Result: L’etape de la Defonce


Robert Cheng wins final stage & overall while James Rogers & Ian Lee win stages in the L’etape de la Defonce at Cowbridge last weekend

RST Cycle Clothing & Trigon Bikes

Result: L’etape de la Defonce

1 Robert Cheng Mono CC 04:12:56:064
2 Lewys Hobbs Forza Cycles Racing Team 04:13:47:078
3 James Rogers NFTO Race Club 04:14:07:708
4 Oliver Cooper NFTO Race Club 04:14:13:708
5 Ian Lee Royal Air Force CA 04:14:28:614
6 Daniel Lewis Royal Air Force CA 04:14:29:614
7 Ross Mallen Royal Air Force CA 04:14:33:614
8 Peter Dalton Mono CC 04:14:34:064
9 David Medhurst Cardiff Ajax CC 04:14:38:643
10 Dafydd Rhys Thomas Cardiff Ajax CC 04:14:39:643
11 Ryan Weston Poole Wheelers CC 04:14:44:244
12 Michael Williams Forza Cycles Racing Team 04:14:52:078
13 George Brett-Dallimore Radeon-Bike Science RT 04:15:02:024
14 Philip Hopley Radeon-Bike Science RT 04:15:33:024
15 Stephen Hodge Plymouth Corinthian CC 04:15:50:570
16 Tyler Brennan The Bulls 04:16:09:060
17 Ian Bendall Forza Cycles Racing Team 04:16:42:078
18 Nathan Adams Cardiff JIF 04:16:44:814
19 William Fleming Velo Club Venta 04:17:09:031
20 Paul Moore Paceline RT 04:17:12:497
21 Darren Gardner Bath Cycling Club 04:17:13:468
22 Colin Gunn Paceline RT 04:17:21:497
23 Oliver Belfield The Bulls 04:17:33:060
24 Martin Rowland Poole Wheelers CC 04:17:34:244
25 Lee Perrott Swansea Wheelers CC 04:17:41:716
26 Tom Burnley Thames Velo 04:17:55:194
27 Paul Nicholas Ogmore Valley Wheelers 04:18:01:945
28 Oliver Craig Mono CC 04:18:02:064
29 Daniel Powell Cardiff Ajax CC 04:18:44:658
30 Mark Hannifan Onit Cycle 04:18:52:365
31 Robert Jones Cardiff Ajax CC 04:22:01:643
32 Stuart Gourley Radeon-Bike Science RT 04:22:29:024
33 Andrew O’Connor Mono CC 04:22:38:064
34 Jonathan Ellis Plymouth Corinthian CC 04:22:50:570
35 Javier Arias Gonzalez Kingston Wheelers CC 04:23:02:898
36 Nick Lelliott GBC Racing Team 04:23:12:955
37 Will Horn Plymouth Corinthian CC 04:23:26:570
38 Michael Porter Radeon-Bike Science RT 04:23:27:024
39 Darren Fearns GBC Racing Team 04:23:39:955
40 Neil Poulton Ogmore Valley Wheelers 04:23:51:945
41 Michael Hall Onit Cycle 04:24:18:365
42 Dominic Davies The Bulls 04:24:53:330
43 Simon Smith Swansea Wheelers CC 04:25:08:716
44 Iain Cade Bath Cycling Club 04:26:12:468
45 Steven Cottington Bath Cycling Club 04:26:32:468
46 Timothy Flynn Poole Wheelers CC 04:26:53:993
47 Charles Deacon Sussex Revolution Velo Club 04:28:21:351
48 Jeremy Rees Swansea Wheelers CC 04:28:50:716
49 Christopher Hewitt Sussex Revolution Velo Club 04:29:03:351
50 Stephen Harvey Paceline RT 04:29:13:650
51 Campbell Steel Royal Air Force CA 04:32:11:901
52 Louis Mochine Swansea Wheelers CC 04:34:04:716
53 Mark Valentine Poole Wheelers CC 04:37:09:244
54 Tim Smales Velo Club Venta 04:37:35:031
55 Tom Herbert Kingston Wheelers CC 04:37:45:898
56 James Duncan GBC Racing Team 04:38:27:955
57 Oliver Winwood Bratchell Velo Club Venta 04:40:04:031
58 Darren Edwards Bath Cycling Club 04:42:00:342

