Result – Redmon CC GP des Gentlemen


David Pollard & Michael Hutchinson winners of the Redmon CC Grand Prix des Gentlemen over 15.38 miles on the GS483 course

RST Cycle  Clothing & Trigon Bikes

Result – Redmon CC GP des Gentlemen

NOTE: Send your results as well as club, team & event news here

1. D.Pollard/M. Hutchinson, In GearQuickvit Trainsharp RT 34:28
2. C. Mclean Sigmasport,Pearson CC 35.23
3. A. Meilak/K. Tye, Velorefined Aerosmiths 36.17
4. S.Stow/N. Stagg, Hounslow & Dist Whs 37.33
5. A. Hicks/ C. Parkinson, South Western RC 38.12
6. M. Newton/ R.Tully, Elite Cycling 38.15
7. J. Fry/M. Andrews, Horsham CC 38.23
8. R.Royston PMR@Toachim House/
J. Coulson, Sydenham Whs 38.48
9. L. Wintergold/D. Poulter, Hounslow & Dist Whs 38.54
10. B. Samuel/S.Bettis, Southdown Bikes CC 40.16

Vet Standard Times.
1. D. Pollard/ M. Hutchinson, In Gear Quickvit Trainsharp RT +6.46
2. A. Hicks/ C. Parkinson South Western RC +5.23
3. C. McLean Sigmasport A.Wolley, Pearson CC +4.03
4.A. Meilak/K. Tye, Velorefined Aerosmiths +3.51
5.R. Royston, PMR@toachin House/
J. Coulson, Sydenham Whs +2.44
6. S.Stow/N. Stagg, Hounslow & Dist Whs +2.41
7. T. Batsford/H. Furniss, Wyndymilla +2.08
8. M. Newton/R. Tully, Elite Cycling +1.46
9. D. Lubin,Ciclos Uno/ A. Page, Team Vision Racing +1.35
10. L. Wintergold/D. Poulter, Hounslow & Dist Whs +1.27
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