1km and the sprint was one by Dave Shackleton by a wheel from Matt Pilkington with Ben Kellett coming in for third place, a long break away rider Tim Lawson taking fourth Sport for Wheelbase with William Brown Velo 29 taking the sprint for the chasing group.

1 Dave Shackleton Wilson Whs
2 Matt Pilkington Metaltek
3 Ben Kellett Hope Factory
4 Tim Lawson Wheelbase Altura
5 William Brown Velo 29 Blackhawk
6 Tom Barras Wheelbase Altura
7 Richard Hepworth Node 4 Giordana
8 Tim Allen VC Lincoln
9 Duncan Moralee Strategic Lions
10 Alistair Hepworth Clay Cross
11 Sam Boast Team Sportscover
12 Dave Brearley Scunthorpe Poly RT
13 Alex Bottomley Wheelbase Altura
14 Daniel Webb Team Cystic Fibrosis
15 Nick Armistead Dirtwheels RT

Last race up was the fourth cat men and the women whose race was combined as the weather was definitely getting cooler and the wind stronger out there. As the first lap was up three riders had broken away with Iona Sewell working with GB Cycles team mate Brit Tate along with Neil Harris of University of York. These three proved to be untouchable as they powered around the course, they ended up forty eight seconds in front. The men’s event was deservedly won by Neil Harris gaining his third cat and also Alex Kidner Albarosa CC won the bunch gallop from Alasdair Burns Crosstrax who too gained points for a catergory move up next season.

1 Neil Harris University of York
2 Alex Kidner Albarosa RT
3 Alasdair Burns Crosstrax
4 Nigel Tottie Clifton CC
5 John Bevan Clifton CC
6 Matt Wilson Rock Racing

Iona Sewell won the ladies event from Brit Tate with Victoria Hood taking the third spot from Jo Blackburn GB Cycles and Clair Rutherford Wheelguru.

1 Iona Sewell GB Cycles
2 Brit Tate GB Cycles
3 Victoria Hood We love mountains
4 Jo Blackburn GB Cycles
5 Clair Rutherford Wheelguru RT

It was superbly organised event and coffee on tap from a man who served the best expresso from a Smart car I’ve every tasted……Well Done Airedale Olympic and the riders certainly went home very happy and satisfied. A good day out was had by all.






RST Cycle Clothing & Trigon Bikes

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