Stage 1 – TTT
1 Ian Lee Royal Air Force CA 00:17:00:614
1 Daniel Lewis Royal Air Force CA 00:17:00:614
1 Ross Mallen Royal Air Force CA 00:17:00:614
2 Robert Cheng Mono CC 00:17:01:064
2 Oliver Craig Mono CC 00:17:01:064
2 Peter Dalton Mono CC 00:17:01:064
2 Andrew O’Connor Mono CC 00:17:01:064
3 Ian Bendall Forza Cycles Racing Team 00:17:02:078
3 Lewys Hobbs Forza Cycles Racing Team 00:17:02:078
3 Michael Williams Forza Cycles Racing Team 00:17:02:078
4 Nathan Adams Cardiff JIF 00:17:06:814
4 Andy Davies Cardiff JIF 00:17:06:814
4 John Edwards Cardiff JIF 00:17:06:814
5 Oliver Cooper NFTO Race Club 00:17:15:708
5 Henry Fawcett NFTO Race Club 00:17:15:708
5 James Rogers NFTO Race Club 00:17:15:708
6 Martin Rowland Poole Wheelers CC 00:17:19:244
6 Mark Valentine Poole Wheelers CC 00:17:19:244
6 Ryan Weston Poole Wheelers CC 00:17:19:244
7 Samuel Andrew Paceline RT 00:17:30:497
7 Colin Gunn Paceline RT 00:17:30:497
7 Paul Moore Paceline RT 00:17:30:497
8 Robert Jones Cardiff Ajax CC 00:17:30:643
8 David Medhurst Cardiff Ajax CC 00:17:30:643
8 Dafydd Rhys Thomas Cardiff Ajax CC 00:17:30:643
9 Adam Cole Pontypool RCC 00:17:38:590
9 Nick Hughes Pontypool RCC 00:17:38:590
9 Richard Lawrence Pontypool RCC 00:17:38:590
10 George Brett-Dallimore Radeon-Bike Science RT 00:17:39:024
10 Stuart Gourley Radeon-Bike Science RT 00:17:39:024
10 Philip Hopley Radeon-Bike Science RT 00:17:39:024
10 Michael Porter Radeon-Bike Science RT 00:17:39:024

