2019/2020 Question & Answer

The season is almost upon us where there will be lots of rider chat but we’d like to hear from readers as well so here is a Q&A for everyone 

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2019/2020 Question & Answer

The season is almost upon us where there will be lots of rider chat but we’d like to hear from readers as well so here is a Q&A for everyone  – return it to larryhickmott@hotmail.com 

– Name your 2019 team and who you are riding for in 2020?

– How long have you been racing

– What brought you into cycle racing?

– Highlights of your season 2019?

– What was the best organised/fun race you did in 2019?

– What was the toughest race you did in 2019

– What is your favourite discipline?

– What’s your favourite closed circuit for racing on?

– Favourite rider to watch in the pro peloton?

– Funniest moment in a race in 2019?

– Most embarrassing  moment in a bike race for you?

– If you had to room with a famous professional rider past or present, who would that be?

– Favourite pre-race meal?

– Your bike for 2020 – what will it be and how will it be set up (groupset/wheels etc)

– What races are you looking forward to most in 2020?

– Where’s your favourite training ride?

– Best things about being part of your team?

– When did you start your training for the 2020 season

– Is your training endurance based (hours on the bike) or effort (interval) based with less hours?

– Any warm weather training planned – if so, where’s your favourite destination to escape the British weather?

– When do you expect to start racing in 2020




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