Feature: Max Stedman Q&A


Feature question and answer with Pedal Heaven’s Max Stedman looking forward to ripping it up with the men in green in 2016

RST Cycle Clothing & Trigon Bikes

Feature: Max Stedman Q&A


1. When will you start your road season and what will be the first race?
Max: I’m just awaiting training camp dates but I’ll think it ‘ll be the Primavera Road Race in Devon at the end of Feb, pretty close to Exeter Uni so its convenient. If not that, then it’ll be the Severn Bridge RR. Either will be a good rip up and I’m already looking forward to getting racing with the guys!

2. What races will be your targets for 2016 and why?
Max: I’m training to hit the start of the season well. The way the UK calendar is set out there are a number of hilly races early doors (Chorley GP, Manx Int etc) which suit me being close to the 50kg mark and all. Dependant of Pedal Heaving getting an invite, and if the form is good then the Tour De Yorkshire would obviously be a great experience for the team and myself.

After that it’s Tour Series. Unfortunately I could only do one round last year through injury, so I’m looking to do some of the lumpier rounds as it’s fun to be a part of with the team aspect, atmosphere, crowds and obviously the mega hard racing. But overall during the season I’m looking to race as much as I can, gain experience, and just get stuck in.

3. How will you spend the time on the bike between now and your first race in training?
Max: Now we’re in the new year, the intensity is starting to creep up a bit and will continue to do so, but I’m also a bit of fan of some long miles. My winter training will probably round off, with no doubt, what will be a tough team camp in Majorca near the end of February.

4. What was your favourite Xmas present?
Max: Likely the pair of bright orange Specialized Audax shoes I bought myself. That probably won’t sit well with Mum when she reads it…

5. When it rains, which its doing a lot right now, is it turbo time or wrap up and get wet? (if the latter, what’s your favourite tip to stay dry in the rain)
Max: Since it’s been pretty mild recently, I don’t mind going out in the rain too much! Naturally, I’ve got turbo in the training plan anyway so I can do those specifics without any external factors. My tactic for the wet is usually wear as much neoprene as possible…



6. If you could do any race in the world including the best ones in the world etc, what would it be and why?
Max: The Giro has always appealed to me. There’s usually a huge mix of super steep or long climbs. Also, the country has a big passion for bike racing.

7. What piece of food can you not do without where ever you are on the road during the season!
Max: Soreen/ Maltloaf – go through packets of the stuff.

8. What is your favourite music track when warming up for a race or on the turbo?
Max: Whatever our resident DJ/ DS Tim Elverson puts on!

9. If given the option, would you prefer normal brakes or disc brakes on your road bike?
Max: I’ve never actually ridden disc brakes before so I’d be keen to try them out and then make a judgement. I know there’s a massively split opinion about them at the moment.

10. What’s the spec of your race bike for 2016 and your favourite bits on it? (include a pic or two if you have them!)
Max: Roughly the same setup as last year. Pedal Heaven Green custom painted Specialized Tarmac, Edco Wheels topped off with Dura- Ace. When you’re out on the winter beater with mudguards you realise you how much you miss the race bike!

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