Stage 2 – Road Race
1 James Rogers NFTO Race Club 02:06:02:000
2 Michael Williams Forza Cycles Racing Team 02:06:08:000
3 Oliver Cooper NFTO Race Club 02:06:15:000
4 Dafydd Rhys Thomas Cardiff Ajax CC 02:06:17:000
5 Lewys Hobbs Forza Cycles Racing Team 02:06:18:000
6 Robert Cheng Mono CC 02:06:20:000
7 David Medhurst Cardiff Ajax CC 02:06:22:000
8 Ross Mallen Royal Air Force CA 02:06:31:000
9 Richard Lawrence Pontypool RCC 02:06:31:000
10 William Fleming Velo Club Venta 02:06:31:000
11 Daniel Lewis Royal Air Force CA 02:06:31:000
12 Samuel Andrew Paceline RT 02:06:31:000
13 Ryan Weston Poole Wheelers CC 02:06:33:000
14 Darren Gardner Bath Cycling Club 02:06:33:000
15 Robert Jones Cardiff Ajax CC 02:06:33:000
16 Ian Lee Royal Air Force CA 02:06:33:000
17 Jonathan Ellis Plymouth Corinthian CC 02:06:36:000
18 Lee Perrott Swansea Wheelers CC 02:06:36:000
19 Stephen Hodge Plymouth Corinthian CC 02:06:36:000
20 Oliver Belfield The Bulls 02:06:42:000
21 Nathan Adams Cardiff JIF 02:06:42:000
22 Stuart Gourley Radeon-Bike Science RT 02:06:42:000
23 Paul Nicholas Ogmore Valley Wheelers 02:06:42:000
24 Henry Fawcett NFTO Race Club 02:06:42:000
25 George Brett-Dallimore Radeon-Bike Science RT 02:06:45:000
26 Dominic Davies The Bulls 02:06:46:000
27 Nick Lelliott GBC Racing Team 02:06:46:000
28 Andy Davies Cardiff JIF 02:06:46:000
29 Ian Bendall Forza Cycles Racing Team 02:06:46:000
30 Colin Gunn Paceline RT 02:06:46:000
31 Peter Dalton Mono CC 02:06:46:000
32 Javier Arias Gonzalez Kingston Wheelers CC 02:06:46:000
33 Simon Smith Swansea Wheelers CC 02:06:46:000
34 Tyler Brennan The Bulls 02:06:46:000
35 Will Horn Plymouth Corinthian CC 02:06:46:000
36 Paul Moore Paceline RT 02:06:46:000
37 Philip Hopley Radeon-Bike Science RT 02:06:56:000
38 Nathan Leaves NFTO Race Club 02:06:56:000
39 Tom Burnley Thames Velo 02:06:58:000
40 Charles Deacon Sussex Revolution Velo Club 02:06:58:000
41 Christopher Hewitt Sussex Revolution Velo Club 02:06:58:000
42 Michael Hall Onit Cycle 02:07:02:000
43 Tim Smales Velo Club Venta 02:07:07:000
44 Mark Hannifan Onit Cycle 02:07:07:000
45 Oliver Winwood Bratchell Velo Club Venta 02:07:07:000
46 Daniel Powell Cardiff Ajax CC 02:07:21:000
47 Martin Rowland Poole Wheelers CC 02:07:21:000
48 Darren Fearns GBC Racing Team 02:07:21:000
49 Jeremy Rees Swansea Wheelers CC 02:07:26:000
50 James Duncan GBC Racing Team 02:07:28:000
51 Neil Poulton Ogmore Valley Wheelers 02:07:29:000
52 Andrew O’Connor Mono CC 02:07:37:000
53 Stephen Harvey Paceline RT 02:07:40:000
54 Michael Porter Radeon-Bike Science RT 02:07:40:000
55 John Edwards Cardiff JIF 02:07:40:000
56 Campbell Steel Royal Air Force CA 02:07:49:000
57 Oliver Craig Mono CC 02:08:08:000
58 Timothy Flynn Poole Wheelers CC 02:09:12:000
59 Joseph Thom Kingston Wheelers CC 02:09:54:000
60 Iain Cade Bath Cycling Club 02:10:05:000
61 Steven Cottington Bath Cycling Club 02:10:25:000
62 Steve Coombs Sussex Revolution Velo Club 02:11:34:000
63 Jon Shillingford Thames Velo 02:15:05:000
64 Darren Edwards Bath Cycling Club 02:16:28:000
65 Louis Mochine Swansea Wheelers CC 02:17:47:000
66 Tom Herbert Kingston Wheelers CC 02:21:23:000
67 Mark Valentine Poole Wheelers CC 02:21:23:000
68 Mark Rosser Ogmore Valley Wheelers 02:24:23:000
69 Richard New Velo Club Venta 02:24:23:000
70 Russell White Forza Cycles Racing Team 02:24:53:000
Stage 3 – Road Race
1 Robert Cheng Mono CC 01:49:50:000
2 David Medhurst Cardiff Ajax CC 01:50:46:000
3 Oliver Cooper NFTO Race Club 01:50:48:000
4 George Brett-Dallimore Radeon-Bike Science RT 01:50:48:000
5 James Rogers NFTO Race Club 01:50:50:000
6 Dafydd Rhys Thomas Cardiff Ajax CC 01:50:52:000
7 Peter Dalton Mono CC 01:50:52:000
8 Ryan Weston Poole Wheelers CC 01:50:52:000
9 Lewys Hobbs Forza Cycles Racing Team 01:50:52:000
10 Ian Lee Royal Air Force CA 01:50:55:000
11 Daniel Lewis Royal Air Force CA 01:50:58:000
12 Philip Hopley Radeon-Bike Science RT 01:50:58:000
13 Stephen Hodge Plymouth Corinthian CC 01:51:00:000
14 Ross Mallen Royal Air Force CA 01:51:02:000
15 Tyler Brennan The Bulls 01:51:28:000
16 Michael Williams Forza Cycles Racing Team 01:51:42:000
17 Oliver Craig Mono CC 01:52:53:000
18 Daniel Powell Cardiff Ajax CC 01:52:54:000
19 Martin Rowland Poole Wheelers CC 01:52:54:000
20 Ian Bendall Forza Cycles Racing Team 01:52:54:000
21 Lee Perrott Swansea Wheelers CC 01:52:56:000
22 Darren Gardner Bath Cycling Club 01:52:56:000
23 Oliver Belfield The Bulls 01:52:56:000
24 Nathan Adams Cardiff JIF 01:52:56:000
25 Mark Hannifan Onit Cycle 01:52:56:000
26 William Fleming Velo Club Venta 01:52:56:000
27 Paul Moore Paceline RT 01:52:56:000
28 Paul Nicholas Ogmore Valley Wheelers 01:53:05:000
29 Colin Gunn Paceline RT 01:53:05:000
30 Tom Burnley Thames Velo 01:53:05:000
31 Robert Jones Cardiff Ajax CC 01:57:58:000
32 Andrew O’Connor Mono CC 01:58:00:000
33 Jonathan Ellis Plymouth Corinthian CC 01:58:00:000
34 Timothy Flynn Poole Wheelers CC 01:58:05:000
35 Darren Fearns GBC Racing Team 01:58:05:000
36 Javier Arias Gonzalez Kingston Wheelers CC 01:58:05:000
37 Michael Porter Radeon-Bike Science RT 01:58:08:000
38 Stuart Gourley Radeon-Bike Science RT 01:58:08:000
39 Neil Poulton Ogmore Valley Wheelers 01:58:08:000
40 Louis Mochine Swansea Wheelers CC 01:58:08:000
41 Dominic Davies The Bulls 01:58:08:000
42 Tom Herbert Kingston Wheelers CC 01:58:11:000
43 Nick Lelliott GBC Racing Team 01:58:13:000
44 Iain Cade Bath Cycling Club 01:58:23:000
45 Steven Cottington Bath Cycling Club 01:58:23:000
46 Will Horn Plymouth Corinthian CC 01:58:26:000
47 Michael Hall Onit Cycle 01:58:27:000
48 Mark Valentine Poole Wheelers CC 01:58:27:000
49 Simon Smith Swansea Wheelers CC 02:00:13:000
50 Charles Deacon Sussex Revolution Velo Club 02:02:40:000
51 Jeremy Rees Swansea Wheelers CC 02:03:15:000
52 Stephen Harvey Paceline RT 02:03:22:000
53 Christopher Hewitt Sussex Revolution Velo Club 02:03:22:000
54 Campbell Steel Royal Air Force CA 02:05:48:000
55 Darren Edwards Bath Cycling Club 02:06:58:000
56 Tim Smales Velo Club Venta 02:12:46:000
57 James Duncan GBC Racing Team 02:12:46:000
58 Oliver Winwood Bratchell Velo Club Venta 02:15:15:000





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