News – Ian Stannard 3rd at Roubiax


Ian Stannard dug deep to claim a hard-fought third place in a thrilling edition of Paris-Roubaix.

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News – Ian Stannard 3rd at Roubiax
Team Sky press release | Photos from

After 257.5 kilometres of racing the Brit found himself in a five-man shootout for the victory in the famous velodrome, starting his sprint late around the outside in front of a screaming crowd.

Third was the end result, as ahead Mat Hayman (Orica-GreenEdge) took a memorable victory, edging out Tom Boonen (Etixx – Quick-Step) in the sprint for the line.


“I’m obviously happy to be on the podium,” Stannard said in the Telegraph. “But it’s also so close, so far. There are still two steps to go; maybe next year. I wanted to attack to avoid having to sprint against guys like Boonen or Edvald [Boasson Hagen],” Stannard explained. “I tried to attack in the finale. That’s what I’m better at if you like.

He added: “The finale was pretty nervous. Nobody really had the legs. Mat is a great friend and I’m super happy to see him win. For him to outsprint Boonen is pretty impressive. He’s an ex-team-mate and seeing everything he has done, I’m really impressed.”


Equalling the best ever British performance (inc Roger Hammond in 2004) in the Monument Classic, Stannard attacked repeatedly in the closing stages as the elite lead group traded blows. Each move was shut down, leading to a grandstand finish over one and a half laps of the Roubaix Velodrome.

Luck ran out for the team though as Gianni Moscon, amidst a superb ride in his Roubaix debut, slid out on a slick corner. Stannard dodged his team-mate but Luke Rowe was brought down briefly in the melee.


Minutes later Salvatore Puccio was also caught out on slippery cobbles, leaving Stannard alone out front. That was until Rowe found new reserves and battled back to the lead group. A huge pull from the Welshman, leading onto the Camphin-en-Pevele sector, set up Stannard for the first of multiple attacks.

Rowe never gave up and rode to an eventual 14th position, 2:20 back on a shell-shocked Hayman.

After the race Rowe recalled an action-packed finale, and was quick to praise the incredible work of his team-mates. He said: “We crashed on the section before Pevele. Then I had to chase so hard to get back. I knew then that was the one big effort of the day done.”

“So as soon as I came back I said to Yogi ‘I’m all yours man, just tell me what to do and I’ll do it.’ It was kind of a waiting game and then when we were coming into the section before Carrefour we knew the wind would be like that. It was just a case of trying to thin that group down so we could launch an attack there.”

“Everyone gives something to someone and the whole team were incredible. They gave us so much. The way it turned out, I gave everything I had for Yogi. He just finished on the podium in what I consider to be the biggest Monument in the world so I’m super happy for him.”

“We were probably the best represented out there. We had Puccio in the original break and then five guys behind – four after Arenberg. So we had the numbers and the team had guys riding this race for the first time. Gianni was here for the first time and he’s pulling a group of 20 along with all the hitters in it. When you have guys like that stepping it up just spurs you on and you want to be just as good.”


Viviani’s race was ended by a crash in the Arenberg Forest, but happily checks revealed no fractures for the Italian after a scary incident. Puccio (33rd), Moscon (38th) and Van Poppel (61st) all pushed on to the finish.

“Elia is doing very well which is good news,” confirmed team Doctor Derick Macleod. “He thought he’d anticipated the crash and saw it happen in front of him. He managed to come to a stop on the right by the barrier when the motorbike went into him.

“He went to the hospital and the X-rays revealed he has no fractures. He’s got a few bruises and abrasions and he’s a bit sore obviously, but we’re really thankful he’s got no significant injuries. We expect him to make a quick recovery.”


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