Video: What does it take to be a sprinter


GCN look at what qualities it takes to be a sprinter like Mark Cavendish, Marcel Kittel and André Greipel

RST Cycle Clothing & Trigon Bikes

Video by GCN

To be a world-class sprinter, the first thing that is needed is the ability to put out a huge amount of power over a short period of time. The best sprinters will be able to reach 1400 – 1800 watts for five or so seconds. However, there’s more to it than just wattage.

Sprinters must also be able to output high power for longer periods, and as the last few kilometres of a race can reach such high speeds their anaerobic capacity must be high, even when sat on the wheel.

Sprinters use their aero position in the final sprint to reduce drag – part of the reason why Mark Cavendish is so successful.

Bunch positioning and tactics are key – being 15th in the group in the run up to the line with no lead out means a sprinter is unlikely to win. Equally being fearless is incredibly important!


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