TLI Cycling Looking Forward to a Prosperous Restart of Racing in 2022

An organisation that has since the 1980s been looking after the interests of those wanting to race their bikes, TLI Cycling, is looking forward to a restart in 2022 after a difficult time since the loss of Nigel Harrop, who sadly died early in 2021.

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TLI Cycling Looking Forward to a Prosperous Restart of Racing in 2022

An organisation that has since the 1980s been looking after the interests of those wanting to race their bikes, TLI Cycling, is looking forward to a restart in 2022 after a difficult time since the loss of Nigel Harrop, who sadly died early in 2021. Nigel, the volunteer national secretary of the organisation who also raced himself, oversaw the growth of membership of TLI Cycling for over a decade with many thousands taking out racing licences back in 2019 when there were plenty of members racing of all ages.

The late Nigel Harrop who worked tirelessly for the TLI and the sport of cycling

Events were regularly over-subscribed and the events on the road were very much like any other road race fans see during the year. Back in 2017, Nigel explained that TLI Cycling’s remit is to provide age related (for all) cycling in an enjoyable environment with safety a priority concern. “We’re not a points based organisation or an elite based organisation” Nigel explained at the time. “What we aim to do is to give people who may be starting cycling, returning to cycling, or just enjoying their racing, the opportunity to take part in friendly, well organised events in a safe environment”.

Nigel himself loved to race his bike and was an extremely fit and passionate cyclist. He started cycling in his youth in the hills around Glossop where he grew up. His passion for cycling led to racing where he became Manchester Schoolboy Division Champion; no mean feat in an area that is known for producing good cyclists. He had a number of triumphs on the tarmac, most notably in the 1976 season when he had several excellent wins and placings in road races.

The pandemic however and Nigel’s sad passing, left a big hole in the sport for TLI Cycling. With lockdowns and government regulations preventing racing from taking place in 2020, it was always going to take a lot of hard work by those dedicated to restoring the racing under the banner of TLI Cycling. So, in 2021, after the organisation’s sad loss after the death of Nigel, and with racing returning in the second half of the season, TLI Cycling have been working hard behind the scenes to get a group of people together to take the organisation forward and create more racing for the grassroots in 2022.

A new board for TLI Cycling sees a group of passionate volunteers come together after their AGM in Worsley to take the sport forward under the TLI Cycling banner with a mission statement of ‘Let’s get back to the racing’. The new board is:

— Graham Weigh: Chairman
— Geoff Rawlinson: Managing Director
— Mark Wood: Financial Director
— Tim Ball and Ian Noons: Directors responsible for Racing Calendar co-ordination and administration
— Geoff Saxon and Mark Astles: Directors with Special responsibilities
— Steve Cartwright: Health and Safety Consultant
— Gordon Wallace: Cyber Guardian

Chairman Graham Weigh, whose name is on many a bike out there, says of their mission statement “naturally, we as a group are keen to see a return in every sense of TLI Cycling and all its activities for 2022. We are hoping to also move forward with several innovations to encompass new disciplines in the age related gender neutral environment we have always advocated. From ages 8-80, we want to encourage every facet of bike racing.”

A full and exciting race calendar is being planned for 2022 and the legacy of Nigel Harrop’s work of many years will be felt within the sport in the years to come as the new board aim to re-invigorate the organisation back to the glory days.

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